Short Essays Now, it is under a child bringing-up battle and advance! The forefront line surprised with ギョッ. Wisdom surprised with ワッ! This is child bringing up and a forefront line! Child bringing-up adviser Hayashi Hiroshi . PART, 1 An inner child, what child. If it carries out what It says. It is this PART and 1 to have written experience of the early childhood education for 29 years and it. It may be righter to call it what collected countless persons' child bringing up which could say, and passed the I front until now rather than it wrote. If it thinks "a child does not understand ....", after any page is sufficient, please open and read this book. You should surely discover your child there. Textbook problem The summer of 1967. I went over the Republic of Korea as one of the Japan-South Korea student exchange students of UNESCO. Those days, there were still no diplomatic relations between Japan and South Korea. Only for the day and one day, it will be to have been welcomed although it was greeted in the brass band when it arrived at the Pusan harbor. Wherever the rest might go, I was stood as the target of a Japanese attack. That Mr. Kim So-um had guided us directly. It is a man of culture representing the Republic of Korea. " It has not made a mistake in a Japanese textbook. Me, however, all are not taught -- " was keenly realized And 30 years or more. This state has not yet changed. A certain man (65 years old) said like this. "South Korean annexation was right. Since Japan made the railroad and the road, the Republic of Korea has developed so far." Since there are those who say such anachronism, Japan is always seen by the white eye from Asia. It is not made a partner however it may scatter money. A complaint can be said, even if Japan will be merged into some country in a reverse position in the future, supposing that South Korean annexation is right. Japanese people -- it is not known why With the textbook incidentally adopted in Japan, it is as follows. "In Korea made into the colony, Japan developed preparing a railroad and the institution of irrigation etc. and started land investigation." (the Fuso version) However, the person who the Japanese government government forbade Korean use, forced the worship to a shrine, and offered resistance by one side was oppressed. The person hushed up from darkness is innumerable. If such a fact tends to be covered and it is going to justify South Korean annexation, isn't the man of the Republic of Korea or China angrily natural? With the textbook, it is as follows. "It was thought that it was required in order that a South Korean annexation may defend safety of Japan and the rights and interests of Manchuria." There, as for the remorse as a person concerned who caused war, one piece is not woven, either. It is painful to accept one's mistake. However, since a mistake is accepted, justice starts. The justice is made for there to be nothing and a country is not realized. Even education is not realized. Do we stretch a breast to a child and what tell him we can teach? The end for 99 years. There was the exchange student's class reunion. Although I was not able to go, the present M talked like this. "Most students of that time by the side of the Republic of Korea are acting as the president of a member of the Diet or a company now." saying [ that such men are trying hard now with much trouble the sake / of Japan ] -- why -- Japan -- Japanese people -- is what dares beat and break it done? The limit of school education - Liberalization of educational severity - education is the solution method. An one-day visit day The parents who stood back are louder than children. There are even parents who have telephoned in the passage -- Although it is the familiar spectacle in Japan, such things cannot exist in the United States. It cannot also be Canada. The educational structure itself is different. In Europe and America, the government hands parents a subsidy directly at once. For example, in Germany, the "child money" of 230 German marks of monthly amounts (it is about 14,000 yen at a Japanese circle) is uniformly passed per one child to the parents with a child. The school ticket called voucher is passed in the United States. It is fair if it enters into a subsidy of house income how much. Parents choose a school, after gaining such money. A teacher is chosen. That is, the view toward a "school" and "education" is fundamentally [ Japanese parents ] different. Moreover, in Canada, although a teacher takes responsibility for a lesson, a lesson is left and the posture in which responsibility is not taken puts into practice. Therefore, in a school side, a teacher's address does not teach even a telephone number. If in other words an untidy lesson is carried out, it will come out so much and the teacher's fired will be blown away. Furthermore, in many schools in the United States, the renewal system of a contract in every year is taken to employment of a teacher. Such severity makes school education the strain thing. In the West, educational liberalization is already common sense. At the public elementary school in the United States, even the curriculum is mostly decided to be himself by itself. There is no textbook said of course in Japan. And after the so-called outside-the- university club activities are prosperous and a school finishes children, it goes to an arithmetic club, a science club, or various kinds of sport clubs (Germany). Even from the Japanese government, a "day text-ized center" etc. is made in various places, and the club activities are supported in him, (Canada, Australia, etc.). The school omnipotent principle is making it still hear in widely and this Japan. Not to mention education, it is forced on a teacher to morality upbringing and also a living guidance, and everybody is doing the calm face. If the child of active ?´?c?e is touched directly for 1 hour, it will get tired all also by the considerably sturdy teacher. Neither bureaucrats nor common parents understand such "difficulty" at all. Although the word "structural reform" is often used, it is the educational world to be now asked most for the structural reform. I consider the future of Japan and those who are living a peace life in structure, and those who are not so want you to take up this problem calmly at once. the heart of "oppression induces an evil spirit" and the distorted child "Oppression induces an evil spirit" is in the proverb of Britain. If the oppression state of the heart continues, although it will say that the view of a thing becomes in evil spirit, there is no proverb to which this proverb is applied to a child's heart. If the fault burden which surpassed the capability of children, such as severe extortion of study, continues, the view of a child's thing will become just in evil spirit. There was such a child (smallness 4 boy). The child was quiet and was a quiet child. A place which is [ to / others' mood ] always sensitive to the child who cares about a man's eyes very much was to be. However, when removing it, it was a very ordinary child. が -- being certain -- Japanese -- I was surprised for me to look at the child's note The figure of the human being who blood scatters, struggles and is in pain was drawn on what and there a lot! There were also a "life", "殺", and a character to say. And the mouth split greatly and, as for each drawn face, blood was flowing with Tara Tara from there. A body, a bomb, etc. which do not have a head in others. The cause was father. By the nervous person, a duty of study of 2 hours or more was imposed upon the child every day. And when the workbook which is the norm of the day had not carried out, also midnight, the child was dragged out out of the bed and it was carried out. Although the "淳 Mr. murder case" which occurred in Kobe is still fresh in memory, there is a cruel incident which makes it consider without limit on the spot. Although it was a thing just behind it, there was such an incident at the elementary school with a Hamamatsu in the city. A one child (smallness second son child) says that the kept rabbit was dropped from on the slide stand, and he has killed it. Of course, as for this incident, time became the big problem also among parents among teachers only at time. There were some children (junior high school student) who otherwise put the 殺虫 agent of a spray into a teacher's teacup teacup. The insect was put into the milk bottle and there were some children (junior high school student) who threw it and were playing. carry out main [ of a cat or the rabbit ] -- when it becomes the child who kills in a half, it is without limit There were also a child (small child) who otherwise wrested away the head of the caught insect and was playing, and a child (smallness 3 boy) who attached fireworks to the kept pigeon and has killed. If parents' severe fault burden and severe excessive meddling continue daily, a child will abolish the power of considering personally and the so-called common sense will tend to become the child of a gap. It may have unusual pride and the jealousy heart. Not all the children of such condition can say that he became so by the fault burden or excessive meddling. However, it cannot be said more that neither a fault burden nor excessive meddling is the causes. A child is going to make it emit the frustration which accumulated into in a certain form. This can also explain the cause of bullying or intrafamily violence after all. It is known well that the heart will get cold in the child who passed through intense studying for an examination as general principles. It becomes rationally and calculating. What is necessary is just to look around your circumference, if it thinks that it is a lie. There is a person with the warm heart, and the person who is not so is in your circumference. However, you know that the heart is as warm as those who are alive in the world unrelated to school education. The feeling of oppression produced though it is unavoidable is one side, and shouting at a child, saying "study" distorts a child's heart. Don't forget it. - directions "with which papa will be pleased if it carries out like this" -- concrete There is no meaning in the directions without concreteness. For example, saying "a friend and relations improve" and "a teacher's talk is often heard" has only the meaning about soothing of the side which says it. So is saying, "It takes care about a traffic accident." At such a time, it says like this. Does " it have this OO in the A? If I want a friend and relations to improve The A is surely glad." If I want you to often hear a teacher's talk, it will say, "If it comes back from a school today, what talk did the teacher do or talk later?" About a traffic accident, it is good to act and show the situation of the accident at once. (A car runs) -> (child runs out) ->(car hits child) -> (a child struggles and is in pain). If it is vivid performance, it is good a certain degree. Although it may begin to shed tears if it is the weak child of mind, think that it is for protecting a child's life, and never extract a hand. Don' t make fun. There was such a child. Even if mother was careful of the child how many times, he was playing in the nearby brook. Then, drainage of a toilet passed along where how, and a certain Japanese mother showed in order how it would flow in the brook later on, walking. Henceforth, the child stopped playing in the brook. Tell give concreteness to the directions given to a child in short. Also as follows, this method is applicable. For example, pride. Even if it says, "Value yourself", it is meaningless too. "How to value a name" is taught at such a time. Furthermore, specifically, the maximum 尊重 of that to which the newspaper or the magazine has also come out of a child's name is carried out. It keeps cutting, and it sticks on a high place or keeps in an album. In front of everybody, praising is also good. And it is said "your name is a good name" and "it is a wonderful name " each time. By valuing one's name, a child studies valuing oneself. It leads to pride. For example, easy. Even if it calls it "how to be kind to people it", it is meaningless too. "" papa will be pleased with if it carries out like this" each time such a time -- -- if this is divided -- OO (younger sister) -- being glad -- " and a partner -- 喜ばす -- things are taught Moreover, it teaches that it is that it is pleasant also for itself after all. A gentle person says the thing of those who get it in a natural form. For example, value of a life. Even if it calls it "how to value a life", it is meaningless too. if it is going to teach a child the value of a life -- what -- living -- a thing -- be -- perform a memorial service [ death / "death" / the ] carefully The child itself 味わs lonesomeness and sadness and turns them. For example, suppose that your pet died. Then, you wrap the 死骸 to a paper bag or something, and if what throws away with ポイ is done, your child will come to think that a "life" is such a thing. And it comes to waste being the life and that it is further alive itself. By any religion, a memorial service [ death ] is performed carefully. Isn't it for reconfirming that it is alive as the reflecting effect, performing a memorial service [ death ]? while also considering such a thing -- death -- up to [ where ] -- solemn . In addition, although there are some persons who give the fear (punishment a hell theory, argument, etc.) to death, and teach the value of a life, this is a wrong way in the educational world. Never don't make it a small child or a young child. Parent and child who become "I having あんた take responsibility" and a rose rose The A abolished the job by the restructuring of a company. Since it had the qualification of 企業診断士, the apartment in the city was borrowed and the consultant office was opened. Work has come in が and the depression from a chip box to a deadlock immediately. However, it was the beginning of the tragedy. The eldest daughter who just became the freshman in a university first blamed the A. "I have only a university taken out. I have あんた take responsibility." Next, the second daughter also joined it, and since it was carrying out that "father was only selfish, it became like this." Although mother has to enter in between and has to adjust fathers and daughters here if it is original, even the mother said, "A life is impossible" and has run out of the house. Even if it calls it a family, once the gear goes mad, it will be out of order also to where. It will be out of order and will become a rose rose. The A said like this. "When it asked for help by the thing of running away from home of a wife, しょ" was told to the eldest daughter with "natural consequences of its own deed. The thought in which the back freezes then carried out." The A gathered up money out of the relative somehow, and he managed the eldest daughter's tuition. where 吹くs, such as が and such difficulties, -- a style The eldest daughter has stopped approaching the A's place, although a wife returns to the parents' home of Mie Prefecture which is bringing near the body. If allowance is overdue, it will be said that a reminder of an arrow arrives from the eldest daughter. Although there may be some persons who consider the A like an untidy man when it writes like this, it is very ordinary serious type human being typical moreover. A number of percent of Japanese people may call it a person like him. Any difficulties are いとわない, if it is a family thought harder than others and it is for a family. The A says like this. "It is midnight to go out for work early in the morning, and to always return. The family thought that he was satisfied with it. However, for oneself, since completely different how to catch was adopted, it is peevish, and wives and daughters are with ". Now, the A of the is worrying on the second daughter's entrance-into-a-school-of-higher- grade problem. If it starts "since there is no money ...." saying, even if the second daughter has such a thing said now [ "], she will be troubled." "It is troubled if I do not have such talk said beforehand." It can go to the proverb of Britain to fish together, and " is in it rather than he buys " child the fishing rod. Parents are buying a child some things, and I may consider it as if it did the duty as parents. が and the heart which is then a child cannot be held. When you want to hold a child's heart, it is with "go fishing." In this way, gap of parent and child's consciousness starts but so that it may be that there is nothing anything. Parents who think, "Carried out." The child who regards it as "natural." And the gap is piled up innumerably and becomes like the A. It is that a family's heart had become the rose rose when having noticed some day. It is a word in passing. The post-baby boomers of the postwar period, we, know that hunger. Therefore, if you do not want children to carry out the hungry thought, its best will have been done in them. a result -- now -- children do not know the meaning of the word of "being hungry" itself However, it is going to backfire now at the home here and there. Although the A's home is also such a home, if it says that it is ironical, there is no this much ironical thing. - refuge "which a student needs to have and should inspect a thing" -- important A thing called the last refuge is in any animals. By running into this refuge, an animal secures the safety of the body and relieves the heart. The same is said of man's child. A child's emotion will become unstable, if parents are calm and come to invade this refuge. When the worst, it may also become running away from home. Under those circumstances, if it is informed with a place [ inviolability sacredly / a refuge ] for a child and a child escapes to a refuge, don't do what it pursues and damages that. He cannot preach a sermon or scold. Although a refuge is the room of は自分 mostly for a child, if it turns out that safety is not securable there, a child will come to ask somewhere else for a refuge. When the A (smallness 2) was scolded by parents, he had run into the toilet. The B (smallness 4) was hiding in the nearby park. The C (seniority child) entered into the doghouse, and he was spending time. There were some children who escaped the inside of a telephone booth and on the roof. Furthermore, when parents come to damage this refuge, as written also as the point, it will be called "running away from home." This type of child has all the things that it can have, and has the feature of on the other hand keeping away from a house rapidly to 向. A bag, a doll, a toy, etc. The D (smallness 1) put even vegetables into the inside to lower, and he ran away from home. On the other hand, since it runs away from home only with a required thing, running away from home with the purpose is distinguishable. So that it may say that が and running away from home which the purpose does not understand are repeated, if, you have to 猛省 the way that should be of home environment. It reflects on whether there are excessive meddling, fault concern, overbearing child bringing up, unreasonableness, compulsion, etc. An intense home disturbance may become a cause. A child's room does not reach for saying but there are those who investigate without notice in a bag in a desk in が further. However, since a child's privacy will be trampled down, it is careful of such acts. It carries out, after asking for a child's permission, even when going into a child's room, if it can do. A partner also does a small child so. " I am me. The inside such a posture of whose is a child, Although you call it you", you raise a view. Although the talk changed, when the murder incident by the knife continued in spring of 98, there was opinion "a student (junior high school student) needs to have and inspect a thing." however, the teacher who gives his name in an educator needs to look [ of a child's bag ] in at all -- it is not る Since I etc. got married, it has not looked [ of a wife's bag ] in. サイフ cannot be taken out, either, even if there is permission. Mine is so disagreeable that doing such a thing considers as ゾッ. What is necessary is just to consider in an opposite position, if this is not known. Or what is necessary is just to remember the time you are a child. You must also have had a thing called the last refuge. Moreover, privacy is invaded and the unpleasant thought had been carried out. It may already call it the humane displeasure exceeding reason. its own soul -- a crack -- the price -- れる -- as if -- it is displeasure If it is known, you must not do it to a child. Parent and child must not do it, either. In order to protect a child's 尊厳. "-- since the A is a bad child, if he associates, don't blame ダメ" and a friend -- blame an act If your child sees from you and begins to associate with the friend who is not desirable, what do you do? And it is supposing it begins to memorize the play which is not very good from the friend .... For even free, the ironbound rule at such times is. don't blame "friend -- blame an act -- " -- it comes out They are such things although this is the proverb of Britain. such cases -- "-- what saying to ダメ" and a child if he associates, since the A is a bad child presses a child for an alternative of "whether do you take a friend or take parents" as They are means if your child takes you. However, if that is not right, a big crack will enter between you and a child. A friend is a child's character itself for the child. It is equal to denying a child's character desert a friend. The more you blame a friend, the more your child is 立たed by the plight. It is very unsavory to drive a child into such a state. Then, what does it carry out? An act is blamed in such cases. Moreover, it stores in the range. tobacco is "bad" on the body, "it not being healthily good, if it carries out in 夜ふ and it carries out", there "there being those who cannot sleep and are troubled, if night noise is raised by motorbike", etc. Tips should never take out a friend's name. The child itself is made to judge, and it makes and turns. And the rest waits for the time. If it is only written as ...., it will be finished as retail of the proverb of Britain. Then, I already advance with this proverb near at hand 1 step. And such a proverb was made. " Blame an act and praise a friend." In front of those who trust themselves, a child is going to show himself. [ good ] A partner' s friend is first praised using such a child's character. "-- the B of your friend, and that child -- humor -- it is -- an interesting child -- " "Your friend's B 君って, and a good child. Does it have this present?" Such language surely travels to a partner's child through your child. And the child of the partner who knew it comes to play himself how to meet your expectation and in front of you. [ good ] That is, although you operate a partner's child by remote control through your child, this belongs to high technology also in child bringing up. However, a word. good -- "-- an inner child is not bad A friend is only bad. There are parents who say [ that it was only invited by the friend" and ]. However, the thing for which his child is first suspected in such cases as the proverb of "birds of a feather flock together." There was a junior high school student who drinks alcohol and was admonished for the festival. Although parents cried [ "it was only invited" and ] and he was excused, when investigated, the child was a principal offender rank. There is often a case which is called .... Although it is hard to suspect one's child, if you think "a friend is bad", think "a cause is its child." Therefore, too many, even if it blames a friend, it is meaningless. It is the noted proverb which is made to regard it as it being the proverb which is not anything with educational advanced nation England ! truly but. There "there being few salaries of father ...." and husband and wife are monolith (he has no illustration) *. Even if that is not right, difficult one is child bringing up. Why can child bringing up do husband and wife's heart with a rose rose? Slander with the taboo mutual also of it in a taboo. A certain mother always said to the daughter (seniority child) like this. "Probably, there are few salaries of father. Therefore, mother is suffering troubles." Or "father does not have school education and is not made into a partner in a company. You are with without it becomes so." Although she is so said as mother, adding that he wants to make a daughter an ally, a daughter's heart separates from mother soon. If it only separates, it stops following mother's directions better. If the person who is reading this sentence is mother, father is looked up to first. And I have father do the role of a captain. If it is wise mother, it does so. If the person who is reading this sentence is father, mother is looked up to first. And I have mother do the role of a captain. That is, the partner of each other is put on a high dimension. For example, when pressed for some important decision, it says, "Shall we let's carry out after asking father?" (after asking "mother on the contrary, I will carry out"). Even if there is confrontation of an opinion temporarily, it does not carry out in front of a child. With being [ it / ダメ ]" mother if boiled rice is eaten, watching "television toward father and a child " about [ that good there is nothing じゃあ and television ]" Such conversation is unsavory. In such cases, mother supports like this to father's having said. "Since father has said so, do so." And if there is an opinion as mother, it will adjust in the place in which a child is not present. That is right when a child speaks ill of the school teacher. A child is first rebuked " It will be because you are bad." It cannot chime in. It processes in the world which is unrelated to a child when there is no child, supposing a teacher has a problem. This is Nori Ohara of home training. There is a certain prominent professor. There is also a best seller exceeding several 100, 000 parts. In his own work, he is writing like this. "Show a child a quarrel between husband and wife. It is a good opportunity teaching confrontation of an opinion." However, if a philosophy dispute is also carried out with its wife anyway, don't show a child an unsightly thing like a quarrel between husband and wife. Only always that to which a quarrel between husband and wife etc. does not bear は見る mostly. in order that the professor may otherwise deepen the bonds with "child -- an amusement park -- purposely -- a missing child -- then, it is good -- being " and "it being good to expel a child from a house for 2 or 3 days in order to make domestic kindness understand" -- it is writing It is surprising 暴論. If it is purposely made a missing child, parent and child's confidential relation will disappear. Supposing your child becomes missing half a day at it, what do you do? you -- also searching -- it may take out A child builds his own husband-and-wife image, seeing parents. A home image is built. Furthermore, it builds to a character of a man. Supposing there is what parents show a child in such meaning, it discusses with sufficient relations, and, and husband and wife console, and are suited and needed. It helps each other and suits [ it is glad and ], and it drops off, and it awakes, and suits and needs. an old thing is said -- as -- but -- such of Mr. "-- " has sunk in into the child, and for the first time, personally, a child can build a good husband-and-wife relation, and can have a good home In Europe and America, it sets it as the greatest target of home training to make a child into "good home people." The first step will call "husband and wife monolith." an art theory of - child "in which a man is not lost [ of only this ] by any means" Although study was completely ダメ, the S is handicraft and the T had shone himself also for the S (inside 1) and the T (smallness 3) on the skate, respectively. Although the child " study and 1" is also in inside, once this type of child stumbles in study, as for the back, results will fall so that a hill may be fallen and fallen. For the reason at such a time, not calling it .... only gives a child an art. This art supports a child from the side. Or the art may establish itself. [ of the child ] When the M goes into a high school, he repeats truancy and has stopped hardly going to a school from から soon. And in order to kill time in the meantime, only golf was played in the nearby park. After (が and 10 years). It came to my house unexpectedly, said like this, and I was surprised. "A teacher and I have earned money from the teacher." He had become the pro coach of golf. This art does not make and is found. Even if parents are going to make by force, it fails mostly. Even if he took the bath, the E (2 years-old child) was calm, and he went underwater into hot water and was playing. Then, mother considered in "there is a talent of swimming" and put in to the swimming class. As expected, the E showed the talent which is swimming and was excellent, and at the time of junior high school two years, by the time he participated in the national conference, he grew. So is the S (seniority child). The solved thing with which father bought the new car. It gets interested in the switch of a car and the S is with "this is what and this is what." Then, since I had consultation from mother, I recommended to buy the S a personal computer. A personal computer is like the lump of a switch. It became, by the time the S mastered the BASIC language as a third grader in an elementary school and he mastered the C language after that as a first-year student in a junior high school. This art. Parents need to consider a sanctuary. There are parents who say well, "Soccer (he likes) is stopped since results fell." however, when stopping soccer, it was made to stop in fact -- it comes out and results fall more An art is such a thing. However, it is not an art if a video game is nice, to collect many cards. An art here shines in a group and it says a creative thing toward future. "A creative thing" is a meaning called that by which work and the contents are polished by efforts. And although this is important, if an art is found in a child, time and money will be spent fully. The merit of only such 思いっ lengthens a child's art. It changes into the state of saying, "Only that fellow is about this field even if who sees. " If it says in a child's position, it will change into the state of saying, "A man is not lost only in this by any means." Although you may put in another way as an art, i.e., the talent, as for finding the art, even 4 or 5 years-old time fights from an infants time. This time and a child get interested in what thing, and observe calmly what thing is done. The wonderful talent may be hidden also for it being visible like a trivial thing apparently in it. One of the important duties of home training also judges it. It is the place which "desk is after [ purchase ] three months, and is absent from lumber room stand" and a desk. There is not a child's studying desk in order to study, but there is in order to rest. It gets tired with any study after a while. A problem is that time of getting tired. They are means, if it sits on a desk as it is then and it rests. Otherwise, a child separates from a desk.... Study is interrupted equal sign and there. At once, the interrupted study does not return to a basis easily. Then, when choosing a desk, it chooses, considering whether it is the desk which rests as it is. Recently, the studying desk of the shelf type which has a shelf in front is in use. However, although this type of desk can be done functionally, there is a feeling of oppression, and if it uses for a long time, the feeling of 抑うつ will be produced. If へ た is carried out, it will deal in the remote cause with disagreeable study. Actually, when I investigated, the desk of this shelf type is after [ purchase ] three months, and found that a little more than about 80% was a lumber room stand (it investigates about the first grader in an elementary school, and 30 persons). Then, I will investigate your child and the affinity of a studying desk. A method is performed as follows. he is likely to like a child first -- it eats and a thing is prepared And it is indirectly placed on a child's desk. They are means, if a child sits on a desk as it is and eats it then. However, so that a child may move it from a desk to somewhere else and may eat it, if, it will be concluded that it is quite uncongenial. Or when your child has come back from the school, it sits down first where and observes whether the body is rested. So that a child may sit on his own desk and may rest the body then, if, it will be concluded that the affinity with the desk is very good. If you say previously from a conclusion, the point of a studying desk should be (1) 平机. (2) Prepare as large space as possible before a desk. (3) The thing with a feeling of oppression should place a shelf etc. back. (4) From the position which sat on the desk, arrange so that a door is visible. When a door is in a back side, it falls mentally, wears and suits. (5) The position of a window is also important. As for a window, it is good to be in left-hand side from the position which sat on the desk. This is the sake (it investigates about about 100 persons) of lighting. However, a chair is more important in fact. When you choose a desk, a chair should sit down and see ごごち. The portion of a chair which sits down is even and it is harder. A thing [ spread ] is better than a narrow thing. the elbow which can rest an arm, or injury あれば - - in addition, it is good Although the soft chair made into ふ or ぶ sits down apparently and its こち can be clearly seen, it turns out that it tends to be tiring in fact. Moreover, purposely, it slouches and there is a chair to learn. The chair itself inclines to a front. However, during study, although efficiency is increased, it cannot be absent from that chair in the state where it sat down. That is, study is interrupted there. In addition, if it sees about the low grade child of an elementary school, most children will study using the table of a kitchen etc. A child chooses and studies the most comfortable place, while it is unconscious. supposing it comes out so and it is -- a table -- positive -- a studying desk -- then, there is also a hand to say A child may progress and may come to study. The view of what carries out study at a studying desk is not applied to this time at least. In short, there is a thing called affinity among the things. If the affinity is bad, long time will be spent and a child will be pulled in the direction of minus. When considering a child's study environment, it judges, seeing not a function but the affinity. The sense in money matters of - child "which should have held a child's heart" (illustration- less *) In between like elementary school two years (8 years old), a child's sense in money matters is completed from seniority (6 years old). You may conclude that the sense in money matters becomes almost the same with grown-up it. They are not only が and it. A child will let this time pass and will memorize to the way of filling which fills 物欲 with money. And it has big influence on the view of the thing of the point and a child from it. As for the money of the child of this time, it is good to double 100 and to consider. For example, 100 yen of a child are equivalent to 10,000 yen of an adult. 1000 yen is equivalent to 100,000 yen. Although parents buy and give a child a thing easily, the satisfaction which a child acquires is equivalent to 10,000 yen after becoming an adult, and 100,000 yen. What do the child familiar to "being given" and the child familiar to "satisfying a desire with money" become in the future? There is already also no 言べく. Although the bubble economy burst truly and such a tendency became small, there are many people who still have misunderstanding with the love of "buying [ an expensive thing ]" equal sign and parents. By buying and giving a more expensive thing, parents think "a child's heart should be held." Or it thinks "the child must be thankful to parents." が and this are entire misapprehension. In fact, it is an opposite effect. There is nothing so then. The perverted sense in money matters drives a child's criterion itself mad. A certain child (smallness second son child) said like this. "Since new game software will be put on the market tomorrow, I have you go to buy a mama." then, me -- "-- buying it, after seeing in what thing -- if it is called ?" -- " then, it will be behind" The child says, "It is behind." The latest children are going to protect their status (status) rather than others by having more what more seldom goes into a hand early. The contents of 物欲 itself differ from ancient times. It has deteriorated. As what calls it .... was considered, such a scene appeared in television by chance. The girls' high school students who are doing the compensated dating had answered "since he wants money." it comes out to the question "why such a thing is done" And a sense in money matters itself is seared. Only always brand-name goods [ say / 100,000 yen and 200,000 yen / what is being piled ]! Now, a birthday. Now, Christmas. What thing do you buy [ a thing ] and give a child? Is it a 1000 yen thing? Or is it a 10,000 yen thing? How much is a New Year's present given? Is a thing needed made to buy it though given? Or is money made to save? No, is the child made to do only suitable difficulties for giving it before it? which -- an imitation -- however, only as for this, to memorize is good When you bought the 10,000 or 20,000 yen present with ホイ ホイ for the 5 or 6-year-old child, it was given to him and a child becomes a high school student and a college student, you have to buy and come to give a 1 million yen and 2 million yen thing. That is, if such a thing is not done, a child will stop being satisfied. If you have the financial ability and the generosity of only that, although a story is different, it is [ story ] better [ which meets ] to stop for a child, if it did not come out. Soon, your child becomes a profligate son and a ドラ daughter, and it stops attaching a hand. coming out and suffering [ which became when that be right ] troubles -- you -- not but, it is the child itself after all Such a method of lengthening - child "which the head becomes good truly" Can you cover and eat chocolate in white boiled rice? Milk and cocoa is sufficient. What is necessary is just to try at once, if it thinks "it cannot do." It is called conversion of the way of thinking to say so. At once, the people from Australia who stayed at inside taught such a way of eating. They were attaching and eating jam on tofu! Such stimulus will be given if you want to receive a child's head. If it says more, the unexpected nature which is regarded as "あれっ" will be valued. The more unexpected nature is large, the more the nerve tissue in a brain progresses. Mannerism is not good. Mannerism considers the powerful enemy of intelligence development. It is not spending money even if it calls it .... Conversion of the way of thinking is very familiar, and starts. Moreover, if familiar, a stimulus is also large a certain degree. 葉っぱ of the plants of the yard is torn and blown. A sushi is arranged in in a toy track. He has been surprised to see the bread which carried out the form of an animal although I who meet so was also a long time ago as a child. He does not yet forget the freshness felt at that time. A usually clever child has the way of thinking, and it is interesting. Bread is hollowed and it is tunnel play. A mule is connected with a string and it is train ごっこ etc. There was a child (smallness 3) who put the clock into the glass containing water and was playing. If mother asks, "Why is such a thing done?", since it is written as "waterproofing, the experiment is conducted." However, the same mischief also puts clay in a wall socket. A mischief, such as melting paints and applying to a car, is not desirable. An unacquainted child carries out a surprising mischief to judgment of good and evil. Although remembered in the talk of receiving the head, when チュー in グガム is chewed, there is an opinion that the head becomes good. Such a paper was introduced to the magazine U.S. a "science." When it comes out and this talk was carried out, a certain mother called it "では" and made her child almost chew chewing gum every day. And it was continued during several years from the time of a seniority child. It came out and, as a result, as for the child, the head becomes good truly but. This method is vacantly made somewhere and especially an effect is in the child who tends to attach and be late for something. I think .... Moreover, there was a girl who has language power exceptionally by the seniority child. If only composition power is seen, I will think that there were 3 of an elementary school and power more than a fourth grader. When it came out and the secret was asked to mother, it taught like this. "The book was read every day and the tape was made to record and hear it from the time of a baby." Mother's hobby is driven. The tape was made to hear it whenever it went out. this time -- a rose -- although the rose talk has been written, it becomes one more and a rose rose, and subsequently is alike, and there is also such a talk The foundations of a child' s athletic ability are decided by 敏しょう性. The 敏しょう性. There were one person and a child (seniority boy) good at dodge ball. ばしっ hidden from the child -- it was deep " It raised with bare feet from the time of a baby. If it comes out and the reason is asked to mother What may be seen by the neighboring man by the white eye since the rainy days were also bare feet." When you want to make a child into a child good at movement in the future, it is good to raise with bare feet as much as possible. "-- that child -- a smell -- the responsibility (nothing [ illustration ]) of" and 嫌われっ子, and parents It investigated [ "what child is disliked" and ]. Consequently, it comes out (1) dirty and is a stinking child. (2) It is dampish, character is dark and it is a quiet child. (3) The child with bad character understood (it investigates about smallness 4 child and 30 persons). dirty -- stinking -- "when it goes past, there is a ヘン smell プン", "a mouth being a smell ", "the hair of hair being dirty", "アカ having accumulated in the head", a dress is "dirty", " the hobby of a dress being bad", "only nose クソ being picked", "he having always had a running nose", "the hair of hair ネバネバing", because, "the whole being dirty っぽい", etc. It seems that a child is more sensitive than an adult to a smell. it being dampish and saying [ that character is dark ] -- "it is easy to be timid", "it not being interesting", "it being easy to have an inferiority complex", "nothing being spoken", etc. Quiet [ "quiet" ] That is, it was. me -- "-- since trouble is made to nobody -- saying - - coming out -- there is nothing -- if " is heard -- "since it does not know what is considered, it is uncanny" moreover, saying [ that character here is bad ] -- "teacher front "for which an upperclassman is flattered" -- saying -- ", "it talking proudly" proudly, and 子ぶる " nastiness" "-- selfish -- ""is immediately and says darkness" -- conspicuous -- wanting - - 屋 -- " etc. [ himself kitchen ] [ " and ] There were also one person and a child who also said, "It is disliked that a face is ヘン." Say that that see the reason raised here and it is known also has many which can be prevented if parents are careful of a few. About especially "the dirty and stinking child" of (1), that is right. I considered from this the proverb "responsibility of 嫌われっ子 and parents." For example, there was such a thing. The A (inside 1) suited bullying in school. It was disliked by the friend. The smell written to the A of the although the A and mother were worrying about it. The unpleasant smell which cannot say a decomposition smell as body smell, either, whenever he moves the body and which cannot be said not at all drifted the hit. He has not noticed it but that a problem is in how to wash the body in a bath. Then, a certain day and I were at a loss, and said to the A like this. "In a bath, the body will often be washed." が and this word enraged him. Even if it made it him, there was thought of having said caring most. he is washing with" my " -- saying -- it became and has gone away from a classroom as it is Also for a small child, a smell child is a smell. There is a smell like 病臭. Although I often stroke a child's head, in inside, the child of the hair of the hair made into ヌルッ is also. The A (whole year child) was so. Then, when it thought that it would advise and he met the A's mother, the mother also had the same smell! .... A child's world but there are the world of the locked-up room. And overcrowded. Various human relations are entangled intricately. All problems are whirling daily. That is, the world is not so simple as adults consider, and there is a problem which appears in a table only at a mere part. It does not become that this type of child always disliked as for "嫌われっ子" raised here even so. However, it is not a light problem, either, so that you may ignore. Also about the problem of bullying, sometimes, we look at only an external phenomenon and have the tendency to discuss a child's world. It is insufficient only at が and it. Since I wanted you to understand it, it dared have taken up the problem of 嫌われっ子 here. "If you are such a private school, stop", and the heart of the child who is not simple When it passed by the A by the passage in a certain morning, the A said like this. "It is just going to go to a school to protest after this." It is like this when the talk is heard. "A child's test with a point bad [ an inner son's (smallness 4) teacher ] throws and returns. Such a thing cannot be allowed." However, does it meet truly? Even if a child wants to come to stop a private school etc., he never says, "I want to stop. " It is first begun to speak ill of a teacher at such a time. "The nap is carried out during session". [ "it does not teach seriously", "it being partial", ] That is, if it is such a private school, it acts as parents, and it is made to think "stop" and turns. There were some children (smallness 3 girl) with whom the cause was threatened in order to "tell your mother an all true thing shortly", and it otherwise came to speak ill of the school teacher to the school teacher. Although the child is the reason which got ahead so to speak, such a means is a child's stock-in-trade. It will be surprising, when only a child's something to say is heard and it receives truly. There is also such an example. Most parents think "an inner child does, if it does." Although it is so, it is one side and there is no language with which this language troubles a child. The B (inside 1) must also have been troubled by the language. then -- being certain -- Japanese -- I advised the B like this Don't you know Mr. "'s power best? How about saying so to だった et al. and father honestly?" However, the B never told father that. it said, when saying -- it will come out and its position will be lost The B was letting as [ one's / my ] pass in various scenes, making parents think "if it does, they do." Or it was made the escape message for deceiving one's slyness. It is not right to think that it is simple, since it is a child's heart. Such の is in the incident which changed my educational view. It is a thing at the time of having become the teacher in the kindergarten. The K (seniority child) was the child who is quiet and is not conspicuous. An opinion was not almost announced from itself in the classroom. It was different が and on that day. The K's mother was coming for the lesson visit. The K called it "highness", and he raised the hand and said his opinion. Then, I praised the K somewhat exaggeratedly. It praised and other children were made to strike a hand. It is then. The K shed スーッ and the tear. Although I thought that I would be a joyful cry surely, even so, consent does not go. Then, the reason was asked to the K after the classroom finished. Then, the K said like this. " Since I was praised, I thought that mother was glad. if it thinks that mother is glad -- a tear -- coming out -- ちゃった - Now, the talk is returned. The A had raged, saying, "Giving up and returning a test is the act which tramples down a child's heart." Or [ が, / meeting truly / ? ] By the way with a teacher, it may play a trick. Possibly it was the act of the range. Although it is not suspecting a child, if a way is mistaken, this kind of protest will break the confidential relation of a teacher and a child in pieces. I worried about that one rather, seeing off the A' s sight of my back. mismatch of "you considering what" and the heart, and expression A child's heart is like a balloon. If pressure is applied at "home", it will be ruined in "a garden or a school." If pressure is applied on the contrary in "a garden or a school", it will be ruined at "home." It may be ruined in the "outer world" with a friend. The problem is not ruined but is that such children wear the so-called mask and have dual personality nature. In front of parents, a dampish younger brother and younger sister bullying are repeated on the reverse side with for the first time in [ a fearful good child ]. The child who starts intrafamily violence plays a good child in many cases in the outer world so that he is not trusted. As general principles, when a sentiment (heart) and expression begin to separate, it comes to be whether to have applied the film to the heart. It will be called "a slow child", when it will see from "the child who does not know what is considered", and parents, if it sees from the side to teach. Or the evaluation "a quiet and gentle child" may be given. Anyway, the heart and expression come to carry out a mismatch (isolation). It passes, floating a smile, even if a swing is seized. Even when it fails and it smiles on everybody, expression is not changed but it is made cool. If it is an ordinary child, the nature "it will carry out like this at such times" disappears. が and a problem are not finished as it. The quiet of expression is the reverse side independently, and this type of child makes the made-up world in many cases. If it only makes, it will live in the world better. It keeps in the character of a game by the Hamah りこん, and distinction of reality and a fancy will stop attaching. A certain junior high school student had recited 呪文 memorized in the game toward empty every night. "Give supernatural power." Or the view of a thing may extreme- ize and may be radicalized. It has the unusual jealousy heart and unusual pride in many cases. Many of causes are in home environment. Overbearing excessive meddling, authoritarian child bringing up, parents' intense emotion insecurity, abuse, etc. Unusual educational fault concern may also become a cause. In view of a child side, the environment where it does not escape from a breath distorts a child's heart. although a child becomes "a good child" apparently as written also as the point -- it -- to the last -- a mask It must not be deceived by this mask. Child bringing up keeps it 80 percent of "seriousness, and random twenty percent" in mind. This is like play of the wheel of a car. A child is this "random portion", lengthens feather and lengthens himself. There are が and those [ its ] who do not allow "it is random. " A compromise is not reached rather than it does not allow. When coming back from outside, its hand is made to surely wash or it is made to gargle etc. This type of parents attach for what [ every ], ask for perfection, and force a child it. And it distorts a child's heart. が and the tragedy still continue. The consciousness does not exist only within this type of parents. About [ that there is nothing ] and himself will be convinced that they are ideal parents. In inside, the person who shows it off dignifiedly is also in a parents' association 's seat etc. It is not so difficult to know a child's dual personality nature. It carries out on the visit day of a garden or a school, and if "a difference" between the child in a home and the child in a garden or a school is seen, it understands. If your child is the same also in the home or the garden, or the school, a problem does not have him. However, in a garden or a school, if [ like another person ], the child who wrote here will be suspected. And supposing it meets, opening of the heart will be valued more than anything. one person -- time to be able to do vacantly calmly is valued "the worse child who can do being dearer", and a vitality -- important From ancient times, it says, "The worse child who can do is dearer." That is right and the better child who can do grows freely personally. .... It will grow up. Therefore, parent and child 's 情 surely becomes thin. However, the bad child who can do is not so. The I (smallness 2) was the bad child who can do. Even if development of language was also overdue and it became the age, interest was hardly shown in the character or the number. the I's father -- the heart -- although it was a gentle person, the I was forced unreasonableness in respect of study However, it is an opposite effect on the contrary. (Unreasonableness is carried out) In the vicious circle of ->(it escapes) -> (unreasonableness is carried out more), the I kept away from study increasingly. By the way, father scolded the I violently. Or it threatened. "In such a thing, it will be late for study." While the I spilt the tear with polo polo to whenever [ the ], it mistook for father. On the other hand, father was father, and は burned the body by ゆさ and sadness, seeing such of the I. "If it jumps into my breast, crying, am also I that mind becomes easy however? The more he scolded, the more it turns out that the feeling of I keeps away. It was hard to me again." In this I's of the case, that it was a person quiet [ mother ] and gentle carried out happy. When father became running recklessly, it entered in between and between father and the I was adjusted. Mother said like this. "Does a master worry about a son's thing to a master, and appear in such action? つ et al. may be る since the son also understands it." It is also parents' love although just a form is somewhat oval. Parents' love which blazes up by the child's although き is bad therefore. The father invited me to the meal. I never told father mind like this in the seat. "father -- let's already abandon it The more father does his best, the more the I keep away from study increasingly. The heart may be distorted. However, if it is now, it still does. It is abandoned, and let's like the I and make it make." I saw the hand which has father's chopsticks then tremble gradually. "teacher -- although told so, with this, a son will become ダメ -- ""what however, will be carried out from the I's face if a smiling face disappears" -- I may be disliked [ " and ] It can bear, if it ends by about [ which is disliked ]. " It falls and falls. However, a son cannot bear falling and falling as it is." the child of "others "such ふう can be told since a teacher is others' child" [ falling / you / from what / do you fall and /" ] In fact, I am the problem and worried 10 years or more. saying [ one's child and others' child ] However, now, it is not any longer. Now, such distinction has not been carried out. However bad き may be at a child's, if even the vitality which the child itself has remains, the child will surely become independent." and -- or [ what ten years after ] -- には -- the home of the rich heart can be built However, things are not easy, if parents get impatient and it crushes to the vitality. It will become the human being who took throughout life for ナヨナヨ. It is very difficult to regain one's footing. There was the I then at the brink. "-- if such a thing is done -- a front is knocked --" and a profligate son syndrome "You can go to sleep only on the bed which he made" is in an English proverb. In short, a result is in things and say that you take the responsibility of the result. The educational world has many such examples. There is "no an inner child is solitary and is troubled", making the child into terrible overprotection. Or there is "why no an inner child does not ハキハキ", withering a child in terrible excessive meddling. There is a profligate son in a little more troublesome case. The M (smallness 3) was such a type of child. Mouth グセ is always the same. "Something is ほ シ - イ". [ "something being ナ-イ?" or ] It is good one anything. If its desire is filled. [ on that occasion ] And it continues so that it is noisy. and -- if its mind is not suited -- "ナ not to load - イ", and "たいく ツ - ウ" As [ be / for him, such as a rule, / a promise cannot be kept and / promise / no ] others should all move for themselves -- と -- there is a place which is considered When the M of the became a high school student, he said like this. "The homeless' party is man's garbage." " I do not become. If I say there, "It will become so also in whom if the gear of life goes mad for a while merely" "ヤツ which cannot protect its life personally does not have useful qualification etc.". [ since it is not バカ," ] It is も言った like this. "Since much money is in inside, it is not troubled by life." The M's house was a landowner from ancient times, brings grandparents' love together in itself then, and was raised. Although it meets various students, he will become deplorable if it meets such students. Teaching itself becomes empty. It will consider till the place said "he does not want such children to give and carry out wisdom" and there "there is what otherwise studied more." There was also such a thing met so. At the time [ three while having refrained from taking an examination ] With the persons [ several ] friend, the M shoplifted and he has been directed. It was a wicked shoplifter. By the reason of "since a school report is influenced", mother of the M who knew it did violent back work, and has smothered the incident itself within the night. And the important affair occurred between a certain day when he became the second-year student in a high school, and me. the -- Japanese -- if I have the just bought fountain pen carefully, is the nib of "ヒロシ (my thing was called so) and its fountain pen fractured? It is with ? which will carry out ヒロ シ what if it fractures." then, me -- "-- if such a thing is done -- a front is knocked -- although it was declared as ", if he considered what or I am deprived of the fountain pen, he will have fractured the nib at hand truly with Gui moment -- me -- him -- flying -- having started . a result -- him -- an eye -- although the large injury several stitches of whose also sew width was carried out -- M -- your mother blamed me, as out of order (I also undertook the blow to the whole body.) Sense sake. It was "Oh, my teacher life was taken now" then determined. Father of が and the M saved me. Coming to the place of me who hang my head and am sitting straight on a floor, father said like this. "teacher -- it often did Thank you. I appreciate from the bottom of my heart. Thank you very much." the heart of "an inner daughter being very fearful" and parents -- a child's heart One mother came and it said to me like this. "An inner daughter (seniority child) uses as a mouth as it is what I consider. It is very fearful." It is like this when the talk is heard. In a her real intention, mother presupposes that it thought "it is dirty" to the thing of the mother -in-law who lives together. Then, the daughter says toward a mother-in-law, "Since it is dirty, it has gone there." Moreover, in a her real intention, mother presupposes that the visitor who came suddenly was regarded as "troublesome." Then, the daughter says toward a visitor, "It is it しょ to come such at the time by trouble." It is called tacit understanding from ancient times also in Japan. Although it is the meaning of having by the heart and telling the heart, when it is in a dense parent-and-child relation, the heart will travel to a child irrespective of と which is not wished that it is desired. A child is a child and will inherit a thought of parents and an idea as it is just as it is. There is such an easy testing method. Two sheets of papers and a pencil are prepared first. And parent and child draw "a mountain, a river, and a house" in a separate place. And if it finishes, parent and child's picture will be compared. If it can do, to compare also with others' picture is good. The parent and child in a dense relation draw the picture alike very well. 1 set draws 20-30 sets of completely same pictures. Parent and child are such a thing. Such other examples exist. For example, father presupposes "it is like a slave in a woman etc.", and that it considered. Then, a son also comes to think so unawares. Or mother presupposes that it thought "the most important thing in this world is money." Then, a child also comes to think so. That is, say that parents make a child's "heart." Parents' responsibility is large. Probably because I who write and who say also grew up in the country town of Gifu Prefecture, predominance-of-men-over-women thought is strong harder than others. .... It was strong. "a bath should not enter behind from a woman", "a woman not interfering in a man's work", etc. It had a view, although it was always called "man ...." and "woman .." Then, it was not easy to change the "heart" which rooted into, although he was able to leave Gifu, he was able to lead student life in Kanazawa, it was able to come out to the foreign country and he was able to be changed in the experience .... Even now, a thing like the ghost remains in somewhere in hearts, and I am troubled. If inattentive, it will appear in a mouth in spite of himself. Although it had become the hard talk, there was also such a thing. The thing was ridden on the Shinkansen on the other day and to solve. Mother and the daughter who sat down back began such conversation. "-- the A -- yes, although it went, that man became the doctor at the age of 30 -- a man --""-- so -- the B -- me -- since it is a college graduate, success in life cannot be expected --""-- the C is good too That man is with since it is the person who was acting as the lecturer in the medical department of K size." the wife who has the director of some large hospital in a husband somehow, and its daughter were looking for the marriage partner -- as -- but -- the contents of the talk -- anyway, I have thought "I am good parent and child" The breath suits ピタリ. Therefore, I said like this also to mother of the beginning. "Are you and the daughter in a wonderful parent-and-child relation? Since it is in such relation with much trouble, you should just consider the daughter's production of the heart using it. All also of the moral sense which you have, and easy and goodness can be told to the daughter of yours as it is just as it is." "Since the lady knows anything", it is jealous of the shade of - bullying. Jealousy is mostly involved in dampish and obstinate bullying on the reverse side. Probably this jealousy can be called one of the feeling primitive so to speak which man had from the time of the lower animals. So, a surprising result will be caused if how to treat is mistaken. There was such a thing in the kindergarten with in the city. The mother was acting as the officer of PTA in the kindergarten. Although the kindergarten was always frequented in the position at the good thing, when rival's mother's daughter (whole year child) was found, obstinate bullying was repeated to the child. A means is like this. The child is purposely acted as him and pushed down on a leg kick, passing the child's side. and "-- I'm sorry, the child is embraced and awoke, smiling a forced smile with ね" Starting, it is the vigor, and the child is thrown, given up and beaten. Henceforth, the child only saw the mother's figure, and says that a face is made deep-blue and he came to be frightened. Although mother who heard the circumstances of things from the child made the talk a partner's mother indirectly, she tells her that the mother did not pretend ignorance and listen to the last. It might be said that it was the doctor to whom fathers work for the same hospital. Mother by whom it was damaged was strong more than it, and was not able to inquire. Although it was the case which was alike, mother who was making the leg kick too a neighbor's child (3 years -old boy) was also in the elevator of an apartment in others. When this talk was made into my mother who turned 80 years old, mother said like this and laughed at it. It is with "since it was to a thing called filicide in the way of the country a long time ago." It is not a child's bullying and exception. The T (smallness 3 girl) was worrying by dampish thing hiding. Gymnastics arrival, the bag, and the mule did not reach for saying, but have been hidden to a scorecard. And it continued one year or more. Although the T considered to transfer, a girl called U currently considered to be the T's best friend was doing thing hiding. When it is found, the T's mother has lost language. "It always remained in the school to the last, and the U was looking for what was lost together." The T is the popular person of a class. It was tall and was a sportsman. On the other hand, however the thickset physique might see U, it was made, and it was not visible to the child with sufficient が. U was always aiming at the T's スキ, carrying out the best friend's ふり. And also recently, there was such a thing. The " inner daughter (inside 2) is worrying about dampish thing hiding. A certain mother か ら What should it carry out?" Although that was right also at the time of the previous T's incident, when such thing hiding continues over a long period of time, the child who is close is suspected first. then, me -- "-- the friend who is now closest -- someone -- if " is heard -- the mother -- "if it says so, there is a child who picks up every morning" Then, I advised like this. It is with "if the child picks up in the morning, gaze at the child's eyes, and say "since the lady knows anything"." The mother said so to the child as my advice. Henceforth, thing hiding disappeared like a lie bordering on the day. "-- although せえ in which it deals will be テメエ -- ア" and impudent children child "く -- it is -- they are エ and a lesson not coming -- it understands simply --" I "-- since it is noisy -- quiet --" child "-- although せえ in which it deals will be テメエ, it is せえ って and 言ってん which deal just in ア" I "what and its way-of-speaking" child "テメエ -- child [ "be left outside if you do not want to study" ] "-- it is what, and I come out and there am in a line -- it does not come to ゃ -- ヨ [ ヨ" I ] [ no ] Leave just you. you -- perfectly -- gold -- it is given -- ろ オ ". It says so, is a leg about a desk, and is 蹴っ飛ば す .... It is not the conversation with a junior high school student or a high school student. It is a schoolchild. And it is a third grader in an elementary school. Only study is improved by the well informed person. Also in the cram school to which he goes, it is said that grade-skipping is carried out for one year. However, I do not regard an adult as an adult, either. I do not regard a teacher as a teacher, either. Now, such children are increasing in number. the problem is not, or it teaches such children how, presses down anger of its own inside how, or comes out Or if it is you, what does it really act as such children? Before a child, criticism of a school and a teacher's slander are a taboo. it said, when saying -- it comes out and your child stops following a teacher's instruction Also in a child's case written to the beginning, mother had a problem. When he is a kindergartener, it is a thing when telling his problem. The mother said to me like this. "You become silent and should be seeing only a son's study." That is, it is with "don't say an excessive thing." Mother herself does not regard the teacher as a teacher, either. Her husband was the doctor of a certain general hospital. To others, I had various experiences. There was also such a thing. the bag containing teaching-materials price -- tips of the toes -- methamphetamine -- flipping -- "-- it takes and the thing of あんた needed is this -- ろ taking -- ナ -- " He was the first-year student in a high school who goes to an entrance-into-a-school-of-higher -grade school called No. 1 also in the city. Or it goes with a field, and "あんた does not come, either, I do not have it, and it work [ だ ネエs ] and is good, and is 8 てん ネ. When becoming 私ゃ ネ and the adult, there were some children (smallness 6 girl) who said あん reliance and work マシ to a slight degree as スッカラ." Too, it was the child who study can improve so that it fought for 1 and 2 in the class. Especially, the more a child uses, the more he turns into the ironical child who understands difficulties. And over a thing becomes low and character also becomes quiet. however -- so that this type of child may call such difficulties most -- てい . Specifically, most help of housekeeping has not been carried out. In other words, parents do not do only study, either. Moreover, only study is seen and the child is evaluated. The child itself is having an illusion he be "excellent." Or [ becoming what, if such children become an adult ] .... There is nothing to a sample in こ と欠. Those who are called elite in Japan may think this type of human being mostly. a government office -- a bank and a politician's inside -- a grounder -- the grounder is carried out (?) which only studyed for an examination in the city and won the promotion -- they are persons [ like ] It must not be deceived by apparent humanity. No, even if an ordinary person can deceive, we the educators cannot deceive. Since they are clever, good human being catches sight of himself how, they can show, or are studying only it every day. Although various missions are in education, only such children must not make. There is nothing to get used just to minus and be added in the future of whole Japan. "A kitchen knife is thrown at me", and the child who riots spasmodically The afternoon of a certain day. One mother came and said like this by the pale face. "A daughter (whole year child) throws a kitchen knife! What should it carry out?" It seemed that "the lesson of a piano" was a keyword somehow if the talk is heard. Only by mother's using the language as a mouth, the child changed suddenly. "Till just before it, although it is as unchanging as usually, just as I call it "how to carry out the lesson of a piano", it becomes like another person and riots." It is the intrafamily violence by the typical temper fit. This type of child plays "a good child " in many cases in the world of "outsides", such as a kindergarten and a nursery, so that he is not trusted. It is gentle, is gentle, is quiet, and, moreover, is obedient. And it has mostly delicate feeling and the head is not bad, either. Almost all teachers give the evaluation "the good child with understanding [ good and gentle ]." However, this "good child" is a peculiarity person. A child accumulates the part and a big stress into, playing the "good child. " And the stress distorts the heart. That is, contrary to expression, the heart is discharged accidentally, when it is always in a strain state and it is stimulated in a certain form. Whether a child's own character has changed should come to differ from ordinary violent anger. It becomes so momentarily. Expression is also cold and becomes a grim countenance. The experience and experience with a child and grown-up various character with the occasion, and it are completed through difficulties. That is, it carries out with birth, and there is no person of character, it is and is further neither in a bowl nor a small child. Supposing you look at some small child and receive the impression "the child who was doing well", it thinks a mask and is infallible first. That is, it should not be deceived by the external situation. The child whose emotion is usually stable shows the situation same also in the world in a house also in the outer world. In other words, if like another person is felt [ the outer world, the world in a house, and whose a child are ], to the child's emotion, you may think that there is a problem somewhere. Or a child's emotion looks at and judges the time of it being thought that the child is tired physically. If it says with usual that it is unchanging also after an athletic meet, it will be regarded as the child by whom emotion was stabilized. At such a time, an unstable child frets or becomes nervous. In addition, I advised the mother like this. "Value a personal contact, keeping in mind on calcium or many [ for magnesium ] eating habits. Next, don't press down at home not to aggravate more than this and condition. It is rethinking "oh, this child is doing his best in the outer world", and wrapping warmly, if it riots. Though said calmly, limit to the range what should be said, without scolding or getting angry. This type of child does not do the stripes of what a line is surpassed and inflicts an injury on you, although carried out till the place of スレスレ. Don't be confused just because you rioted. Of course, do not already say nothing about the lesson of a piano." It is [ "my trousers are flower pattern trousers" and ] feminization of the boy who progresses. With this talk, it will already be front about 15 years. Since there was a boy high school student who is using the underlay of a flower pattern pattern, when he asked with the jesting intention, "It takes and are also your trousers flower patterns?", the high school student answered like this with serious look. "That is right." that time and a boy high school student -- a morning -- pretty は -- natural In inside, the high school student who is doing the face pack was also. Furthermore, there was such an incident. A one boy high school student says that it got into mischief [ in the daytime ] dignifiedly at a record shop in the city. The high school student is surrounded by 5 or 6 girls' high school students on the inside of a shop, and says that ぬ was carried out even to trousers. If it writes like this, although a weak boy may be imagined, his physique is also large and he is the boy who is one person in the cultural festival of a high school, and did the guitar performance on the boards. When I asked, "Why wasn't voice uttered?", I answered it as ポツリ with "it was fearful ...." In it or later, a boy's feminization is progressing clearly. Now, the composition mostly of [ teasing and crying also by the schoolchild a boy and ] a girl in teasing is done completely mostly. It came to the place whose one mother is me, and also consulted like this the other day. "The inner son (smallness 2) suits bullying in school." If the talk is heard, although ウン チ was leaked in the classroom at the time of smallness 1, "ウンチ is also called らし to ネタ in that." Mother only took up being teased and made it the problem. が and "-- ウンチs -- things should be solved, if are called " and it will shout at a word as a partner's child with "it is noisy" And the partner was a girl. When it was my time, possibly the partner was knocked one shot with ポカリ. How is it that a boy feminizes though it is the current of a time which a lady male-izes? I have said nothing that the sexual equality theory is wrong. a boy -- a boy -- it is -- a lady is lady-like -- と -- if equal on the advanced level to say -- it -- then, it is good However, pregnancy is impossible however a boy may do his best. It gets over to such difference and it is amusing that man and woman should be equal. It is not and neither a bowl nor a boy becomes weak so far. To say nothing of one of causes, it is in the home training of a "man" absence. All teachers are ladies also at a nursery also in a kindergarten. For home training, mother is a subject. A female teacher's rate exceeded 60% also at the elementary school (98 years, the Hamamatsu board-of-education investigation). Not knowing a "man", the present boys grow and become an adult. Or there is even a child who becomes a female phobia. And the more tragic man who feminized especially infinite is becoming father of a new time now. "father - - become stronger and participate in a child's education -- even if it teaches with ", father itself cannot understand it and has become Then, what does such Japan become from now on? If it is rich and the stable time continues for a while, severity will disappear from a social trend. For example, France reached to an extreme of prosperity after the First World War. Paris was sung with the capital of a flower, it prospered as a town of art, and the male was feminized infinite simultaneously. it -- then -- although possibly it was good -- a result -- invasion of Nazi Germany -- 1 -- also accumulating -- there was nothing sure enough -- future of Japan -- ?"teacher and me -- the way -- teaching .... the child with sufficient" and head Man's capability is not equal. That it is not equal turns out to touch children for a while. For example, the head. A clever child is truly clever. The child who is not so meets and does not come out. I may think whether the gene itself is different. So were the D (smallness 6) who went into S junior high school in Tokyo years [ several ] ago, and the N (smallness 6) included in S junior high school as well as the it back. When passing over elementary school four years, he was studying the junior high school level. At the time of smallness 5, although he was also studying English, he was studying together with the second-year student in a junior high school in the cram school. And also in the cram school, it is top class. This type of child will learn personally, if only the textbook and the reference book are given. Just instruction of "coming to hear it if there is a place which is not known" is enough. So were the M (seniority child) who had taught about 20 years ago, and the H (seniority child) who had taught about 15 years ago. the child who can copy the solid figure (sketch) of a box almost correctly by the kindergartener or the nursery schooler is unsavory -- there is nothing Although 40 persons or 50 persons have one person and a child describing the box appropriate for it, it is "a box appropriate for it" to the last. However, the M and the H drew the box! If your child (kindergartner) can draw the solid figure of a box correctly, he may be glad with several 100 persons or one person of beyond [ it ] inside. The eye is always sparkling and such blessed children's feature should say that eyes have settled down calmly and yet. If it gazes with ジロリ, even the feeling of coercion will be memorized. Just because this type of child is a child, he must not treat easily. In fact, it cannot treat. If it has touched, he will forget that it is a child in spite of himself. So was a boy called the O (smallness 3). He understands even the textbook of the first-year student in a junior high school personally. When I said the soliloquy suddenly the area of the triangle is "calculable" at a certain time if the length of two neighborhoods and an angle in the meantime are known, it said like this in easy voice. "teacher and me -- the way -- teaching .... " If it meets the child with such sufficient heads, the child itself will consider like human beings' property. When actually leaving my place, I am made to say like this. Mr. "'s head is your thing and is not your thing. What is necessary is just to use for everybody." There are not が and an organization which lengthens such children with regrettable in this Japan. It is narrow-minded. For this type of child, going to an ordinary school are that the child who cannot do study at all goes to a school, and the about the same and pain. So was the D who raised previously. When play etc. was carried out at the time of a kindergartener, it was considering as ブ 然. Some of several weeks of the beginning, when I was also a child with a problem, I had misunderstanding. が and him -- then, doing such a thing itself -- it was not able to bear If only student きる道 has this type of child in Japan, there is nothing only by going into the school called urban entrance-into-a-school-of-higher-grade school. However, if it sees from a result, it is involved in studying for an examination of Japan after all, and power can be developed only by the method of taking an examination. And as parts of when or Japan, it will be incorporated into society. It is like blowing a nose and throwing it away as it is with the cloth of silk, if this compares and says. Education of Japan has such inconsistencys. - child which "is a child with wonderful you" is believed. It is difficult to believe a child. Parents stray continuously in the thought of "wanting to believe", and the thought of "supposing it carries out or ...." Child bringing up is just fighting [ with the illusion ]. It turns out that a fixed pattern is also in が and its illusion. Then, a test. Your child (schoolchild) becomes, just before sleeping, and suppose that it said, "The homework of a school does not do." It is you then .... It is called (1) "scolded by the teacher in school tomorrow", and is made to sleep as it is. (2) Tidy up homework together with the child. I think it unavoidable that sleeping hours become short somewhat. The pattern begins from the time of conceiving a child, when a child is born. For example, it carries out to milk having been to be given to a child every 4 hours. If there are also parents who do not give milk until a child cries and wants it then and time will come, even if it will not want it, there are also parents who give milk. When a child a little grows up, there is also such a thing. There are also parents who do not move until a child says, "I want to carry out." On the contrary, anything, before a child wishes, there are also parents who prepare from parents' way. "-- big talk English -- a classroom --""-- big talk gymnastics - - a classroom -- " Once such patterns are made, the rest is false with one can be false with two. Itself will become the rhythm of a life. There was also such a thing. Although it is the consultation from a certain mother, it is [ a reason and ] with "how although it thinks that an inner child (smallness 3 boy) will be made to experience an on-the-ocean school during the summer vacation, it is." then -- if I hear "he is wanting to go" -- "since it is unwilling to go, it is troubled" Moreover, also such a thing. Although it is a thing from a certain mother too, it is said that the mother's son (Takami) is borrowing and looking at video for it to be a taking-an -examination time. It is more amusing to be worried although mother had said, "It is very anxious." Although it is amusing, it is not clear with ハマ ってしまう anymore to the pattern at once. Now, the test of the beginning. The person who chose (1) will call it child reliance type parents. Thought of an inner child being "splendid" and "the inner child being excellent" acts as parents, and makes it such a parents. On the other hand, the person who chose (2) will call it anxious precedence type parents. The thought "it is anxious about an inner child whatever it may carry out" acts as parents, and makes it such a parents. Naturally, the influence comes out to a child. The child of trusted type parents is presupposing that it is relieved. Expression is also made into ハツラツ. It is full also of the drive and curiosity, and they attach and are positive to something. However, the child of anxious precedence type parents turns into a child suitable to it. Long time is spent and it becomes so. Although parents say, "It is likely to be born", it is the parents itself who it was born and were being seen by such an eye. It is not noticed. What does it carry out? If it is anxious precedence type parents, your own heart is made and changed. "The child with good you" is made into 口ぐせ as one method. It will say so, if a child's face is seen. And it is continued beyond [ several months or it ] in between. Although he may have a feeling awkward somewhere at first, when you can say it automatically, your child is the " good child" simultaneously. If you want to make a child into "a good child", a child will be believed first. Although it is very difficult, you cannot lengthen your child without carrying out it. 4 wrong of "it abhorring in study etc.", and motivation (he has no illustration) Four, (1) unreasonableness, (2) compulsion, (3) conditions, and (4) comparison, are in some which deprive a child of study volition. This is called "4 wrong of motivation." First, (1) unreasonableness. Natural [ lose study volition and ], even if it is not a child, if unreasonableness exceeding the child's capability is carried out. The case where the example which often exists forces a difficult workbook on a child, then diminishes a child's study volition. A child's study is not "quantity" but "density." They are means, if, so that it may finish for a short time with パッパッ. .... It meets and comes out and a certain way is desirable. moreover, carrying out study which a child is made to do personally on a 1 rank さ wooden-clogs level from capability -- tips Halves, such as a work and a drill, may become painting. More than whether the answer is right, the feeling of achievement of "having finished giving one work" is valued. (2) Compulsion. Although a certain amount of compulsion is a thing per study, a child will become a study dislike if a grade is exceeded. Compulsion of time, compulsion of quantity, etc. There was mother who has consulted about such a thing. "If it is two sheets, although an inner child gives a print somehow, if he becomes an actor playing a comic role, he will never do the stripes of it. What should it carry out?" Although I answered "It is stopping by two sheets", I am just like that. supposing a child came to have acted as this type of three mothers, they became -- it comes out and says, "carry out four sheets shortly" -- make a mistake in being alike and there is nothing The child also knows it. (3) Conditions. saying [ "if this study finishes, he will buy △△", and "raising the pocket money of 100 yen, if 100 points are taken" ] -- conditions Although parents do so with the intention of encouragement, such conditions deprive a child of the consciousness carries out study for itself "what." It is not only it. Although it ends for 100 yen and 200 yen while a child is small, it escalates soon and stops being manageable. There were "(tuition is cheap ) since it went into the public high school, buy a motorbike", and a child (quantity 1 boy) who charged parents. It becomes so. It is (4) comparison to the last. "the neighboring A can already write katakana", "you being ダメ although an elder brother is good at arithmetic", etc. Once it becomes a peculiarity, since it comes to make it everyday, it will be careful of such comparison. a child -- always -- others' eyes -- caring -- coming -- it -- "from a child -- me -- me Although a man calls it man", he takes a view. In Britain, it says, "Water cannot be given even if it can take a horse to a watering place." Although it may also be impolite to compare a child to a horse, say that a limit is for parents to be also able to do. Then, what does it carry out? There is also a proverb "the child who learns happily often learns" in one more Britain. That is, if you want a child to study, it will teach that study is only pleasant and the rest will be left to a child. For example, a character. A character is not taught suddenly, but a child is always embraced in a knee, and a book is read. Such experience acts as a child and comes to make ふう of a book being "pleasant" and "a character being interesting" consider. And such the "thought " serves as the driving force of character study. When seeing a child's study, it finds whether "whether it to have come what to be unable to do how much" but "what to have been enjoyed how much." Language power it is decided that will be inner 子った et al., and "ダメ ...." and infancy (nothing [ illustration ]) Although 20 years or more are already a front thing, I had before but the children fundamentally considered that language power is inferior gather. And it has investigated where differs from the children of others [ children / the ] how. a result -- the following -- it turns out that there are three features (1) The language to use is untidy. A certain boy (smallness 2) was adopting the way of talking which is called "an I mah-jongg, the mah-jongg which goes, and school mah-jongg." If a "mah-jongg" is taken, it will become "me and the school which goes." Since there was a junior high school student who has seen by chance the movie the "Warring States Self- Defense Forces", when "? which was what movie" was heard, the junior high school student said like this. "A teacher, スゴイ, スゴイ. バババ .... a tank .. a van van, a soldier, and ワーワ ー -- " The contents of a movie were not understood at all. The child was not able to assemble well the story itself "who did what where." (2) There is few language to use. A certain girl (smallness 3) had made almost all conversation end by "ウン", "ダメ", and "ウフン" also in a house. It is called "マアマア" whatever it may hear it. (3) It cannot talk in the right language. Then, although you tried to make it say many things by the right way of speaking, it has felt shy as if every child talked also in the foreign language. The cause was found immediately. When that was told to mother of one person in it, the mother said like this. "It is [ ダメ ] .... in inner 子った et al. and ダメ." A child's language capability is decided in a home environment. It is decided especially according to mother's language capability. "A hat, a hat! Every day, A handkerchief, a handkerchief! A bus, a bus, a big talk, bus! You are adopting the way of talking which is called ", and why tell a child that language capability is attached to the body? such cases - - even if -- trouble -- "-- did you wear the hat? Does it have a handkerchief? You have to say that a bus already comes immediately." And next, a child is spoken to in rich language. Even if it sees the setting sun, "it is not only beautiful", but it is said "Whether it is " wonderful", romantic [ "romantic" ], and moving." It expresses and shows by various ways of speaking. When it is written as ...., there are parents who are decided and say like this. "An inner child is OK. Since the book is read every night." However, language is attached to the body for the first time using itself. German cannot be spoken just because it is hearing German broadcast every day. Moreover, when it becomes a seniority child, just it is just fast and fluent. The child who reads スラスラ and a book appears. However, it is as the character is mostly changed to sound. He does not understand the contents at all. At such a time, when reading the book, and when making a book read, it is good to ask a question about the contents for every page. Is [ "where the bear went" and / "what feeling the rabbit is" ]? Such question polishes a child's language power. Although the very practical thing was written this time, since he wanted it to understand that it is so important, early childhood education was written. Since a partner is a small child, there are many people who think that early childhood education teaches a childish thing. However, it is decided also including this language power that the foundations and directivity of all "power" will be infancy. I wanted to say it. "ヨ- which will strike early, and will pass and return", the extended child, inelastic child fullness of energy [ (2) curiosity ] and it. As for saying [ that thinking is flexible ], a grown-up joke passes. As for the child with the head hard on the contrary, a grown-up joke does not pass. Such conversation is carried out. With an I [ child / "since there is a cloud, it is not fine" / I "weather good today" ] "it is weather which may have cloud" child "since there is a cloud, say, weather-じゃ and there is nothing!" That it is full of curiosity says discovering new play one after another from personal appearance, even if it makes it play alone. the child who is not so -- "-- it is tedious -- ア - - " and early [ "] -- it is called ヨ which will return to inside, -", etc. " It does! If the flourishing child of curiosity shows a new thing again It does! It bites as ". there are also many hobbies and they are versatile -- versatile There are also many friends. And patience. A child's patience says the thing of "the power which puts up with and does a disagreeable thing." For example, it can dispose of the kitchen garbage of a kitchen by hand. A cold night and a circular notice can be sent next. the child without patience -- "-- it is disagreeable -- ア -- it is called " and escapes good -- "-- if an inner child is soccer, he is doing all day long Although there are parents who say that I want to turn such power to the study way", the child is only doing the favorite thing. It does not become a patient child just because it is playing soccer all day long. In order to lengthen a child on the contrary, it keeps in mind to these three things. For example, in order to make the head soft, a certain change is always prepared for a child's circumference. A certain mother did not make the same lunch as one day for the daughter. Such a posture lengthened the child. The daughter became the woman writer soon and became even the member of the Board of Education chief of a certain city. In short, say make ハバ of a life large. Although it is not necessarily the example, transfer fellows' child says that it is clever from ancient times. That is, an environmental big change called transfer is considered to have good influence on a child. In order to make curiosity flourishing, the parents itself are going to spread one's world, and try hard. And a child is made to always experience it. It is not not much desirable for it to be attached to the specific thing with a child, or to insist. For example, its best will be done, if it is an insect and it does not go [ about / insect / and ] to a kindergarten with interest, unless it is specific trousers. In order to make a vitality (patience) finally attached, it uses using a child and uses earnestly. A child is a little more specifically involved in into the domestic feeling of strain. The atmosphere which is referred to as "Everybody, a family, is troubled if you do not do this" is made in a home. While parents lie down on a sofa, there is "no bring a newspaper" toward a child. The extended child continues being extended as it is, even when other children stop growth. And it is overcome even if there are a disagreeable thing and a difficult thing. And as a result, it is extended from other children. However, "being extended" is not [ here ] extended in respect of study. study is made -- it can do -- there is nothing -- there is nothing to the last only at the result "This ヘンタイ guy", a stubborn child if stubborn [ begin ] -- a child -- "a prop child" -- it comes to show characteristic behavior Glare at a partner for sharp eyes, or the shoulder is, and he makes it cut, and walks. It is intelligible when it thinks that it becomes so in order that a certain special mental condition may stimulate a cerebral primitive portion. In the United States, there is also a place which has tried medication to the child who follows a cerebral functional disorder theory and is stubborn. As for this type of child, the speech and conduct itself actually become in [ somewhere ] wild beast. The view of a thing also becomes in short circuit. It is with "ヤツ with a complaint is ぶっ殺して and る." Just as I applied the hand to her shoulder as "energy ?", a certain girl (smallness 5) kicked on foot what has been misunderstood with "this ヘンタイ guy", and raised me. It is not an ordinary kick. It was an intense kick to the extent that a breath becomes impossible for a while. A child begins to be stubborn when "the thread of love" snaps. Although what thin thread may be used, it will not be ruined if the thread connects with someone. In other words, a stubborn child does not have the thread. It is first forsaken from parents. Then, it is forsaken also from a teacher. This feeling of isolation drives a child's heart mad. But there is no child who shows this prop condition by the small child. The youngest was the K of the first grader in an elementary school whom I have experienced. Bordering on the summer vacation, the K came to show a condition peculiar to a prop child [ like ] here suddenly. Although mother was consulted with, it is with "it does not occur." Then, such a thing was understood when investigated further. Till summer vacation before, the K was inserted between father and mother, and he became like the character of a "river" exactly and was sleeping. However, the child's room was made between the summer vacations, the K is one person and he came to go to sleep there. Probably, the K felt that the thread of love snapped for the K. It became the cause and a prop condition here came out outside. Of course, home collapse, childcare refusal, abuse, etc. may become a cause, and a child may be stubborn. However, it will not be stubborn if the thread of love connects by somewhere also in this case, in view of the child side. You may be neither parents nor a teacher. Someone of grandparents and relatives should just connect. Although often misunderstood, since it is poor, a child is not necessarily stubborn. A possibility that a rich domestic child will also be stubborn if this thread snaps becomes high hard. father tends to have an affair -- therefore, the husband-and-wife relation has got cold It is true although it says "a home understands if a child is seen" a child honestly and well in such meaning. A child cherishes the heart in the sense of security of being protected absolutely. "It is absolute" means that doubt is not held. As for preparing this sense of security, although it is originally parents' duty, it also has the case which is not made under various situations. However, only the thread of the love with a child is valued also in such a time. If the reverse side is returned and said, a prop child will not be born from the husband and wife with sufficient に仲 all over. Husband and wife trust and suit and a prop child is not born from the home where the love to a child is solid. It can be born. This [ no ] is economically rich, or if there is, it is not related to such a thing. - lie "regarded as a partner being a child", and an imaginary lie By early childhood education, the lie attached while it is aware of a lie with a lie, and an imaginary lie (illusion) distinguish and consider. A lie understands it as a lie from the situation, although it is the lie attached for self-defense or self-justification. .... It is intelligible. "Who kana. Mother Having eaten the confectionery which was here should show the mother [ who "is not me" ] "じゃあ, and a hand. [ ?" child ] " It does not remain. A remaining [ the dregs of confectionery ]-in hand" child me -- since it licked perfectly -- " On the other hand, an imaginary lie does not have a fence between reality and a fancy. the made-up world is completed in its head, and it is actual -- it can do -- と -- であ -- as if -- a lie is attached He is not aware of a lie with a lie, either. The lie of a "but me no buts" formula is just attached with シャーシャー. There was such a thing. Mother who is one person late at night to a certain telephone call has been got. And it roared out like this suddenly. "The inner child has made big アザ on the arm today. Well which the teacher pinched by hand. Why is such a thing done? " Then, it is troubled, if "partner thinks that he is a child and I have a random thing said, when I say, "It does not know." Say honestly! " When it went to the garden on the next day, one letter had reached a director's place. The mother sends early in the morning. If it reads, as for ", the Hayashi teacher is adding corporal punishment to the inner child. I want you to often supervise. In addition, it grows and this letter is with " secretly to a teacher. Then, I caught the child and said like this that I heard the thing of アザ of an arm indirectly. "Since the mama pinched." As for me, a reason does not understand what anymore in the least somehow. Then, when he asked in what situation it was pinched, the child began to explain the situation at that time minutely. The proverb of "Not making it live in the many-storied building, although it does not matter that a child imagines a many-storied building in the air" is in English. Although dreaming is free, it is the meaning of being careful of the world of a fancy if you are a method of the Hamah る. One difficult at が and actual instruction should not have the consciousness to the parents itself rather than a child. This type of child plays a good child in front of parents and in the outer world so that he is not trusted. A gentle smile is not wiped out but an impression called the good child who can do rather is given. This is referred to as "Wearing a mask" in the world of early childhood education. If it sees from the side to teach, it will come to be whether to have applied the film to the heart, and will become touch called the child who does not know what is considered. が and parents do not understand it, either. Although it is another case, if I point it out to a certain father, does Mr. " suspect his student? It is a teacher called what! It has been scolded for " on the contrary. A cause is child bringing up [ be / (forcing) / authoritarian / oppressive (flatly ガミガミ 言 う) and blockade-(breath does not fall out) / it ]. If such environment every-day-izes, it will become easy for a child to build the made-up world. Since there were some children whom the sister also showed the same condition, a hereditary element (?) cannot be disregarded. It is concluded that it is in home environment the first of が and a cause. A lie is crushed carefully, considering making a child's heart release in the first place, and repeating the conversation of "being [ why ] ? why" gently. The more he scolds flatly, the heart will separate and, the more will drive away a child to the world of illusion. "It is worrying by the light eater", and the cause of the child who goes berserk. the child who goes berserk -- the "cello トニン villain theory" has been recently taken a close-up of suddenly as a cause of ...., i.e., the child who appears in superfluous action suddenly That is, cello トニン which is a brains transfer substance is secreted unusually, it has toxicity, and it is said that a cerebral control command is driven mad (others [ doctor / mirror / a biochemist and ]). Speaking a little more concretely, being like this, although it is already pointed out from a front 20 years or more in the United States. For example, if the sweet food containing many white sugar is taken in superfluously temporarily, an insulin will be secreted so much and it will urge to superfluous secretion of cello トニン. And it is said that it becomes the cause by which it is sharp (others [ Osawa / Emeritus Professor / of Iwate University ]). It turns out that this type of child adopts the peculiar way of moving. A motion becomes sharp so that a spa spa's may be exactly cut with the edge of a razor. Smooth operation disappears. And once it starts getting angry, it becomes カッ, and it will riot indiscriminate or a thing will be thrown. It is not new to utter ギャーッ and a shrill voice, either. If it says by the small child, will utter a screech suddenly, and it will cry or will riot. When excited, the body may be shaken gradually. Then, supposing such condition is seen, eating habits will be improved first. Sweet food is cut down and it keeps in mind on the eating habits with for [ for a part for calcium / many ]. Lynn acid food is also cut down. In order for Lynn acid to improve keeping or to maintain freshness, it is used for much food. If Lynn acid is taken, it will discharge to the outside of the body, using as calcium phosphate the calcium taken in with much trouble. On the other hand, it is said "calcium builds a gentleman" from ancient times in Britain. Calcium was used as a tranquilizer till prewar days also in Japan. it -- anyway, if quiet composure disappears from a child, this shortage of calcium will be suspected first If calcium usually runs short in the case of a child, the muscular feeling of strain is not maintainable, and even if it is sitting down, the body is crooked with クニャクニャ, or it is made to ダラダラ. Although it is one opinion which was written here to the last, supposing the above condition is looked at by your child, there is value tried at once. Even if it is ineffective, it is also as ダメ. Even if that is not right, one can juice is given to the child, and there is "no it is worrying by the light eater." It is equal to an adult with a weight of 60km drinking the four same can juice to give a child with a weight of 15km one can juice. it drank, when four could not be drunk and the adult also drank -- it will come out and the inside of a belly will become ガボガボ if -- どうしても -- "-- sweet -- eating -- a thing -- if it is ", the brown sugar which is not refined will be recommended Since a part for a natural mineral is blended with brown sugar with sufficient balance, evil [ like ] here does not occur. It is a word in passing. There are many people who think that a child is the thing and the noisy thing which raise キャーキャー and voice. However, such an idea will change, if the kindergarten of a South Australia state is visited. There, children are quiet like a lie. Even the sound of the wind made into サワサワ can be heard. The reason was found immediately. In the district, the big milk tank is put also on the kindergarten of what outside the front door, and children were drinking milk instead of water. "- to become adult something" future is not threatened. The phenomenon [ say / collar / a baby ] known well is in the infantile world. the younger child was born -- the older child -- a baby -- ぽく -- a phenomenon is said Milk is wanted [ becoming a way of speaking, although main しs were begun suddenly or being considered as ネチネチ, ] by the nursing bottle. It may appeal against exothermic condition periodically. A cause is based on the instinctive jealousy heart. That is, it is meaningless even if he scolds since it is "instinctive", although the loveliness with the child appropriate for [ to regain once again the love and concern which were turned to the younger child / loveliness ] a baby is directed. The phenomenon just like this is often looked at by a schoolchild's upper classes. if a baby is a collar -- ぬ and a small child -- a collar -- it comes out Since the one boy (smallness 5) took out carefully the comics which became ボロボロ out of the bag and was also reading them the other day, it was said like this that it spoke as "what ?." "It says that it is ダメ at any rate, and is チョ. it is ダメ -- saying -- チョ -- " When a cause is considered because it has fear in growing up, it is intelligible. Also in this boy, it was daily threatened like this by father. "Studying for an examination of a junior high school is severe. The " junior high school teacher is fearful. Every day, you have to carry out study for 5 or 6 hours." It will be knocked if what is said is not listened to." Such a threat distorted the child's heart. If the older child's intense studying for an examination is usually seen, a younger child will come to refuse becoming an adult from the fear. Actually, if it sees by 5 of an elementary school, and the sixth grader child, almost all children will answer "I do not want to become a junior high school student (since study is severe)." And if it becomes severe, a small child [ like ] here will come to raise a collar. Although it swerved from a few talks, there was also such a thing. It came to the place a certain mother of whose is me, and said like this. "An inner son (quantity 2) is never unwilling to inherit the way of the dental technician who is trade, and is in trouble." Then, should carry out [ "what it should carry out" ]? Then, when he met the high school student and the talk was heard, the child said like this. "The work which ペコペコs to such a dentist is disagreeable. An inner father says to it, "He got tired and got tired", after work finishes with it." Then, I advised the mother like this. "In front of a child, let's say that trade is wonderful and pleasant." As a result, since the child is acting as the dental technician now, it will be said that my advice was effective as it is. Now, a main subject. Don't threaten a child's future. "at an elementary school, if homework is not carried out, a passage 立たs", "it being scolded by the teacher at an elementary school, if it does not have dress on while counting, 10 and", etc. and threatening a child -- a taboo once a child comes to feel uneasiness with future -- it -- the point -- they are the foundations of the view a child's thing much And in being the worst, even if it becomes an adult, it comes to refuse becoming a member of society itself. In fact, the adult (?) who cannot turn completely into an adult is increasing rapidly now. Even if it turns 20 years old, small-child comics are read, and it is absorbed, and cannot assimilate to society, but stays home into a house. When a child is a small child in short, future is not threatened from から. It is exhausted to this one word. The child of that it is made to sleep early from tonight in "", and lack of sleep The children of lack of sleep are increasing in number. In the daytime, it is careless for hollow eyes. キャーキャー and voice are raised suddenly, and even if it may be excited, energy will be lost so that スーッ and tide may pull immediately. The complexion has also become cloudy heavily and does not have vitality. There is no established theory about how much lack of sleep affects growth of intelligence. Although there is nothing, since concentration does not continue, naturally the study effect falls remarkably. Incidentally sleeping hours are children always (after sleeping until it wakes up), and they are an average of 10 hours and 15 minutes. It is 10 hours at a seniority child. If it becomes a schoolchild, sleeping hours will become short quickly. The great portion of cause is an irregular life custom. Sleeping hours will also become unstable, once it thinks "it will be good since today is Saturday" and it carries out 夜ふ or し at a week. A certain girl (seniority child) was brought up into the old woman. The [ the adult average ], night had also sat up till late, and it is a morning and had got up together with the old woman in the morning. That is, it is lack of sleep owing to. Moreover, another child (seniority child) has not slept soundly owing to the allergic disease. There is also a case in which the ギョウ insect in a belly became lack of sleep owing to. If it comes out and lack of sleep is pointed out, although it will say that most parents make it sleep early from tonight in " etc.", it is not such an easy thing. If it is made to sleep early, a child will wake up only the part made to go to sleep early. A biological clock is because it has become so. under those circumstances, "lack of sleep -- be informed with " for correcting half a year A life custom is such a thing, and changing is very difficult for it once it is done. In addition, a child has the habit of repeating the act that it is always the same before sleeping. This is called "bed time game" and is very valued in Europe and America. A child lets this time pass, and from "the actual world of daytime", in order to return to "the world of the darkness of night", he prepares the heart. When this upbringing is bad, a child may stop going to sleep easily and it may become lack of sleep owing to. Unsavory one is the act which confines a child in a bedroom and erases 電器 suddenly. If such violent things every- day-ize, a child will come to have fear in sleeping and it will come to refuse to reach a floor. Emotion may become unstable when severe. If it says that 夜ふ or し is carried out every night, or it frets although there is also no reason, failure in upbringing of this bed time game will be suspected. Then, teachings. When making a child go to sleep, a bed time game is routinized. It accompanies lightly and 寝 is carried out. The book is read. It addresses gently. Tips should repeat the same thing every night. Next, it is not made not to have さみしがらせ in a child to place sewing-basis etc. It is also important not to excite it. If it is juvenile, quiet and quiet environment will be prepared a certain degree. If it can do, television and a game will avoid after supper. In addition, although this lack of sleep and nap グセ are mixed up well, if the time comes, since the child in whom nap グセ remains sleeps with パタリ, he can distinguish. Even if it turns full 5 years old, as nap グセ remains, if, it will be coped with by making chewing gum chew etc. during the time. the child of common [ "common / my child bringing up /" ] and チック 症 There is condition which is called チック and which was known well. It experiences at about one person's rate to 10 small children. It is called "muscular custom 性れん縮 movement" and the thing of muscular non-eye-movement is said. It happens regardless of a child's intention. It is the feature not to choose a time and a place and this is called involuntary nature of チック. Condition comes from a head upwards mostly. クルクル 動, す, and a cough are carried out for the eyeball to which a head is moved with ギクギク and which makes an eye wink. A throat is made to groan with ウッウッ etc. It is, because the spittle which vomits spittle is rubbed against a sleeve. When the upper part of the body is moved with グイグイ or it becomes still severe, the whole body may be in a spasm state and may lapse into dyspnea. The symptoms of some kinds of チックs may be shown simultaneously rarely. This チック will be suspected, if it thinks don't carry out strange action, although symptoms develop as with a peak of 7-8 years old. Condition is of infinite variety, therefore almost all parents misunderstand it with "a ヘン peculiarity." However, チック is not a peculiarity. Therefore, it is meaningless, even if it is careful or he scolds. Condition becomes severer as about [ that there is nothing ] and parents becomes nervous. Although it is the common sense in common sense in our world, what calls it .... begins all [ から ] from 1, when any parents turn into parents. It is not ashamed just because it does not know チック. I want you to be merely humble to child bringing up. Although you are going to know anything, it is more common not to know. There was such a child (seniority girl). The child was rubbing spittle against the sleeve of dress, even if mother did cautions what times. therefore, the sleeve of dress -- saliva -- all over . Although I announced there, "It was [ tic / " ] at the mother", mother did not believe what I say. After taking to the hospital and carrying out brain-waves inspection, it took and investigated to head CAT. Abnormalities etc. should not be found. I had consultation once again the back. Parents become little by little wise, carrying out a detour in this way, respectively. It comes out and is the チック. A cause is nervous child bringing up. There is a perfect principle of parents' restraint- excessive meddling or parents etc. In view of a child side, the environment from which a breath does not escape plugs up a child's heart. In order that parents' concern may concentrate so much that many [ to an only child ] is generally supposed on a child. And most of the causes are in the parents itself. Parents do not understand が and it, either. There are some persons who will misunderstand the perfect thing if it is ideal parents' figure. Or it is convinced he is "common." The more the belief is strong, the more it does not listen to a man's talk. が, then the tragedy are not finished. So to speak, チック is a yellow signal. It is neurosis when the condition progresses. furthermore, an emotional disorder -- it may become even mental disorder when it becomes still severe The problem of the heart of が and a child notices that a front condition was light, after becoming worse. Parents are going to see only the condition at that time and are going to correct a child. が and such unreasonableness worsen condition on the contrary. And the rest is the vicious circle without a bottom. If it says about チック, though parents 猛省, only as for condition, it or later remains in many cases. a case -- several years -- or it continues for a long time It is because it is established as a peculiarity attached to the body. There are those whom an adult also shows チック condition without limit. The heart will not heal up easily, once a crack sticks. This problem considers by such a premise. Frustration of - child "which acted as him and failed the younger brother at upside-down づ り" Generally, a child's reaction to frustration is divided into the following three, and is considered. (1) An attack, violence type .... A child will become offensive if frustration and stress accumulate daily. It became カッ in many cases suddenly, and there was a child (seniority boy) who made the younger brother upside-down づり and failed him flatly. And the attack nature is a type (it quarrels.) which comes out to a table. It divides into the type (teasing abuse to an animal) which hides becoming violent in the reverse side, and considers. (2) degradation and a dependence type .... there being also no reason and fretting たり -- a baby -- ぽく (degradation) . Or it presumes with ネチネチ (dependability). It may become irresolute. This type of child gives an impression called the so-called "slow child." (3) Adherence, attachment type .... It adheres to the forever same thing, or is attached to a specific thing (the chip of a blanket, a button, an old magazine, toy). It is intelligible when it is understood as the compensatory act (act alternative to carrying out in order to compensate for the heart) for canceling emotion-instability. masturbation and 髪いじり -- pointing out -- for the first time in [ ゃ ] and a nail -- also seeing -- it considers similarly If a child shows such a condition, a love problem will be suspected first. Doesn't the absolute sense of security to parents or a family swing? Doesn't it have a question in parents' love? Or or [ that the love to the child is not decreasing by the younger child having been born etc. ] etc. "It is absolute" is the meaning of "not holding doubt" here. An intense domestic disturbance, husband-and-wife discord, an everyday uneasy feeling, impossible study, severe upbringing, etc. may become a cause. Although often misunderstood, love is the problem of a fall for a child. For example, when a younger child is born, a baby may raise [ the older child ] a collar. Although parents say at such a time, " The younger child is also loving the older child equally", if it is made the older child, it is dissatisfied that having received the love of 100 until now decreased to 50. Deal with the problem especially about jealousy carefully. This is Nori Ohara of small-child instruction. Owing to such frustration, if emotion becomes unstable, a personal contact will be increased and it will keep in mind to reassure a child's heart. It is meaningless, even if he scolds or it preaches a sermon. The cerebral function itself concludes that it is becoming irregular. Moreover, a "temper fit" is in the condition which was alike. Resistance-action (intense sudden anger) of infants is said. mostly -- は -- a trifling stimulus serves as a trigger and occurs explosively It is an example to scream ギャーギャー at a department store etc. The first of a cause, it is regarded as failure in home training. However, condition changes with age. Before and after 1 years old, it is fretting [ which kneads dadaism ], carrying out the butter butter of the hand and foot, etc. If it passes over 1 years old and a half, it will scream in a loud voice and the time will become long. Before and after full 2 years old, resistance by language and refusal come to be conspicuous. Its own body may be damaged purposely. If such a temper fit is seen, it will reflect on the way that should be of home training itself. Or [ authoritarian (forcing) child bringing up, / that it is not oppressive (ガミガミ) child bringing up ], etc. It is meaningless, even if it concludes readily "it is selfish" and he scolds. Or the more he scolds, the more it is an opposite effect. The rest copes with it according to frustration. "It is it what thing to make a son write shame", sensitive child (he has no illustration) * The A child (seniority child) was the child as whom obviously delicate touch acts. It オドオド ed, when it came in public, and moreover, it was a shy person. は died and mother considered such a of the A child. And I have been consulted with, saying "Whether you become the child who ハキハキs more somehow." The child with a superfluous mental reaction is called sensitive child. and -- to that extent -- furthermore, the child who exceeded is called sensitive child If a sensitive child and a sensitive child are united, about 30% of the whole will conclude that that is right. Generally it divides into a mental sensitive child and a physical sensitive child, and considers. About the child to whom a reaction appears to the heart, it is a mental sensitive child. Allergy, a stomachache, headache, diarrhea, constipation, etc. call the child to whom a reaction appears in the body a physical sensitive child. The A child was the very mental sensitive child. This type of child has (1) susceptibility and strong reactivity, and gives a delicate impression. It is felt pitiful in order to react with ピリピリ to directions of an adult. (2) It is brittle in durability, and begin to shed tears by having carried out just for a moment, or it is easy to carry out crack ついたり. (3) Don't get used to environment but it is easy to start being un-adapted harder [ sensitive ]. It is also one of them that it cannot get used to a group life. Therefore, it is easy to concur with a constitutional disease (auto-intoxication, asthma, じんましん) and neurosis. (4) As for condition, transience, repetition nature, etc. do not have a fixed form. There is nothing anything then and condition may come out later (reference, Shunichiro Takagi). Also in the A child, it was afflicted by cause unknown generation of heat. it is a sensitive child if it says previously from a conclusion -- an imitation -- an insensibly child (child with a mental reaction contrary to a sensitive child.) it is the so-called "Tora-san " type -- an imitation -- say that it is not that which is the character which the child had and was produced, thinks that will correct and heals up If unreasonableness is carried out, it is an opposite effect on the contrary. Condition will become heavy. They are not が and a bad language loan. When talking about a sensitive child, the average may show the talent shifted in art or the existing special field for the delicate feeling. If it is other children, also by what misses, it can see firmly. Merely, it is weak to mental fatigue, and if it is made to become it tense even several mere 10 minutes in the daytime, nerve tiredness will be started only by it. Since group behavior and social action are generally weak, he understands by such a premise. What calls it .... is written also to the dictionary of educational psychology. There is also が and such a type of child. Although it is an insensibly child at appearance, it is a child with very delicate feeling. If it is inattentive just and it is quarreling over the joke, a crack will be given to the child's heart in the place not to consider. Since it is playing a trick with ワイワイ, if it says, "You may be playing a trick if ウ ンチ is attached to trousers", after going home, it will cry over parents, saying, "It was made the teacher at バカ", and will show them. This type of child is going to deceive the spot by mocking at it, having delicate feeling. Even if it can call it a defense action of the heart and it is ヘラヘラing externally, the heart is always in a strain state. It progresses in the direction which a teacher's word does not consider, and this type serves as an important affair mostly. Also at the time of the child (smallness 3 boy), after night comes, the telephone call of a violent protest has been got from father. "It is it what thing to make a son write shame with the thing of ウンチ of trousers!" Only appearance does not necessarily show whether it is sensitive. "-- the front withered the inner child -- " -- early childhood education full of - misapprehension This world is full of misapprehension in it being ignorant. For example, a child of mutism. In a house, it talks ordinarily or noise is made. However, in the outer world, it will 緘黙 as if it bolted the shell. Although the serious child of mutism is said to 1000 persons as four persons (schoolchild), if a slight child also includes, he will experience at about one person's rate to 20 persons. When light, evaluation which is called a cross child and child shy of strangers is received in many cases. This type of child protects his own interests in oneself by protecting silence. It is got blocked, therefore 緘黙s. With psychology, this is called defense mechanism. Symptoms develop in many cases availing of the time of enterring a kindergarten and a nursery. When too much physical strain thinks that it becomes a trigger, it is intelligible. It is diverting as condition the look which becomes expressionless, connecting a mouth to キッ, etc. If it is going to hold, the body will be stiffened and it will be resisted violently. There are some children who 緘黙, with a gentle expression floated. It is the phenomenon which happens in order that the heart and feeling expression may separate. So was the M (seniority child). It has stopped at all talking as a start carried out suddenly. It does not actually have an end that the side to teach points out a child's problem to parents in が and such cases. Shockingly, it measures and there is a thing which is given to parents and which is not found. Parents perceive it as "amusing", the time of there being consultation from a parents side is caught, and it talks indirectly. There are a lot of things which do not need to be understood clearly in education. Or even if it knows, it may be said that フリ not to know is carried out and taught. I was teaching, seeing the M by such an eye. Father was coming for the visit by chance が and on that day. I thought that I was a good opportunity and had the unvarnished M seen. When the M 緘黙ed, it left as it was. が and this enraged father. The morning of days [ several ] after Although it was Sunday on that day, the telephone call has been got suddenly. And the M's father roared out like this suddenly. "-- the front has withered the inner son Therefore, I have responsibility taken. " This continuation is long. It was variously the back. There was also such a thing. There is a well alike emotional disorder [ say / autism ]. initial condition として -- slowdown of feeling, and himself -- there is that selfish action and understanding of a sentiment (heart) cannot be performed etc. when condition progresses, it shuts itself up in the so-called Calah, and impulsive action (from an external person, since the feeling of fear which cannot be understood, and an ax come, it riots suddenly) comes to be conspicuous It may adhere to some specific thing and specific things unusually. Sense of pitch, a character, a calendar, the timetable of a train, etc. In the field, in order to demonstrate gifted capability, the parents itself have misunderstanding in many cases with a "gifted child." So was the K (whole year child). It is taken to a certain Japanese father and mother, and came to my place. When met, father said like this. "If an inner son comes back from a kindergarten, he is gazing at the science video which a high school student looks at every day. Although I do not understand well, I think that an inner son has the infinite possibility. Therefore, would you teach the study of an elementary school for a while in a teacher's place?" Father was acting as the lecturer at the local university. I understood the K as the autistic child at a glance. A child's problem is not used as a mouth from my way in が and such cases. If it is the first meeting, it is still more so. I could not but refuse father's proposal carefully. Common sense which "those who do that it is バカ being バカ", and freedom raise (he has notes and no illustration) A fish does not go up on land. It does not go under a bird into water. If such a thing is done, it is because the fish and the bird know dying. It is called common sense to say so. The same is said of man. Applying years to the extent that [ which is called several 100, 000 years ] he feels faint, man learned the common sense. It is not so difficult to get to know the common sense. What is necessary is just to listen to its heart calmly. Then, it understands. For example, the consideration to a man and easy serve as comfortable sound, and come to the heart on the contrary. However, a man is betrayed, or it becomes unpleasant sound for it to be sufficient just and to carry out a lie, and it comes to the heart on the contrary. In a child's education, the common sense is valued first. Although surely a child becomes clever by knowledge or experience, a wise child never means such a child. A wise child will call it the child who often understands common sense. In the movie "Forrest Gump", mother of ガンプ has said like this. "Those who do that it is バカ are called バカ. (It is not the head) ". A child is made into "freedom" in order to make it the wise child. That it is free means "It is based on oneself" from the first. Irresponsible noninterference is not referred to as free. That is, the child himself needs to choose your life, needs to have responsibility in the life, and say that it makes a living by its power. However, living, while being based on oneself is also a very solitary thing. What it can depend for is also the severe world [ say / himself ]. If it puts in another way, it will be referred to as bearing the loneliness and severity to live freely. If you say about a child, say that it is made the child who can bear the loneliness and severity. If it says more nearly plainly, such time when the child itself can gaze at himself calmly alone will be valued in a life. The time does not exist in Japan of が and now. a school and a kindergarten -- just -- "-- " full of man If an English expression is borrowed, it is "the canned food of a sardine." Cancer cancer and television are applied until it sleeps, even if it returns to a house. Or the noise of a video game does not have 断え. It is so that just it is swept and thrown away, even if it makes it the number of friends. Having is even impossible even if he wants to have his time. Therefore, it is life is a shadow to gaze at oneself calmly etc. Parents also have misunderstanding with clever child equal sign and a wise child, and force a child study. Of such environment, a child is more senseless to the child of a gap still. Even distinction of that you may carry out as man and a bad thing will become impossible. Or though a bad thing is done, the consciousness itself of doing the bad thing is thin. Therefore, in depth, it will wait rapidly. If a child considers calmly alone and draws a conclusion personally, even if it is contrary to parents' intention, a child's life is left to a child. This is the same even if a partner is a small child. Such a posture keeps a child's heart. And it brings up a child into a free man and the human being who had the common sense of the rich heart from the inside is born. PART, 2 Child bringing-up 、 って, what. If it considers how It says. It is worried in it being uneasy .... With a fog near at hand which takes up a child's way, you may stop suddenly and may attach a sigh. って "which this child will become what" Or って "to raise how", wavering in fog. PART, 2 for you. When finishing reading this book You are beyond [ the ]. The light of an exit should be seen., 溺愛児 of - 溺愛 mama which "is a teacher, me, and abnormalities" (he has no illustration) The mother said, "Are they a teacher, I, and abnormalities?" if "daughter (whole year child) is sick and rests -- me -- it is glad I am glad to only think that it is near me. Even if it is in a master etc. and it is not, I feel that whichever is sufficient." I said like this responding to it. "It is unusual." Now, the parents who 溺愛 a child are not new. There is no sense of distance between parents and a child. His child (seniority boy) bears the night and lonesomeness which were performed to stopping childcare, and a certain mother is not competent, and says that she wept the night out all night long. Moreover, another mother said like this. "When the dress which the son (junior high school student) soiled, and the arrival at the bottom are seen, it is, and I want to let [ it / pass ] くて and to come to press my cheek against a cheek." Parents conclude that parents' own mental immaturity and an emotion-defect are in the background which 溺愛s a child. The fact that such a problem is in foundations and a marital relationship is followed to a bad difficulty of living and of having been blessed with the child with great difficulty etc. serves as a trigger, and parents come to run to 溺愛. Availing of a blood relation's death or accident, there are not few cases where it comes to 溺愛 a child. And originally a child will be filled with all to the love which should be turned to a husband, a home and others, or society. The 溺愛 mama's typical conversation. "A does not go anywhere, interrupting "becoming [ what ] kana [ if the A becomes an adult ] ?" mother, and conversation toward a teacher and a child -- わ . It is エ in わ which is near a mama much. It is with エ -" so. If parents 溺愛 a child, a child will become the so-called 溺愛児. It is gentle, and is gentle and there is no 覇気. Continuation (forever baby ぽい) of small-child nature and degradation nature (the life custom in which neither a promise nor a rule can be protected becomes untidy) are seen in many cases. being satisfactory -- although carried out gently, nuclear formation of character is overdue A "core" here says grip どころ. You may call it an outline. From a seniority child's middle, although a child shifts to a boy girl time, even if he becomes then, outline "this child is such children" is not visible to 溺愛児. It becomes large with infants. Therefore, I am calling it the "pet child" so that it may be the pet exactly embraced in the knee. This type of child follows the following courses soon. One is a case which becomes an adult as it is. Although there was the drama "Fuyuhiko" before, it becomes so. After getting married, it is called "a mama and a mama", and it enters into mother's ふとん and sleeps. This is about 30% of the whole. Another is the reaction and a case which it comes to 反発 toward parents violently soon. It is not ordinary rebounding. It is accompanied by intense intrafamily violence in many cases. Since he did not remove the Calah firmly, the shift time from an infants time to a boy girl time comes so. Therefore, most parents say like this and are confused. "It was a good child when small. Why is it such a child?" About 70% of the remainder [ this ] The thing with a dear child is natural. Instinct makes it think so. Therefore, parents bring up a child. However, it is instinct to the last. a sexual desire and appetite -- the same -- instinct There is nothing to be addicted to the instinct. "What, this .... Ohara rule of that I want to look at parents' face" and noninterference in internal affairs in internal affairs in this world. That is, there is no world of "to say is one thing and to practice is another" as this world. There was such a thing. With elementary school entrance near at hand, my elder sister's eldest son becomes acute nephrosis (kidney functional disorder), therefore will do urgent hospitalization in a general hospital in the city. Since the elder sister lived in 隣町, she came to this town by train every day, and went by the name of a bus from there to the hospital. Since it says that 4-5km of weights decreased for the reason even by the brother-in-law who came per week only several degrees, it turns out how it was serious. The eldest son was absolutely sent to hospital several months with quiet. It came out and the elder sister made leaving hospital truly enough for an entrance ceremony with great difficulty with great difficulty. "-- the thought " passed to heavens by the entrance ceremony at any cost The thing in が and the first visit day. The teacher of charge call toed the elder sister to stop and said like this. "The child of your house is a left- handed person. Since parents did not teach perfectly, it has become like this." it returns from a school -- on the way -- an elder sister -- about [ "left-handed person ] -- what -- that it is moved to tears moved to tears in ", and having been unavoidable -- saying . Interfering in others' child bringing up, "upbringing has not become" or saying are those who are inexperienced in child bringing up mostly. When child bringing up is carried out personally, the difficulty is known well. And a mouth becomes heavier as it is known. generally -- it being alike, setting and not coming to consider -- child bringing up Such a scene is also in that "my crayon しん" (seven V beginning). If only mother is doing yard cleaning, a two boys high school student will pass by. it -- seeing -- even seeing -- "-- what -- that かっこう being untidy . I want to see parents' face." Then, the high school students cry like this shortly. "What, this .... I want to see parents' face." even seeing -- if the direction is seen -- すけが of しん, and チンチン .... which is exposed and walks Although the talk digressed for a while, a man does his child bringing up in each thought. Even if it is right and it is not right, the man is the man and is bringing up the child hard. If the earnestness is felt, don't criticize the man's child bringing up. If we say that we can do at most, it becomes the parents' body, and what makes the heart light is said, or there is nothing only by advising. This one principle through which it has pierced for 30 years exists with this me. Say that it does not point it out until it hears it from parents, though it has a problem to the child how. Temporarily, even if a partner says, "An inner child and how is it recently?", he throws back a question at once, saying "How it strikes and is then." That is, parents are wanting to know what to what extent, or it is made to put in sounding by doing so. Although it may be visible to a cold method of instruction apparently, it is also the manifestation of my respect to the parents who are doing child bringing up. All the man's character is condensed by child bringing up. All concentrate the view of a thing, a criterion, thought, etc. there. Therefore, it is equal to criticizing the man itself to criticize a partner's child bringing up. Therefore, noninterference in internal affairs. I am pleased if you understand the weight of a meaning which this language has. - retribution "which my child does not allow, either" Buddhism shows like this. " "generation propagation" in the educational world. For example, if the child familiar to violence becomes parents, he will tend to become too violent parents. The child who experienced childcare refusal and home collapse is easy to fail in making a home, when it becomes parents. On the contrary, parents' clever child is clever generally. No, this will not be based on heredity rather than propagation. that is, child bringing up is good -- alike -- the price -- 悪しきに -- attach and say that it is easy to spread to a generation from a generation There are various examples. A certain father was worrying, having embraced his daughter, saying "whether what is necessary is "whether to say now" and just to hold how much" and whether "whether do you hold and グセ to stick." There is [ that he is various and ] a situation and there was no experience held in parents. Or if another parents caught a trifling failure of a child exaggeratedly, they had hit the child. If I say "even if it carries out nothing to there", as for "eagle, the father abhors having mistaken. My child does not allow, either." The father also made it the misfortune and was growing at the unhappy home. Supposing you are doing child bringing up and feel awkwardness and unnaturalness for somewhere, your own "親像" will be suspected. Probably, firm 親像 is not contained in you. If it says more, you are doing child bringing up now, while the thing "parents" has not known what thing it is. It is made only after child bringing up has in experience "it was raised." Speaking a little more directly, coming make child bringing up not by instinct but by experience. By the way, it is said that a clever chimpanzee is in the monkey center in Inuyama-shi of Aichi Prefecture. It is said that conversation is also made with man. But although it talked, pushing a switch even if it called it conversation, the chimpanzee became pregnant in summer of 1998. It is not that that the man of が and a breeding staff was worried. It was " whether child bringing up is made to this chimpanzee sure enough" (Chunichi Shimbun). Personally, the animal by which artificial breeding was carried out cannot usually do child bringing up. it is said that a clever animal like a chimpanzee comes out still more, looks at its child in inside, and the parents who run from place to place are also in it It is and is [ a bowl and ] man. Now, a main subject. Each man has each past. Although it is it, there are little people who had the perfect past as the premise. In other words, any men carry a certain heavy burden on the back, and are alive. When talking about child bringing up, the heart and the person who puts, there is, is wrapped by parents' love, and any inconvenience does not have, and grew up are rarer. That is, any men have each problem. Don't curse your past, just because there is no firm 親像. Then, I want you to look back upon you. What child bringing up did you receive? That is, what 親像 is contained? Supposing "a dark portion" is in your past, it will be cut off by your 代. Don't tell a child. A method is easy although the old man said it "severed cause and effect." What is necessary is just to notice the dark portion. Only by it, the greater part of this problem is solved. I want you to gaze at myself thoroughly at once. "-- also often, shame is written -- having made -- ! -- the crack of the house of " and the new building to worry The crack of a newly built house is worried. Although I also bought a few note personal computers with the mail order the front, it had one pickpocket crack in the personal computer from the beginning. My it was worrisome and unavoidable then. So is child bringing up. If a child is juvenile, parents will become sensitive to child bringing up a certain degree. " Although the teacher of an English classroom is an American, it is the second Japanese origin. " When carrying out to the visit secretly, it was playing alone in the sandbox. ヘン pronunciation keeps about the body." A next child and the next talk were " carried out during session. Suit bullying." There is no concentration." Although it is understood, if a degree is exceeded, the confidential relation of a teacher and parents itself will be destroyed. There are various cases. The young teacher of a certain kindergarten was doing the thought at which the heart stops whenever the bell of a telephone rings. Moreover, another director of a certain kindergarten was shaking the hand, whenever the letter of the small envelope from one parents arrived. じて, the teacher who has taken the vacation over a long period of time, and the teacher who has been indebted to the doctor of psychiatry have much such a condition like this. One person and two persons are always also in a kindergarten of what. If there are 30 students when it sees from a teacher although it may be the relation of 1 to 1 through a child, if it sees from parents, it is 1 to 30. Even if it can cope with the grievance of one person or two persons, if all five four of it become, it will not go so. And there are no limits in parents' desire. Though the child who cannot do becomes common, parents say a complaint. If he is asked for perfection, a teacher and education will be better asked for perfection. And if trifles are made exaggerated, a teacher is condemned severely obstinately. the man of usually rich common sense -- things -- when it becomes a child's thing, there are many people who become irrational I also had various experiences. The " some other class has received four instruction per month. I was absent from the lesson during the consecutive holidays in May. My class is 3 times. There was father (dentist) who has said 補講." if I refuse it -- the parents -- "-- a front is sued for a fraud crime An eagle 's face is large. it is only an easy task to crush pre- work -- " Moreover, another day. I have father who was coming for the visit by chance help a lesson. However, the telephone call of a violent protest has been got from mother (wife) later. "-- also often, shame is written to an inner master -- having made -- ! It gives why! " It is not an ordinary telephone. Every day, moreover, each telephone continued ネチネチ and 1 hour or more every night. My wife also raised ネ to this telephone truly. Whenever there was sound of the bell of a telephone, the wife shook ワナワナ and the body. The feeling that you want to tell the teacher of a garden or a school grievances of various is known well. Probably, there are also a complaint and dissatisfaction. However, abandoning it abandons the crack of a newly built house with サッ as a crack. He forgets to forget with サッ. Although it is important to get interested in a child's education, nervous fault concern makes recollections unsightly. For the health of yours yourself and a child, it is not good, either. Although it may be excessive, a child becomes brawny only after he becomes full of cracks. crack つく -- don't fear things my personal computer -- now -- a crack -- だらけ Although the cover was applied each time, now, it takes out at the time of the beginning on a desk, and it has no っぱ every day. However, user-friendliness became good hard. Child bringing up is the same as that of it. Now, I think so thoroughly. べ on which himself depends himself [ "mother changed into the distraction state and rioted ", and ] Section 1 of 法句経 -- " -- べ on which himself depends himself himself -- おき -- it is based on whom -- べ -- there is " What is necessary is just to think that 法句経 is one of the primitive Buddhist scriptures which remain in Gautama Buddha's birth ground. A place [ he depends / "himself / for Gautama Buddha ]. Should you set yourself aside and on whom should depend?" [ the ] That is, it is teaching "Do your thing personally." It will be called "freedom" when this Gautama Buddha's words are put in another way by one word. That it is free means "It is based on oneself" from the first. That is, that it is free says what "it considers personally, and acts personally and responsibility is personally taken for." It is not called freedom to make a selfish thing wayward. The foundations of child bringing up are in this "freedom." A child is freed in order to make a child become independent. Mother of the type called が and so-called excessive-meddling mama does not allow it. Even if a teacher speaks to a child, it interrupts from width immediately. " It is my おばあ's house and is しょ. Going [ "yesterday / to where ]-toward I and child kana" mother, and width から My おばあ's house. It is しょ right [ that ]. だった et al. -- say so -- " -- me -- again -- a child -- going -- "pleasant kana" mother -- again -- interrupting -- "-- pleasant -- わ . It is しょ right [ that ]. だった et al. -- say so -- " This type of mother has deep-rooted distrust to the child. The distrust changes a figure and serves as excessive meddling. Big vexations may cause excessive meddling. A certain mother married the present husband reluctantly. Therefore, whenever some children failed, he was scolding violently, saying "if when comes, you come that it can do perfectly." Next, mother of the type called overprotection mama does not make a child come out of a conclusion personally. Or it is not made to act personally. It is the overprotection in mentality to have big influence on a child, although various overprotection occurs. It is "not wanting to make it play with a violent child", and child bringing up is carried out only under parents' protection. A child becomes unripe mentally and becomes ひ弱. It becomes the child of the type the "greenhouse plant" said commonly. If it takes out outside, he will catch cold immediately. Furthermore, 溺愛 type mother does not make a child take responsibility. There is no fence between himself and a child. It has a view which is called himself equal sign and child. A certain mother said like this. "It will be cut by the impulse he also wants to jump in into it and to hit a partner's child if children are seen quarreling." Moreover, another mother is a thing his son (inside 2) started the case of bodily injury, and was directed for and to solve. It said at the police that a partner's child was worse to the last last, and did not yield 1 step. The person who was on that occasion and united with it by chance said, "Mother will be in a distraction state, ワーワー is screamed, or a desk is pounded, and a hand was not attached. " Himself is made to depend himself's thing. Although it may be visible to cold child bringing up apparently, the foundations of child bringing up should make a child become independent. ふみ ずs the starting point and there cannot be no child bringing up. " .... Child who does" and going-home refusal what it should carry out Only truancy becomes a problem, and although it is conspicuous, the children of going- home refusal are increasing in number at almost same rate as it. The S's (whole year child) mother has held such a consultation. "If the time which returns in a kindergarten comes, an inner child will go to somewhere. Then, it is if a telephone call is got from a teacher and I want you to pick up from now on. What should it carry out?" Then, if you meet a teacher and the talk is heard, although it is to return by "bus, if the time comes, the inside of the reverse side of a kindergarten building or a cooking room etc. will hide to somewhere each time. Then, although searched all together, the departure time of a bus will be overdue like every day by favor." I heard the talk and judged it as "going- home refusal." Although there are various causes, if it says plainly, the home has not achieved the function as a home .... It is suspected first. A child has the three worlds. A "home", and "a garden and a school." It is "the companionship world with a friend" to it. Although these third world is still small in the case of a small child, naturally a domestic role also changes as the specific gravity of "a garden or a school" becomes large. Moreover, you have to change. A child comes to cure in a home the heart which got tired in the outer world, and crack ついた心. That is, a home must be "the place of peacefulness." が and mother do not understand it. The S's mother always also said like this. "I value upbringing at home so that a child may not write shame with the outer world." Head" of a Japanese pumpkin is in a U.S. proverb from the cushion of "velvet. That is, although it says that the way having sat down on the head of a Japanese pumpkin feels at ease rather than a man's being needed on the cushion of velvet, originally a home seems to be the head of the Japanese pumpkin. Do you ピリピリ and why can mind be rested, as for a child? Then, there is such an easy testing method. When your child comes back from a garden or a school, he wants you to observe how and where mind is rested. Before you are, so that mind may be rested, if, you and a child are in very good human relations. However, it is fond, and if mind is rested in the place in which you are not present or a sight of you is caught, so that it may escape to somewhere, as long as, you and a child may judge that it is in a quite dangerous state. When it becomes severe to a slight degree, it will be called going-home refusal here and also running away from home. Although the talk digressed for a while, a schoolchild also has going-home refusal again also at a junior-and-senior-high-schools student. Going-home time is unnaturally late. Stopping on the way and a detour are carried out like every day. Or if I understand that there are much going out and staying out and there are, this going-home refusal will be suspected. There is a case where it goes for a house to be narrow and to always play outside, and while a child is unconscious, he acts for avoiding a disagreeable thing. Also as for going-home refusal, one of the thoughts of a house being "disagreeable" and "it not being interesting" leads to surroundings まわって and going-home refusal but. When the reverse side is returned and said, your home will be called home where it is even wonderful that a child comes back from a garden or a school in bright voice every day, saying "It is ! now." If [ "if it says so ...." ], and child bringing up are a conditioned reflex When bringing up a child, he plans to teach a child how to bring up a child (if it to see from you grandchild), and it raises into him. When you scold a child, he plans to teach a child how to scold a child (grandchild), and you scold. Although this is the Ohara rule of child bringing up, it does not work so. Many parents say like this. Although it understands in "head, when it becomes on that occasion, it keeps as カッ just and is with ". Just like that. There are those [ no ] who consider child bringing up one by one, and do it. If it says plainly, child bringing up is the lump of a conditioned reflex. It is not said that a conditioned reflex is bad. Since there is this conditioned reflex, most actions of man flow smoothly. For example, when gaining the glass on a desk, there are those [ no ] who think "whether do you take on the right or will take on the left", whether "whether do you hold the way on a glass or to hold the lower one ", etc., and do. Even if it considers nothing, a hand is extended and holds a glass. While it is unconscious, it does so. Problems are the contents of the conditioned reflex. It is satisfactory if it is a good conditioned reflex. For example, when a child fails in something, it becomes a child's position immediately and "OK ?" is heard. However, there is also a bad conditioned reflex. the time of a child failing in something similarly -- "-- if when comes -- you -- calling it " and hitting a child on the head with バシッ etc. If such conditioned reflexes every-day-ize, your child's heart will be distorted certainly. Character is also distorted. Then, supposing it meets (i.e., if the bad conditioned reflex has every-day-ized), it will lurk in [ your ] own and the "vexations" which pulls [ you ] the wires from the reverse side will be explored. Something must be. For example, your child may be a child born before wishing. It attached to something by the first child, and possibly was as anxious continuation as uneasy. Or possibly your child was always the kind of disappointment for you. It may be said that it becomes unpleasant whenever the child has inherited your disagreeable character and it is displayed to him. it does not ハキハキ -- it is impudent -- how to carry out a reply does not eat on a its mind He has school education inferiority complex and there was also an indescribable person cut uneasily only by a child's results falling for a while merely. There is also such a case. a certain father and a son (smallness 3) -- it will become a large quarrel immediately by trifles but It is だ even if relations are good until just before it. Father said like this. "I am seen for the eyes which made people バカ. It cannot be allowed. then, " -- what and its eyes If you scold for ", I will be disregarded and its face will be turned away. Then, it will be quarreling." A son is a son and says, "Papa gets angry immediately." Then, when the talk was further asked to father, "if it says so ...." was said and it spoke about such a thing. The father was troubled by bullying at the time of a high school student. The partner who teases says that he was carrying out the same eyes. That is, it had become vexations. As a matter of fact, it is simple so that man's heart may be complicated apparently. A conditioned reflex is not lost if vexations are not explored. If it realizes what が and its vexations are, it will come out so much and the conditioned reflex will disappear. What is necessary is just to explore the vexations at once, supposing you under those circumstances say that you have repeated the always bad conditioned reflex. Why does it repeat the same thing? A problem is solved although some time is taken the back. "If it is peace till then when it is love ....", it will --domestic-child-bringing-up-war. There was an overprotection clearly child (whole year boy). A cause is an old woman. then, a certain day -- since mother had picked up by chance, it said to the mother like this "The way separated from my おばあ for a while is certainly." the old woman was alike all over and was loving the child It is in order that が and this word may become the trigger of a large disturbance after that! And one month after. Mother came to the kindergarten by signs that it was tired completely. too much -- it changed, it was surprised like and I said like this that I spoke, saying "whether what is the matter" Under [ it is serious from "disagreeable あ, a teacher, and that ]. grandparents and separation -- otherwise, it will be called divorce and grandparents will live in separate houses after all -- " if it is other things -- at any rate -- parents -- things -- a compromise will not be reached if it becomes a child's thing There was also such a thing. The old man was a very affable and gentlemanly person. If it is heard later, it will be said that it was acting as the teacher of a junior high school. The old man is what reason, or adhered to the D's (seniority child) entrance examination unusually. "It will be troubled if I do not have a grandchild go into A elementary school also as a teacher and what." I have not understood the old man's feeling. "Those who will exist also with a former teacher are ? why." が, a certain day, and its reason were found. The old man talked like this. The D's father was doing 勤務医 in Hamakita-shi of 隣町. Supposing the D enters A elementary school, the D will circulate from the old man's house to an elementary school. The D is returning to the basis of the parents of Hamakita-shi, if a school cannot be がed and entered. However, it became just before the entrance examination and the situation changed suddenly. It began to be violently opposed to parents receiving an entrance examination. My place has also got the telephone call from father. "It wants without interfering about the education of my home from now on. A son is with since it decided to send to the local elementary school of Hamakita-shi." This incident is after half a year, although it was finished as it. Then, although the old man was on the bicycle, when he passed by car, it was haggard like another person and he was seen. There has already been no figure which was triumphantly taken to the kindergarten and which was made into that ハツラツ anywhere, pulling a back scratcher. When it is heard later, it is after half a year further. The old man says that he has passed away with some illnesses. For the old man, grandchild bringing up was a thing more than definite aim in life (i. e., the "life" itself). It scrambles for a grandchild and there are those who are developing a sublime domestic war among parents without limit. However, such a miserable example is also in a world. I want you to consider as your own thing at once rather than an example. If it is you, what does it really carry out in such cases? A certain grandparents had one person's like the apple of its eye grandchild. が and its grandchild suited the traffic accident. Although it was saved when performing an operation, the bride was opposed to the operation stubbornly. The bride was a certain religion religious group's eager believer. In the religious group, it is teaching so that an operation may be refused. " Such instruction has not been carried out. Once I check into a religious group however, if it is an eager believer, it may refuse himself -- a thing [ " ] Anyway, the grandchild has died of it. The grandfather said like this and blocked language. "Although considered [ that a bride's religion is not so bad, either, if it is peace when it is love, and ] till then" .... Child with - nature "returned for striking in あんた etc." (he has no illustration) The strong self which is going to pierce through its intention is called nature. If there is even this nature, it will become somehow in this world. If this nature does not exist on the contrary, even if it has the good talent and good brains with much trouble, it will be buried in society in the view of life made into ナヨナヨ. A certain boy (seniority child) is a restaurant, and suggested "One more sheet and pizza are eaten." then -- if mother says, "make it by the elder brother and halves" -- "one sheet is surely eaten" although mother abandoned it and an order for one more sheet was placed -- the child -- ヒーヒー 言 -- it is said that it ate without moving from its seat Mother was laughing it as "the thing also with an adult serious [ two sheets ]" later. moreover, a certain kindergarten -- a teacher -- a one boy (whole year child) -- "あんた etc. -- already -- Return to inside! it was called " -- at the time Although the teacher only said so with the intention of a light threat, the child stole a teacher's eyes, slipped out of the classroom, and has walked and returned to a house. A teacher did not think that he returned truly by no means, either. Mother was also laughing "Even if he walks on grown-up foot, it takes 1 hour." Such children are called tenacious child. The self. It considers with not the viewpoint of not raising but the viewpoint to pull out of crushing to raise. That is, it is concluded that any children are equally endowed with self from the first. It is like the sparrow which hangs about at the yard. If that sparrow et al. steals the eye of a dog, it steals dog food. Just since man also had such brawniness, we were able to survive the long years no less than what 100,000 years. The parents of が many will crush the self. The perfect principle of excessive meddling, fault concern and overbearing child bringing up, or parents and also parents' emotion uneasiness crush a child's self. It is also unsavory that parents build a plan and apply to the plan. A child becomes small and only the part which became small has self dampened. In order to pull out self on the contrary, although there is a child, he accepts as first. And as is accepted although it is. It can do, and even if が is good and it is bad, it is convinced in "This is an inner child." あ - If it says more clearly, it will come. -- め and る. Although it may be visible to random child bringing up apparently, a child is the random portion and lengthens feather. Its self is pulled out. However, stubborn は区別 is carried out with self here. It shuts itself up in its Calah and it is referred to as stubborn to become stubborn. For example, unless a certain boy (seniority child) was the same seat, he did not sit down by any means in a kindergarten. Moreover, another boy (seniority child) did not greet the teacher of a person to meet once [ free ] for two years. It is said that saying so is stubborn. Moreover, that it is selfish distinguishes self. claiming, "why doesn't an elder brother buy me before this that I had OO bought?" -- self Buy it! however, a reason -- there is nothing -- "-- be -- buy it --""-- be fastidious -- it will be said that it is selfish to scream " In the case of a small child, as [ my ] usually copes with it by the method of ignoring. It pierces through the posture "nobody does stripes to a partner even if it says as [ my ]." "It is an excessive busybody", sublime intrafamily violence (he has no illustration) The T was my former student. Both parents were acting as the teacher of a junior high school. I used the T's (inside 2) of the rumor as the ear for the first time in 7 or 8 years. The man of the neighboring house is because it was my student's parents by chance. " Mother resigned the teacher of a junior high school". [ "it is said the reason, "all of the door in a house and glass are removed", and that father and mother crawl and pass when it passes along a passage", and ] I visualized sublime intrafamily violence into the head. The T was understanding good "a good child (?)." Even if the shovel was seized in the sandbox, the easy and always gentle smile was floated by the child who hands as it is. However, having applied a film always like モヤ to the T's heart worried me. Although often misunderstood, when calling it "a gentle child" in the world of early childhood education, the thing of the child who can express considering or his considering straight is said. It is obedient and a gentle child never means an understanding good child. Rather, in order for this type of child to accumulate the stress received in the heart inside inside and to be crowded, he tends to distort the heart. The T was just such a type of child. condition is opposite -- but -- however, putting on this intrafamily violence and same rank, and considering stays home and comes out It unites with the condition of staying home into a house, and the inversion phenomenon of night and daytime and which apathetic and expressionless condition appear. However, since the heart is always in a strain state, it gets angry explosively as a start carried out suddenly, or it riots. If symptoms develop at boyhood, it will not go to a school as it is, and will become in many cases. Too, he plays "a good child" in the outer world so that this type of child is not trusted, either. There are such recollections about the T of the. It is a thing when I try to tell mother distortion of the T's heart. No, there was such a thing before it at once. When I was having a class in another classroom of a kindergarten, the T always slipped out of his classroom secretly, and he came to my classroom and was learning. The T's charge often came for take return. Then, a certain day and I telephoned the T's mother. "Isn't my classroom sent? " It wants without the T's mother getting angry violently and inviting to "kitchen responding to it. Since a thing called an inner educational object is in inside ".! However, the T does for a while from it, and he came to come to my classroom. I think that it is because the T pressed as "My want to go" at home. I taught the T during half a year henceforth. At the time [ come out and / how / to tell the "distortion" ] the bottom Mother said like this. "What is necessary is only to carry out that we are asking あんた of you." That is, "it is an excessive busybody." Distortion of a child's heart is known at as early time as possible, and it is good to cope with it. However, it is actually next to impossible. Even if it makes it us who point out, there is illusion of "supposing it is wrong ...." A nothing-is-wrong policy [ say / "it will let it go past somehow as it is" ] is also committed. Whatever it may say [ が and ], the parents itself do not have the consciousness. There is also no knowledge. Every man cannot but carry out till the place to which it gets, and cannot but notice personally. Such a field surely hangs around education. "バカ -- what -- ! mistake the relations with" and parents -- prudent In the educational world, only 1 word sometimes often becomes a big problem. Such an incident was a certain elementary school. The teacher of the school has slid one mother on the mouth suddenly, saying "there are バカ parents by whom four are giving the child to the private school." Although the word "バカ" has been used, the teacher is not new nowadays, if it is about four private schools. It is a coaching school etc. to a swimming class and an abacus private school in an English classroom. Then, each parents regarded their thing as having said, and it has developed into the large disturbance which involved in the board of education. The teacher cannot but come to change to another school in the middle of a term of office after all. There are が and experience which resembled this in fact also at me. During the consecutive holidays in May, mothers were accompanied by children and have been to the day ズニー land. Although it was it, when he met the one after person's mother, I asked, "Did you go?" Then, the mother is with "it did not go." Then, I put the thought (it was crowded during consecutive holidays and probably it was probably serious), and have said, "Was it wise?" が and this talk have spread over all mothers within a night. and the talk bends by somewhere -- having -- "-- if ヤツ which took the child to the day ズニー land during the consecutive holidays in May is バカ -- that -- し was already laughing -- it will be called " The terrible group of mothers of an attitude came to my place after several days. "バカ -- what -- ! Mistake! " When it comes to mothers' trouble, it is an everyday occurrence. It is not new to become a large quarrel of to have said and "not saying", either. And once it becomes [ this world and ] complicated, it will become complicated thoroughly. There is a case where mothers' trouble is a lawsuit, now really at the elementary school with in the city. Then, teachings. You should make the relations with parents indifferent like water. If it can do, it is on an office target. It is necessary minimum if it can do. And although this is important, the slander of a teacher or other parents does not say. It is not heard. And it does not chime in. it will travel to other men who struck when chiming in by coming out as language which you said this time "That Mr. Hayashi had also said so." Ugly human being's drama is flying about under the water surface, calling it education. And since there is a "child" in between, it does not forgive mutually. Just it develops desperate and desperate fighting. Even when nine of 10 persons are honest, one person has those who are not honest. Those [ these ] that are not honest enlarge trouble. Supposing が and it cannot bypass the relations with such a man, either .... It carries out like this then. "A partner considers your thing, as he considers a partner" is in the proverb of Britain. That is, if you regard the partner as "It is a good person", a partner will also come to regard your thing as "It is a good person." If it thinks "it is a disagreeable person" with it being opposite, a partner will also come to think "he is a disagreeable person." Therefore, in the educational world where the child was involved, I always regard a teacher and parents as "It is a good person." Only a partner's good field is seen and it is praised. In short, don't make an enemy in this world. At any rate, although repeated repeatedly, if it is the thing in other worlds, because the child is involved in between, it considers there carefully and it acts. "ウルサイ" "to study" and vanity, face, appearance It is appearance to vanity, face, and it. Although each is the same, these three distort home training. If the reverse side is returned and it will be released from these three, almost all troubles that coil round home training will be canceled. First, vanity. There was mother who declared "A person is estimated by this H city at a graduate high school." "Therefore, surely, an inner child will be troubled, if I do not have you go into A high school." However, if it adheres to vanity, parents will be in pain, and a child is also in pain more than it. Next, face. A certain mother did not attend entrance-into-a-school-of-higher-grade school another round-table conference in a junior high school "since it is shameful," once. Moreover, another mother accompanied by car the thing of since a child enters a high school, and every morning. "Since he does not want a neighboring man to see a child's uniform" seemed to be the reason. Moreover, after changing into the uniform every morning near the station, there were some children who went to school. が and such postures damage a child's pride. A child is made mean. It is appearance to the last. The parents adhering to vanity or face come to patch up appearance soon. There were parents who said "I have an inner child surely take an entrance examination for A high school." if I say, "I think that it is impossible" -- "I want to make once the form where it took and slid on such a place" Somehow, although "type" is made into the method of preparation, many joys-and-sorrows plays are born from here. Even if the human being of a position like me says, "The world does not care about your thing so much", he is useless. They are being hallucinated as if this type of parents were travelling the world focusing on themselves. or the inside of the world is observing itself -- as if -- it is hallucinated らべ which an acorn will disobey if it considers. Although it will be A high school and it will be C high school, it is only the rank of the very small town of a very small country called Japan again. Even if it makes it a planet called this earth, if it sees from the universe, isn't it existence like garbage? The model of the sun and the earth has decorated my room. the sun -- a ball with a diameter of 15cm -- then, the earth -- and it is only a ball with a diameter of 0.5mm (1mm half!) in the place when it was about 10m away Nevertheless, if the time comes, many parents will make desperate efforts taking-an-examination war of a child. However, a word. Those who hang down from school education and are alive come to be troubled with the school education after all. a certain father -- things -- it boasted of its graduate high school for every ある "Is golf considered as the fellow student friend of A high school in the next time which meets so?" The thing his son (inside 3) will call soon high school taking an examination still more although its graduate high school name is indirectly woven in into conversation and to solve. However, the child did not have the power. Since there was nothing, the parents became ハメ which experiences pain in hell in vanity and face that much. The father and son had almost repeated the large confused fighting of " study" and "ウルサイ" every night. This vanity and face. if the method of fighting with appearance is in it, it has a view of life [ say / "I am me and a man is a man" ] -- 以外にな . が and this are not easy things. A view of life is such a thing, and it is unestablishable in a short period of time. "あんた carries out teacher ヅラ.... They are " and nihilism [ 10% of ] (he has no illustration) *. Next, after taking out an admission report to the music studio into which it goes, it says to the teacher till then like this. "Although he wants to consult by the future thing of a teacher and an inner child" .... However, a child cannot do a secret. It will tell a teacher in a certain form. "It will go into B classroom shortly. a mama -- a teacher -- secret -- エ -- " A teacher's heart is crack つく thoroughly at such a time. There is the word 10% of "nihilism" in this world. However it may be devoted to education, 10% of the last means that it sets for the reason of itself. Otherwise, this world, the body, and the heart will be made into ズタズタ. For example, there is the drama "golden 8 teacher " whom Tetsuya Takeda plays. Although he plays an always wonderful teacher, such teacher cannot exist actually. It is like a detective and a villain exchanging shots with a van van with a pistol in a criminal drama exactly, as for it. Although it is interesting as a drama, it is a drama to the last. Oh, it sees saying, and it is troubled if I have an illusion have "This is the teacher of an ideal." Dusky human being's desire is whirling in the undercurrent, calling it "education and education." Now, the education itself is commercializing. There is even a vending machine theory. "If money is paid, education will come out automatically." In fact, if admission is refused on the convenience of the side which can be set and is taught in いこ 塾, parents will oppose it violently. "Doesn't an inner child have you put in why?" The teacher of a certain private school talked like this. "When refusing admission, parents got angry as if they were also at the department store at selling refusal." Isn't it called "tread on a worm and it will turn" from ancient times? It can set how much and the teacher of いこ塾 has not worked only for money, either. If "Teach since gold is paid " is said, the zeal itself to teach will disappear. In inside, the parents who do not accept a teacher's character at all are also. I also have such experience. Then, I am doing something else [ something ] and have not noticed it. Overwork has abolished the hearing ability of 左 耳 completely exactly at the beginning of 30 generation owing to at the time. There is also that and the girl (seniority child) has not noticed having greeted me. mother be trying to get and do が and it got angry "Doesn't あんた carry out teacher ヅラ and can't a child do a greeting, either?" There is nothing so then. The telephone call has been got also from the night and father. The " crack was attached to an inner daughter's heart. A reason, Carry out somehow! " If I ask how what is necessary is just to carry out", since I will take a daughter "tomorrow, bow and mistake the head by " in front of a daughter." such parents -- a part -- coming out -- being certain -- an imitation -- it is actually If it is at all, those who are called teacher cannot throw away 10% of nihilism. this -- the teacher of a garden or a school -- it can set and there is also no teacher of いこ塾 No, I can set and can have a student stop as a final means in いこ塾. However, the teacher of a garden or a school does not get it. Since it cannot do, the shifting the strain will gather in the place of the teacher of the spot. When it can say dignifiedly, "I do not want to teach in a child of the parents who can do spoiling like you etc.", is also a teacher that mind is easy however? If it thinks that it will work now in the educational world .... This point cannot be written here. I want the portion of this "...." to consider for yourself, a reader. "head -- the inside of ボコボコ and a face, and" full of birthmarks and the child abused Afternoon on a certain Sunday. The one child (smallness 5 boy) has run into the kindergarten. The I who is acting as the director of a kindergarten in Fuji- shi spoke about the situation at that time like this. "When seen, the head was full of birthmarks among ボコボコ and the face. it cries -- also coming out -- nothing and the body were shaken with ワナワナ -- " It is abuse. Although it escaped, probably, the suitable place for others was not thought of. The child has escaped to the kindergarten which had passed a long time ago. A scholar called カナー defines abuse as follows. (1) Too much hostility, coolness and (2) perfect principle, (3) compensatory overprotection. Compensatory overprotection here says the overprotection based on parents' ego in which he wants to have his way not the original overprotection rooted in love but a child under his rule. the result child -- (1) love starvation (state which was hungry for love), (2) coercion tendency (frightened as if something was always coerced), and (3) emotion ---like -- condition, such as being immature (control of feeling not being performed), is shown, and it comes to take various problem action The I talked like this. "The child is one person of the inside which is twins and was produced. The other was a girl. It seemed that mother disliked only the son remarkably by the fatherless family." me -- "-- the big vexations between mother and a child -- probably it was -- if " is asked -- "isn't it because" the husband from whom the boy was probably divorced, and a face and a situation were similar? As a reason parents abuse a child, as for a scholar called ホルネイ, the (1) parents itself have an obstacle. (2) The child is parents' heavy burden. (3) The child is the kind of disappointment for parents. (4) Parents are immature in emotion and four of 、s which are a means for a child solving a problem are raised. it -- anyway, when calling it abuse, it says that the extent is over the range of corporal punishment Also in the I's case, mother is a bat and had beaten a son's head. If it says plainly, a thing just before killing will be done. And the crack in which a child is deep not only to the body but the heart with a natural thing is undertaken. The girl who is continuing grinning at one person during study (smallness 2). The groan voice like an animal was raised every night, and there was a girl (smallness 3) who was running about the neighborhood. Made it better [ to separate parent and child from how a problem is solved in such cases ]. Although there is also a method of putting into protection institution by instruction of a board of education, it is not easy so in fact. since father and the child were separated compulsorily halfway -- father -- "-- a front is killed even if it starts throughout life -- there is also a teacher of the school threatened " Or even if it dissociates with much trouble, mother is irresolute and there are also father who uses violence, and a case which has repeated り which returned り separate enough. if a conclusion is said -- even if -- between parents and children -- it can do -- と -- but society should have recognition that one-sided violence is a crime And educational facilities and the police are moved by such a premise. Only this problem is another although I wrote " the principle of noninterference in internal affairs" in this column some day. What is necessary is just to notify a nearby child guidance clinic, if a child is seen abused. The " child guidance clinic will be better since it surely becomes exaggerated. Although there is also a method of "the police ...." The thing of the way of it coping with it pertinently" (S elementary school N principal). "Once it is good, please make it meet", and crack つく children Mother of a certain day and the F (seniority child) came to the kindergarten. And my lesson was surely said that I want you to make it visit. If I refuse it, mother would burst into tears and will have bent the body in the place of a door. It attached, and the lady (mother's elder sister) who has accompanied also pressed me as "since it is good at once." It was not able to be made が and me what, either. The F had new mother then. The mother was mother and was desperate to hold the F's heart. The F's grandmother also made sure " Even if there is such a thing temporarily, it never wants without making former mother meet " repeatedly. However, the reason which I was not able to make mother visit suited elsewhere. The disturbance which results there although the kitchen of those who are divorced is divorced is crack つける about a child's heart. There was such a thing. The solved thing which passed a certain Japanese J (whole year child) of the paper, saying "Draw a picture." The J has smeared away deep-black with the crayon. Then, once again, if paper is passed, the paper will have been painted out similarly. When he scolded lightly, it ひっくり返してed and waited for the desk on foot this time. If the reason is later asked to mother, as for " fruit, the previous night and a husband will disappear.... It is with ". As general principles, a child shows very strong adaptation power as change of environment, such as a move. However, to change of love, it is brittle. Although it is satisfactory if a quarrel between husband and wife is also carried out in a certain fixed frame, if the frame is exceeded, it will have big influence on a child. The view of a thing makes it coarse. Control of feeling becomes impossible. The condition similar to the childcare refusal child and the home collapse child may be shown. However a certain child (seniority boy) might be scolded by the teacher, he did not spill even a tear, connecting a mouth to キッ. The natural feeling expression itself will be pressed to death himself. and " commonly referred to as that it becomes chronic -- becoming perverse -- condition -- " comes out me -- "-- whom -- it is -- this -- a crayon -- a rose -- a rose -- having carried out -- a thing -- " -- a child -- "-- the body -- being caught -- having fallen -- " -- me -- "-- it is -- if -- gather -- child "peculiarity dropped before this also in teacher" I "-- .. -- " -- . [ "should be gathered since you dropped even if it placed" ] [" child "bad since teacher puts on such place" I ] They are one more general principles to it. Even once [ only ], the more the shock is large, the more the big crack like [ recovery does not stick ] is attached to a child's heart. The lady who is 失語症 was before introduced in the report program of NHK but (about [ 20 years old ]). She has witnessed that parents are slaughtered at hand at the age of about 10. Since then, it is said that voice has stopped coming out. Although it is the tragedy which occurred in Sarajevo under wartime, there is a case similar to this without limit. So was the F who raised to the beginning in fact. When it met, the strong 自閉 tendency was shown from から. It was not going to move about here and there freely, and was never going to open the heart from itself. Even if that a meaningless soliloquy continues being called ボソボ ソ etc. addresses, the conversation itself does not gear. an I "weather" F"refrigerator top good today -- a dragonfly -- " Suddenly, the queer voice was raised, it might run about in the classroom and my hand might be bit. If mother catches such a sight, what does the mother think? It was not able to be shown to me. I separated and said to ぎわ and its mother like this. "It is good even if it is not worried. The F is with since it is doing vigorously now." "-- rather than it makes two persons' ダ 作 -- a child -- one person"- frightful -- it school -education-believes in There is a person absorbed in a child's education with the energy of a frightful like. Also of my memory, the number one was the E (mother). When the E was wrong in grading of a teacher, he went to the school and was making it correct by a son's (smallness 3) test. That is right when results fall. The teacher was harassed also to where with "the method of the results beginning is amusing." The E of the and mouth グセ are always the same. "school education being [ it / the passport of life ]" "-- rather than it makes two persons' ダ 作 -- a child -- one person -- ", "a child putting in at any universities, if it educates firmly from infancy" in, etc. Specifically, the E used the name of the "University of Tokyo" as the mouth. The E of the and I lived in the same neighborhood a long time ago. If the E came for play to my house, he improved a son's boastful account. When the son became the fifth grader in an elementary school, the E sent the son to the cram school in the city. although the E did not have the license of a car till then -- the object for accompanying of a private school -- と -- license was taken and the low displacement car was purchased Furthermore, although it was medieval times, even the copy machine purchased, and it prepared for the study of a private school. The place in character with [ although it is an everyday occurrence if it is of this level ] the E from here. When the son was absent from the private school with cold etc., the E went to the private school instead, and he received the lesson. And it had teaching materials and prints to the house, and returned. Although the thing to which I will usually accustom and to say was not told to a man, for the E, it was also a boastful account. It said to me like this. "With the teaching materials of a private school, I am doing the individual lesson." The son could do and that が was good accelerated the E's educational heat. Although it was not so rich a home, it was made to participate in a summer camp and a homestay outside the country like an every year. The English-conversation teaching materials which carry out a set of no less than 300,000 yen have been purchased. The solved thing to which the son became high school one year. I met E Mr. husband and wife by chance at the station. The E floated the smiling face on the whole face, and he said like this. As for ", the Hayashi and the son went into A high school. It is the favor of 猛勉強. " First, there are no parents who use a son's entrance-into-a-school-of-higher-grade place as a mouth so. me -- "-- あ -- it was as hard as possible to have answered it as " When seen suddenly, the E's husband is the fine face which is not, and removed the look from me. It remained in the heart that the E and whose husband were contrastive too much contrastive. If the E is seen, some will be considered to be education to there. Or some will be considered to be the E's life to there. Though believed in, there are some persons who believe in while maintaining oneself, and there is a person devoted to it. The E is just the blind belief person of school education faith. They are not only が and it. The more a man believes one thing blindly, it is the sword to return and, the more he says toward a partner, " You are wrong." Or such an attitude is taken. A thing is considered only with its measure and it says, "So should be you." It makes a surrounding person unpleasant. It is not said that school education faith is useless. Thanks to the school education, there are those who are living a graceful life [ leisurely ] without limit really. It soothes and divine favor is larger than a げな religion. Moreover, certain. It is not wonderful, even if there are parents devoted to a child's studying for an examination, if there is such reality at all. However, only as for this, to memorize is good. The case which succeeds like the E does not have one in 10. The 9 remaining goes wrong. And a mostly miserable result is caused. School education faith is such a thing. "-- it is nothing in a sex etc. after all -- nothing -- " and the unusual sex consciousness The girls' high school student 4 persons who came for play to inside tell that he goes to drive to spring vacation. It is my former student wholly. Then, if the talk is heard, three persons will say that the teacher of a high school and one more person go with the adviser of 部活 of a junior high school time inside. And only for one person, it is that it is single among four teachers. The rest is a married man. I heard the talk and said like this. "An adult adult will do a grain for one day, what thing is going to drive or do you understand it? It cannot return in safety." While the high school students laughed brightly responding to it, it said like this. "A teacher, old, - イ. it is ヘン -- without it carries out things imagination -- エ ". However, I worried. A か否か [ that it should say to parents ]. It will stop going, if it says. However, if it does so, in the bottom, the confidential relation of mine and her will disappear by it. I consulted with the wife, after worrying about the trouble. Then, the wife said like this. "ふ - ン. I should just also have played more (in high school time)." Although I considered as ドキッ at the word, I thought that it was a wife's joke. It considered, just before calling it spring vacation still more, it became, and one person in it was telephoned. And it said like this. "I want you to hear this as an opinion of the one teacher who had taught you. It is ダメ if it carries out to a drive." Then, the girls' high school student said like this, after becoming silent for a while. "じゃあ, a teacher, and あんた take and shine and it is ヨ. Since driving of a car cannot be performed, あんた is しょ! " although it has been about 10 years since then -- me -- entirely -- this kind of talk -- " self -- it is not related -- it has pierced through " if it says clearly -- the young present persons' view -- in any way -- like this -- being also alike -- he cannot understand For us the post-baby boomers, a man is always an assailant, and a woman is always a victim. Playing considers a man and playing considers a woman. However, now, this diagram is not valid. It became the time when a woman played and a man played. Therefore, occasionally, although an opinion can be searched for also about a compensated dating, it can reply to me. It is over the range of the common sense which I can understand. Say that that it can merely say cannot but argue about the view over a sex by the premise of having changed a lot and having changed, for every generation. While contraceptive education and venereal disease education are put into practice, a fixed conclusion is drawn also to an unwed mother problem. A day nursery must be soon installed in は学校, or it must also consider carrying out instruction about how carrying out sex by lesson. According to investigation of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, 39% of a girls' high school student experiences sex negotiation, and the abortion person of 10 generation says that he became 35,000 persons (99 years). However, they are this number and a moderate thing. That is, only this problem is not solved with the viewpoint of "pressing down", and even if it presses down, it is meaningless. It cannot simply allow that use young persons as a meal potato's, and, and play or the adults whose judgment must be do. [ earning gold ] the person born previously uses as a meal potato's the person born behind -- what [ every ] -- ! me -- a basis -- a basis - - since it is a department graduate of a method, although it will become such ways of thinking immediately, such adults should just carry out on severe punishment It is 即ing and arresting a [ the American average ], if it has sex negotiation with a minor. However, such view itself may already be old one. Once, Mr. Toko Kon taught like this, when I visited him to the cancer center in Tokyo. "-- it is nothing in a sex etc. after all -- nothing -- " .... I am also beginning to think so in fact. The world of - putting the cart before the horse "gone to a university for parents" (he has no illustration) it is like "old man -- it was not useful and there were は and a high school student who called it " that what is necessary is just to already keep by く死ん " I do not make a man trouble. If I say that I become an old man" also in Mr. " there Since it is resembled till then and money is earned with great force, it is good." I said further that I asked whether all parents' trouble is in Mr. "" like this there. "Trouble will be seen if it leaves the money of only that." Although parents' obligation is also called inheritance order, such young men are increasing in number now. Such an opinion poll was carried out in 1997 for the youth to whom the Prime Minister's Office invited the coming-of-age ceremony. "Do you see the trouble of parents' old age?" the young man who answered "sees no matter what it may carry out" to it -- only 19% It is more than 60% of an American young man how this number is low. Furthermore, it understands as compared with the number of 80 - 90% of the young men of Southeast Asia. And this number has fallen also 4 point from the number of three years [ the ] ago (94 years). Young men's profligate son-ization is advancing increasingly so that this may also show. On the other hand, in Japan, parents came to apply a hand to the child increasingly in response to the wave of a decrease in the birthrate. Gold is also spent. When a college student is now taken out to cities, such as Tokyo, one person, at least the monthly amount of allowance is an average of 270,000 yen. This frame is a little more than 30 percent of an average salaried worker's annual income (10,050,000 yen). Therefore, if a child comes to go to a university, mother will come out and work to a part also in a house of what. It is forced a life just whose it burns light on a nail. Only for names, が and an important college student are with a college student. It plays earnestly in a huge amusement park called a university! There was also mother who was surprised to look at a life of her son the other day. [ who lives in Kyoto ] Although it is said [ beginning of spring ] that it was, an electric heater has no つけっぱ all day long. At least monthly telephone charges are referred to as having used no less than several 10,000 yen. Of course, children also have something to say. "It has been called study and study from the time of a small child. What will be now called ". There is even a child who brags "Goes to a university for parents." Now, isn't there any high school student who can do study to be a university to go 10%? Most high school students are the viewpoints of "the faculty which can go" of "the university which can go", and choose a university. Or a university is chosen only by the brand. Therefore, it plays increasingly. The student that it has graduated only by appearing in a lecture on several is also in a year (journalistic contribution). When it was the seat of a round-table conference, a certain mother told the parents with a small child such talks like this. "A teacher and we the husband and wife are the profligate son drama daughter. What should it carry out?" My talk is already called talk of one generation ago. When I was amazed, the mother said further like this. "Even now, assistance of living expenses is received from the parents' home every month. A child can set and at least the expense of いこ塾 requires no less than 40,000 yen per month." However, .... Now, who can laugh at such parents? (It is an average and the amount disbursed from parents to a college student is a year and 3,190,000 yen.) When it corrects to a moon average, it is about 266,000 yen. The monthly amount of allowance is an average of about 120,000 yen. Among those, living expenses are 65,000 yen. The mean annual income of the parents who hold a college student is 10,050,000 yen. In attending school house outside, 27% of parents get into debt, and the amount of a mean debt is 1,820,000 yen. the 1999 and Tokyo area private university teachers' union union investigation "-- that -- growing -- the head is amusing --" and individuality -- vitality It is not called individuality to carry out makeup of ぶらさげて and キンキラ money for a paper lantern flatly. Individuality is vitality. The vitality which is useful and pierces through ざ ま "I am me" is said. Although a himself style is useful and the man makes ざま as a result, it is a result to the last. My friend's thing is written. I have worked as a certain time, two friends, and a certain financier's brain trust. One person is Mr. Akimoto. One year of a Japan-South Korea UNESCO exchange student, a senior. The other is Mr. Peter. One year of the Melbourne university time, the younger generation. The plan of a national project after the Sapporo Olympic Games (72 years) was left to us. A plan suffers a setback with が and the Nixon shock. We are 20 years after, although it was got scattered. 40 years old of Mr. Akimoto are the youth of there there, and he is inaugurated as the vice president of Japanese PepsiCo. Moreover, Mr. Peter awoke in Australia the jewelry machining selling company "ベンティーン", and too, he is the youth of there there 40 years old, and built the goods of 巨 100 million. From the Australia government, it is commended by handling quantity number one. Even if it remembers that time of 30 years ago and it is said whether they were special human beings, I do not think so. The seen touch was also a very ordinary youth. When saying by force, they always did with some targets and had the intense vitality which sticks and progresses toward the target. After Mr. Akimoto became the vice president, he took that Michael Jackson to Japan for sales promotion. After working as Mr. Peter works, it is the Sydney suburbs selling off and now about a company, and is living a comfortable retirement life. When it lives and ざま is seen, otherwise, I do not know those to whom they are doing the individual way of life. There are not necessarily が and a problem. Although it was my thing in fact, it had vitality even if it excels them this me and those days, to the extent that it is not inferior. Although two of them were able to make the flower of individuality open when seen as が and a result, I was not able to do. A reason is easy. Mr. Akimoto wandered around the foreign-affiliated company after that. Mr. Peter returned to Australia. That is, there was environment where their vitality was accepted in their circumference. However, I did not have. When I inform "I become the teacher of a kindergarten", mother has burst into tears beyond a phone. the friend (?) of a student time -- leaving -- "-- that -- growing -- the head is amusing -- it was laughed as " if it meets in a class reunion to the charge of a high school time -- "-- only the front should not be leading the life which a reason does not understand -- it was coldly called " and removed The world says, "Develop individuality." However, it does not わか some in the first place with individuality probably. Next, there is also no generosity of accepting the human being with individuality. Although Japan also changed considerably in these 30 years, compared with the West, it is poor. It is still a success-in-life principle to title society. Authoritarianism is making it hear ハバ from it. It does not belong to an organization and the human being whom a title does not have, either is not made into a partner in this Japan. No, it will be excluded in front of it. Under those circumstances, it is not an educational problem to develop individuality. Value vitality, if you say that it can do in education at most. although repeated, it is a child's own problem that the child comes after that whether to be alike of any "people" ど, and it is not an educational problem "-- you -- please take care -- よ -- " -- the study industry formed into - vice The explanation meeting which a certain teaching-materials company sponsors. Although it must have started in the schedule at 9:30, "it has written from 10:00" to the blackboard. If it is waiting for a while, ヒソヒソ and conversation can be heard from between mothers (?) who took the seat. Is [ "the child of your house takes where", and / "where a master's graduate university is" ]? It is a cherry tree. It is the cherry tree which the sponsor went underwater and made crowded. Such ladies begin the talk of taking an examination briskly. If mother becomes the talk of taking an examination or school education, she will become hysteric just then. However, it is just the aim of the teaching-materials company. Moreover, the explanation meeting of another cram school. The meeting room of a gorgeous hotel. The carpet carried out deeply. The scent of the drifting coffee. There, an explanation meeting is preceded and the above for 30 minutes also shows video. The contents are ->(child who is studying) (taking-an-examination scene) ->(day of success-or- failure announcement) -> (figure of the child who passes and is glad, and the mother and child who burst into tears by the failure). And (figure of the mother and child who burst into tears by the failure) also close at hand [ it is lengthy and / for 10 minutes ], it continues! The atmosphere of mother who is looking at video will become strange. However, it is just the aim of the cram school. Although the talk changes, it has the religious body called cult religious group. Although it cannot write that it is which organization of what, it soothes, "a げな instruction" and げな " power" are made into a sale thing, and money and goods are wound up from a believer after all. This cult religious group uses the same technique. It says first "the earth is ruined", " human beings ruining", "an evil spirit gets down", etc., and a believer is made uneasy. It may threaten "You become serious illness soon." And it teaches after it "If it believes in here, will be saved" etc. If man becomes uneasy, he will abolish normal judgment. And the rest will be under the religious group's thumb. In the teaching-materials company, 1,200,000 yen teaching materials per year were forced and used as parents by the junior high school student, the "special-training-just before entrance examination course" was called, and 500,000 yen was taken as a charge of a school for 20 days in the cram school. There are recollections especially unpleasant in this cram school. Since the invitation "whether it came to educational study session" was received from the acquaintance, when carrying out, it was not study session but an explanation meeting for parents. And it had prepared to the guests' seats for us. Although I said "since it is engaged" and stood the seat in the middle of the meeting, the badness of breast クソ felt at that time does not yet disappear. There are a face of a table and a hidden face in education. Isn't it "uneasy" if it says the ringleader of a hidden face as something as it? "a child's future is anxious", whether " whether a child to be able to do perfectly in this society", whether "whether an ordinary life to be performed", "it saying that what, it bit and a man being judged according to school education in Japan", etc. If there is such uneasiness at all, a hidden face uses ハバ, and on the other hand, parents pay 1,200,000 yen teaching-materials expense per year, or pay 50 yen the charge of a short course. However, even if it makes it such parents, it is only the victim of the inconsistency which the education itself [ of Japan ] has. Who can really laugh at such a parents? I can merely say here -- "-- you -- please take care -- よ -- there is nothing only at the thing of the grade of " Such a teaching-materials company and such a cram school are never an exception, and are also in your circumference without limit. It is the thing of only that. "The 21st century will be dark. That I will die together" and spreading cult faith When a man called H of a certain famous lock band committed suicide, suicide was committed even by 3-4 young men even following understanding the back focusing on a lady. There are more suicides hidden from darkness by the family to darkness. It does not start, even if an outsider like me says this and that, since those who commit suicide have an appropriate view of life, and it is reasonable and I will do so. However, it is supposing it is your child .... When the Hale-Bopp comet approached the earth in March, 1997, the very mysterious incident occurred in the United States. It is a group suicide case by the cult religious group who declares himself "ハイアー sauce." According to the newspaper article of those days, in this religious group, it is said that it was teaching "A rendezvous is carried out to the spacecraft which appears with the Hale-Bopp comet, and it leaves for the next world." a result -- 39 persons -- the young man fell victim The group suicide case by the Peoples Temple believer who got up in Guyana in 1978 is in the incident well known for this kind of incident. By this incident, what and the 914 name thing believer have fallen victim. Why did such a disgusting incident occur? Does it occur again? It is rash to think "such an incident does not occur in Japan." A big accident is taking place also in children's world. Muddiness of reality and a fancy is it. That is not a free game as for that "Tamagotchi." There was a child who wails only by [ that / mysterious ] having lived and a thing (?) dying without limit. And it was to the Buddhist temple of the speciality for れ while surprised, and those days holding a memorial service for that Tamagotchi. A memorial service is held neither with a lie nor a joke. It is earnest. It was earnest and a memorial service was held. With inside, it prayed with its hands joined, and there were some adults who are shedding the tear (end" of NHK"cyber). Furthermore, there are also many things with cult nature in the latest animation or a game. that which is good since it is still the range of recreational now -- if these animation and games have thought nature, what do they become? temporary -- サト シ of Pocket Monsters -- "children -- the 21st century will be dark If it says die together", the children according to it may occur one after another. if that be right, it is freedom of speech -- if an easy thing is referred to as being expressional freedom etc., break -- there is nothing It follows the back and there are young men who committed suicide on the extension. Now, end of the century. It is Russia at the time of old Soviet Union collapse. In Germany, the cult religious group developed influence quickly, respectively at the time of the former East Germany collapse. When the situation of society becomes unstable and people lose the ground of the heart, such a cult religious group develops influence quickly. Although Japan just behind the end of the war was so, also recently, it is pretended an economic crisis, an environmental problem, and a food problem, and there is a cult religious group who has expanded influence quickly. It soothes and げな power and げな will, and supernatural power are made into the sale thing. There are also "it can become rich" or "it putting in to Heaven, when the earth ruins" in, and a cult religious group that teaches. Although a country is raised and the surveillance to such a cult religious group is strengthened in France or Belgium, it is uncontrolledness entire in this Japan. Is it good sure enough with this? Is children's future really safe? Or are you yourself OK? After your child becomes a victim, it is late then. I fall the waist at once in this hit, and want you to look at a child's world thoroughly. "A sweet fish does not carry out a territorial fight" and the children cultivated (he has no illustration) Nagara-gawa of Gifu Prefecture. An accident occurs in the sweet fish of the Nagara- gawa, and it is long. The old man of one person who has continued looking at the sweet fish said like this. "A sweet fish does not carry out a territorial fight." It is the N who lives in Itadori-mura, Mugi-gun. "The latest sweet fish lives in the haunt of water in a group loiteringly." A reason is cultivated rather than a cause. For these 20 years, most sweet fish which swim in Nagara-gawa will be sweet fish bred into the time of a fry in the fish farm of the Lake Biwa circumference. Nagara-gawa will be stocked in the place where the length became several centimeters in three - April every year. The unnatural breeding environment of artificial breeding induced such sweet fish. However, talk of a fish called a sweet fish in this. The phenomenon same in fact as this has taken place also in a child's world! It cannot protest, even if a shovel is seized. A complaint cannot be said, either, even if it can cover sand from on a swing. Even if it plays dodge ball, it is as it merely runs from place to place. Even if a teacher forgets to distribute a print and supply of food, it cannot say, " There is no part of mine." Although these are a kindergartener's talks, they are not a junior high school student and an exception. In a campsite, when a bonfire blazed up suddenly with メラメラ, there were "it is fearful" and a child who has escaped from the spot. If it becomes the child whom the small insect only crawled on the desk top, and gives "キャーッ" and voice, now, most is so. A child becomes brawny, quarreling 取っ組みあい from から, when young. In such a form, man has evolved so far. Man must have been annihilated as supposing such brawniness cannot be found at the ancient times of っく. Even が and such a fundamental thing cannot be performed now and have become. A nonviolent principle unnatural to the trend toward the nuclear family. It is a family's encapsulation to it. It says that encapsulation covers its family in thick Calah, and it is isolated from society in thought. This type of family does not accept others' criterion. Or others are not allowed the heart. Like a cult religious group's believer, an original criterion will be radicalized only in the inside. Therefore, the view of a thing inclines or becomes extremely. .... It is easy to become. Moreover, while "bullying" is regarded as questionable, even the fight heart which man originally has will deny. Even children's practical joke will be flatly pressed down with "そ et al. and bullying." A child is culture-ized in such environment. What is necessary is just to observe at once the scenery that children play, if it thinks that it is a lie. All the latest children have good relations. Relations are too good. Also in the sandbox, each does a selfish thing and is lying idle. When we were children, the boss was in any sandboxes, and if he had no permission of the boss, it did not put into the sandbox. I myself might become the boss. And according to the command of the boss, the mountain was made, and other children carried water and made the dam. When a person who damages such a territory temporarily appeared, we united power and drove out the person. The sweet fish which swims around tranquilly in peace. It is much better than the sweet fish which fights for a territory by some view. It is ideal society. It is wonderful. If all sweet fish become so, how to fish "angling by decoy" will also be lost. One of cruel pleasure of man can be reduced. However, is it truly good? Is it the figure of original of a sweet fish? I want the answer to consider by you. "parents -- going -- what and its attitude -- the symbol of" and authoritarianism Authoritarianism. The symbol is "Mito Komon" of that drama. if close attendants' person shows the crest of a mallow and thunders out for "it will cut down and break" -- everybody -- "-- はあ -- it is called " and bows Japanese people may think "they are thrilling", when such a scene is seen. It is not valid in が and the West. The friend of Australia said like this. "If Mito Komon is a villain, what does he do?" From since [ French Revolution ] or it or before, if it is called a history, it will say fighting [ with authority or power ] in the West. This authoritarianism. If it goes into a home, the parent-and-child relation itself will be driven mad. So is the M's (male) house. It lives with eldest son husband and wife, and while it is mutual, there is almost no conversation in that it will be no less than 15 years. Separation was considered several times, and it is bound by appearance and it was not made, either. The M complains like this. "The young present person wastes an ancestor." Is [ its own ] the "ancestor" whom the M says? On the other hand, the eldest son is the eldest son and says, "It is only with a father and becomes uneasy." Although I also tried to enter in between and tried to adjust two persons' relations at once, it was useless after all. The vexations which the eldest son has were the things more than imagination. A problem should say why it has become so then. Right [ that ] and the M were the persons who care about appearance very much. especially -- the ceremonies of coming of age, marriage, funeral, and ancestral worship -- completely -- と -- a compromise was not reached so that you could say And showy. I had the assistant official of a town become a go-between at the eldest son's marriage ceremony. The bride's household effects for two tracks were prepared for the eldest daughter's marriage ceremony. and a thing -- it boasted of ancestral blood for every ある The M's ancestor was a large landowner to the extent that the most in the neighborhood is occupied a long time ago. Even if it was carrying out ordinary conversation, "M house ...." and the "house" were attached. And if the vigor was borrowed and it turned on children, the authority as its parents was pushed. Although it was little-by-little, it was accumulated and ミゾ was made among parents and children. There is no basis in authority from the first. If it says that it does not come out, why is there a thing with great Mito Komon and those who can explain it? Or why does everybody bow? Does it lower again? generally -- what thing is it "it is great", it being alike and setting? In almost all cases, authority is used as a tool for making nothing say about a partner to a dialog unnecessary formula. The tool for positioning man's vertical relation, if it says a little more nearly plainly. You may call it the relation between a command, obedience and protection, and dependence. Good human relations etc. should not be born from such relation. The more it shows off authority, the more a man's heart separates. They are not parent and child and an exception. The more authority, i.e., the parent consciousness "I am parents", is strong, the more directions will surely become one-sided from parents to a child. Therefore, a child shuts the heart. M Mr. parent and child can call it the very example of a type. "parents -- going -- what and its attitude -- the M who gets angry as " However, the eldest son who becomes silent as it is and ignores it. In such cases, although it is the best that parents throw away authoritarianism, it is not made. The man lives and the authoritarian things itself have become ざま. Denying it will deny itself. Only が and this can be said. If you want to build a good parent-and-child relation with your child in the future, authoritarianism has no all-evils あって 1 利. Those who regard "Mito Komon" as interesting are dangerous. - school "which the child of your house be made to fail in an examination" -- human sorter Seki In the United States, if a teacher says, "Shall we fail the child of your house for one year? ", parents are glad and will follow it. "-- it is glad and is " Or if a child's study becomes behind, it will go to ask from parents' way "Make it fail in an examination" in many cases. This is not a lie or exaggeration, either. It is a fact. Parents judge "the way of it is beneficial to a child" at such a time. In が and this Japan, it does not go so. There was also such consultation from a certain parents the other day. The child (smallness second daughter child) says that it is recommended by the good friend class (special education class) from the teacher of charge anything. Then, should carry out [ "what it should carry out" ]? As for education of Japan, human sorting is a pillar traditionally. The school education system and the school myth have supported it from the side. It still supports. Therefore, parents catch with "shifting [ a child ]-from course" equal sign, and a "dropbehind." However, this is not what thing for parents other than fear, either. Those [ the ] who have consulted were also crying beyond the phone with オイオイ. A little, although it swerves from the talk, if you are watching television by chance, such a scene will have jumped in (the spring of 99). It is a thing when a certain man visits the elementary school in New Zealand. At the elementary school, it came to teach sign language from the year. When the man heard [ "why he studies sign language" and ] it, seeing in a wall the picture of sign language stretched with ズラリ, the female principal said like this. " The child who already has an obstacle in hearing ability immediately is because a school is entered (becoming a first grader)." The European and American man knows easy [ such / "easy" ]. It does not care, even if it says "Make it fail in an examination", just since it knows. Then, I telephoned the friend of the American who lives in Hamamatsu-shi, in order to check what is being written here. He was working the teacher of a high school for 30 years, before coming to Japan. " In Japan, the child who has an obstacle in the body is to teach with another institution. me How is it in the United States? In the" friend "putting [ it ]-into institution another [ why ]" I "United States or [ carrying out what, if such a child wishes to enter a school ] --" friend "welcoming [ it ]" I "-- it is welcomed -- ?" friend "-- natural --" I "welcomed -- the child with an intellectual obstacle -- how, or" friend "preparing [ another class ]" I " parents and a child being [ any disagreeable が et al. ]-about going there friend" "-- if there is no disagreeable が et al., why doesn't it become? " If it says so, the school building of a school itself is all perfect barrier-free (he has no level difference) also in the United States or Australia. A difference like heavens and the ground is in how to catch in the United States and Japan, calling it the same education. The American connected like this, being based on such facts. "Why is education of Japan so much late?" I said to those [ the ] who have consulted, "Shall we let's think of a child to a subject to the last?" Neither the thing beyond it nor the thing not more than it was able to be told to me. However, only this can be written here. There is thinking that education of Japan is in the highest level in the world only at fantasy. Education of Japan is a fundamental portion and is out of order somewhere. It is the thing of only that. - [ "what a family is made into a rose rose and is work" ] success-in-life principle VS family principle (illustration-less *) "Become those who are useful in society". [ "become a splendid member of society" and ] In Japan, the success-in-life principle is an educational pillar. However, it is different in Europe and America. Also in the United States or France, a teacher teaches a child "become good home people." It may say, "Become a good citizen." Although confirmed to the friend of New Zealand on the other day, it says so also in New Zealand. Also in Australia, it says so. I am calling it of them family principle freely to the success-in-life principle of Japan. Of course, such a principle is not necessarily in them. It is common sense if it is made them. Japanese people consider the basis of this success-in-life principle, and work to be the firsts. If it says also by the child, "He is studying", it will be exempted from all help of housekeeping. the man who has helped housekeeping and cooking by the husband of 50 generation and 60 generation is unsavory -- there is nothing Priority is given to work over all. A good example is a business bachelor. The friend of my Australia said like this once. "A family is made into a rose rose and what is work?" No less than 30 years are already a front thing. It does not know that the singularity of such Japan lives in Japan. No, if China of a next door is seen, it understands. Now, in China, the basis of "splendid people" education and the thorough success-in-life principle are planted in children. Although the lecture of the junior high school teacher who also came from Beijing the other day was listened to, the word "splendid people" came out [ this ] 10 times or more into the talk before and behind only 1 hour. Children's large majority says that it thinks "I want to become a scientist and to win a promotion in the future." が and this success-in-life principle raise sound quickly now, and are beginning to collapse. Former type authority or power do not have the might of only that, and have become. One example is a coming-of-age ceremony. However autonomous merit may strain himself, young men take no interest. Noise is made with ワイワイ. It is the spectacle which was not considered 30 mere years ago. When we are 20 years old, there is only the mayor on the platform and he becomes the posture of upright posture. The men of valuing a family are increasing in number as if it was in inverse proportion to が and such a phenomenon. The " family" was raised in spring of 99 as what the investigation which the Ministry of Education did should also value as for 40% of a Japanese. By the investigation which the same end of a year and Chunichi Shimbun carried out, it is 45%. It means increasing also 5 point during a little less than one year. But there are also many people who are sad about such a tendency. They are those who believed in the success-in-life principle and have spent the great portion of life for the reason. Or after being unable to understand such a flow but retiring, it is a person adhering to a past title and a past status. It is equal to denying the life of oneself to deny a success-in-life principle for such men. Therefore, it resists. It is not ordinary resistance. It resists, as out of order. A certain professor of former was mail, and has said like this. Probably, " it is thankful for your opinion if it is country my aunt. After prefacing it also as "It is not killing time, either", However, I laugh at your family principle." However, this is not the problem which laughs, does not laugh or is said. The "flow" whose it is Japan, Even now, it is cried for revisionism. The Japanese threat theory also remains. The criterion itself which Japanese people have [ the first of the reason ] is based on a heterogeneous thing with European and American it. Japan is not received by the West as long as in other words Japan is conventional Japan. A success-in-life principle type educational view is not valid at least in the future world. since "results fell -- a game -- prohibition --" and child bringing up -- a natural posture (he has no illustration) "child bringing up is naturally called " well. However, what is a natural posture? It is not known well. then, " called Bible of Chinese medicine although it is one hint -- it passes in Huang-ti and is in - 素問" like this Although this is the arcana of how to keep fit, it is applied also to child bringing up as it is. " 8 He is well adapted to 理 of a wind (nature), the idea of oneself is fitted to a common custom reasonable, and there is still no feeling of grudge anger. A reason, The noble-minded nature of oneself is not expressed with the surface, without all also of action or dress and ornaments differing from the man of world. Without not working too much physically and lapsing into overwork, also mentally there is no trouble, and calm optimism is made into a purport, and let self-sufficiency be things." (volume on top 古天真論) Although it is a difficult sentence, if this is read, it will become like this. Child bringing up very usually comes out first, and it is a certain thing. An extreme principle, Sparta, and a perfect principle are in the three major principles of distorting child bringing up. It says that an extreme principle makes it stop with パッ when it will be made thorough if parents decide "To do", and deciding "It stops." It being often is saying, "Since results' fell, a game forbids" etc. and taking a child's hobby. Big ミゾ will be built among parents and children. It says that Sparta repeats violence and coercion daily. This Sparta is crack つける deeply about a child's heart. Moreover, a perfect principle says [ any ] the way of raising which asks a child for perfection. In view of a child side, stiff home environment crushes a child's heart. Next, child bringing up makes calm optimism a purport. One by one, and it unites, and is not shaken. [ the world ] [ of a wave ] A line is drawn by somewhere in hearts so that it may say "I am me" and "my child is my child." Your child can do, and whether が is good or it is bad, it does so. が and this are difficult. It is visible each time and parents are face and appearance. It is brandished by this. And it gets confused. If in other words released from these three, almost all troubles that coil round child bringing up will be canceled. In short, the superfluous expectation for a child, fault concern, and excessive meddling are a prohibited thing. A premature joy is also anticipated and difficulties are also bad. "Calm optimism" is such meaning. It cannot do too much. It cannot be insufficient. Although a required thing is done, carrying out beyond necessity is also bad. "Let self-sufficiency be things." The power actually himself extended to any children is dwelling. Such power is believed and it is pulled out. If child bringing up is said at a word, it will become such a thing. Furthermore, it is in passing in Huang-ti like this. "It is a peace if it can survive if he is adapted to the large principle of the male and female principles and it lives, it will die if it 背 馳s to it, and he is adapted." (volume on 4 mind tone Kanagawa University theory) mud -- mud is carried out, and although it is and it is a sentence, if it says simply, "if child bringing up is carried out naturally, although child bringing up succeeds, it is not so" will be said Child bringing up is attached, and where do not differ from a healthy theory. Both human beings are the business repeated for a long time as the purpose from ancient ancient times. Health will be injured if it overeats and overdrinks by carrying out un-摂生ing. A child's heart will be injured if unreasonableness and compulsion are carried out in a mentally unstable life. The excess of nutrition is bad and the shortage of nutrition is also bad. It is bad [ 溺愛 ], although it is important to love a child etc. Although there was nothing without forced touch carrying out a few, it entwined in the healthy theory and the educational theory was considered. Having made me into such me --parents[ which "is テメエ" ]-separates, and it stops overprotection of children. A child will begin a parent detached building quickly bordering on elementary school 3 and four years. However, parents do not notice it. Having only parent consciousness is continued, not noticed. Moreover, it has it, and if it is parents' deep love, it will have misunderstanding. That is, it cannot stop overprotection of children. Parent and child's tragedy begins from here. that Ryunosuke Akutagawa -- the first curtain of the tragedy of " life -- parent and child and なつた -- it is written to things as じまつてゐる" (language of 侏 儒) Even if the son became the first-year student in a junior high school, there was mother who had said "since an inner child is already birth (March birth)." a daughter (high school student) -- "うす -- it is dirty -- though disliked with that it is " and "it being dirty", there was also father who was worried about entrance into a school of higher grade of a daughter There was also father who had complained, saying, "It did not do in such ヤツ, a university, etc.", having not bought a thing needed, either but living a simple life himself. "クソババア! Or a son (inside 2), "I'm sorry [ that テメエ made me such me" roaring out ]. There was also mother whom mother had cried and mistaken for it having been bad." However, if one thread is that it is thin among parents and children, it will still be saved. Parents entrust parent and child's hope to the one thread. However, if the thread snaps, another tragedy will start toward parents. The feeling parents "cannot do by [ appropriate for parents ]" with the feeling of "wanting to carry out by [ appropriate for parents ]" is in trouble between ざs. The body is torn [ be / like having / it / this ] off for parents. A certain father said like this. "when a son (19 years old) became one of motorcycle gangs, it felt that the heart became a rose rose in the thought of "not wanting to already care about that fellow's thing", and the thought of "if it does not carry out somehow"" If it is ズルイ parents to a slight degree, the way of speaking of "cutting an edge" will be carried out, and it will escape from child bringing up. As for が and more earnest parents, it cannot do. It is cornered and worries by the dead end. It is troubled. A child grows, stripping off one expectation of parents at a time. In inside, the child who skins to one sheet of the last is also. The parents who look at the child who becomes splendid for every year are fortunate persons. However, what percent do such a parents blessed fortunately really say they are? He drags the heavy heart and a great portion of parents walk, while (?) child who falls increasingly for every year is displayed. Saying "I made it such a child", he may be blamed. However, if it and a basis are corrected, the parents who cannot stop overprotection of children have a problem. drama " of those Fujiko F un-2 males -- such a scene is in えもん" (18 volumes) The kind of タンポポ is " and だあ to mother of タンポポ (empty is flown). it is や -- あ -- it persists stubbornly with " Mother persuades it hard. However, once a child flies away, it means eternal separation. The kind of タンポポ makes what flower bloom where, or mother is not just going to know it any longer. However, mother says like this and sees out a child. "Useless [ ださなきゃ and ] in courage! Why can't it perform that everybody can do?" A child's life is a child's life. It is the thing in the world where, as for it, your own power does not reach any longer so that your life may be your life. In other words, parents cannot but bear it intently. It must be borne even if your son runs your dream, hope and honor, property, and it through. Although parent and child of what may also seem to have succeeded when it sees from outside, it is just just a mask. Only you have not failed in child bringing up. Education of Japan is the common sense of "it being バカ げている" and Japan, and the standard in the world. In the "Diary of a Fishing Nut", my beach and Mr. スー go fishing well. Although it is the familiar scene, such thing cannot exist in Europe and America. A wife is accompanied mostly. Only a husband eats and drinks outside independently, or on the other side, family- based relations are common and a vacation is not passed first. If such a thing is done, it will become a divorce reason only by it. Being troubled is the "Tadaomi warehouse." The boss committed the crime and became the death penalty. He can understand also to them up to there. However, the problem is the back. They ask a question like this. "why are since a house revenged on" a partner's boss? in European and American logic, "just his boss as for whom the stand made the place of work since a house nothing is responsible" will be said And "it is amusing, because he is revenged, since an injury was not necessarily able to be inflicted on its family if compelled, if it was the territorial fight of the Mafia". [ not knowing, himself, or ] It is still. It is the TV saga of that NHK. In Japan, oppression 暴君たち of the feudal age is still treated just like a hero. While all wealth and power were centralized on some of Mr. 暴s, common people had forced a life of 極貧. If the drama which idealized Mr. 暴 of the England governor-general's office time will be passed by around Australia, it is beaten up only by it. If a country is different in short, say that the view of a thing is also different. Even if it sees about education, in Japan, teaching a traditionally academic thing is to call it education. Teaching a practical thing in Europe and America is to call it education. And if it says why he studies, since school education is learned in Japan. Since it becomes the pro of the way in Europe and America. Education of Japan is an efficiency principle. European and American education is a merit system. Although it says in Japan, "A teacher's talk is often heard" when seeing out a child to a school, it says in the United States (especially Judea system), "A teacher is often questioned." Although the quiet and obedient student is to call it a good student in Japan, the student who speaks well and asks a question is to call it a good student in Europe and America. など -- although "it teaches and raises" has been educational foundations in Japan, educe (origin of a word of education), i.e., "it pulls out" out, has been to foundations in Europe and America. Even if it calls it the same "education ", in the view, it attaches to something and there is a difference like heavens and the ground in Japan and the West. When I explained "The high school of a ratio of students going on to higher schools is to call it a good school in Japan", a friend's people from Australia called it "バカ げている", and laughed. Then, in ", what school taught like this that it asked a question whether to be a good school" in Australia. "A school called a Geelong glamorous school is situated in the south in Melbourne. Although it is the school of good lineage which Prince Charles had learned, in accordance with every student, a school constructs a curriculum there. For example, a child good at swimming is swimming be possible every day. Such a school is called good school." Common sense of Japan is never the standard in the world. They are not education and an exception. When I let you know it and being swarmed, it dared have compared Japan with the West here. It is the balance feeling such ヤツs of whose are "it being .... at any rate" and good and evil. "Man's half should just die of a nuclear weapon or something. When doing so, the boy high school student who said more became easy to live" was in the earth. There was also a girls' high school student who said, "I want to become a widow and to have a black dress on." If the balance feeling of good and evil is lost, it will be calm and will come to use such a thing as a mouth. Balance feeling says the thing of capability which judges a good thing and a bad thing calmly. If there is this [ no ], the view of a thing becomes extremely or it comes to incline. A cause is extreme indulgence and severity. If these two live together, a child will lose balance feeling. For example, it is raised into severe mother while grandparents 溺愛. Or it is unstable, and parents become sweet each time or parents' own emotion becomes severe. In view of a child side, the environment which catches and does not have どころ makes a child' s soul unstable. It is like sailing the rough sea by small ship. As hard as possible only by supporting the body. It is more nearly impossible to say consider calmly. The I's (smallness 1) environment was also such environment. The I's father is a certain religious body's eager believer, and the talk of ヤツ that "eagle is not 読経ed every day is never heard. 師 of an eagle had said, "It was J teacher." And it is valueless to what the teacher of "school tells mother." It is quick-tempered and always roars out about in a loud voice. It is said that it may belong to the gang temporarily. On the other hand, although mother was quiet and she was a gentle person, the I was 溺愛ed to the まぎらわす sake for the heart which is not fulfilled. The I lost balance feeling. When I was playing "swing to the I, the A came there and the swing was seized. It is a thing when asking what you do." The I am [ "what is necessary is just to ぶっ飛ば" and ]. It was grim voice so that it considered as ゾッ. then -- if I call it "being [ no view of an exception ]-to a slight degree kana ?" -- "-- even if it says such ヤツ by the mouth at any rate -- エ from わ -- " In order to support balance feeling in a child, it raises in a calm environment on the basis of a dense parent-and-child relation. It grows up only after the heart has a dense parent-and- child relation. Easy and consideration are produced from there. It is not only it. The common sense which man has as man is also born from there. For example, comfortable sound carries out easy [ to other men ], and consideration. Disagreeable sound carries out it being hard on them or betraying other men. although it is called common sense to say right [ that ] -- man -- the favor of this common sense -- it is -- the past -- it has lived no less than what 100,000 years Moreover, if even such common sense is valued, it can live with sufficient relations wholly from now on. The word "home training" is often used recently. However, even if it calls it home training, nothing needs to stand ready as a special thing. As for "upbringing", that is right. Supposing there is what should be carried out, give a child time to consider personally fully. And as repeatedly written in this book, the rest makes a child "freedom." That it is free is the meaning of "being based on oneself." Make it consider personally, make a conclusion come out personally, and it is made to act personally, and is personally made take responsibility. Such a custom is kept in mind from an infants time. Then, a child turns into the child of rich common sense. It becomes the child with the balance feeling of good and evil. Although [ "if many things were done, although it saw ...." ], and a child bringing-up process theory It rides on cruiser and comes out to the sea. It is the calm sea. After playing for a while, it sits on the chair of the deck and beer is drunk. The people from Australia say like this suddenly at such a time. "ヒロシ and a ジスイズ ザ life (this is life)." Although it is likely to say at such times, "I am fortunate" if it is a Japanese, they do not use the word of "being happy" at such times. Although I translated the "life" into "life" here, there is another meaning in a life. It is the meaning a "life." That is, Europeans and Americans consider life equal sign and a life, and call life the time of the feeling of a life being most substantial. Although it was the language which is not and such a view, i.e., life, and the life were unified anything, they live and the view has had big influence on ざま. There were those who say such a thing briskly but a front for a while. "In Christ, the last moment became attachment. ざま symbolizes his life at the death. That is, it is the proof that Christianity is wrong." It was a believer belonging to the religious body of a certain Buddhism system. However, does it meet truly? Merciless death may be carried out to this me by the traffic accident or something tomorrow. However, a thing called a traffic accident etc. is it the problem of probability that it is accidental. In the place where I did such death, it does not become wrong [ my way of life ]. Although I wrote the opinion of a one believer, since many Japanese are influenced of the view of an esoteric-Buddhism-thing, they think a result as important here. The previous believer had also said, "Death understands the man's life by the situation of ぎわ." That is, life and a life are divided and considered although it progresses rapidly for a while. Or evaluation of life and evaluation of a life are made separate. I will consider it at an educational place. His son said a certain mother "I failed in education" about having put in only to C university as a result. "Although it saw if many things were done, it was futility wholly." Or there were some persons who said like this about others' child. "Wasn't the great thing found although those parents were eager for the education from から when a child was small?" That is not right. A result is a result to the last. The process is important. That is, it is one with important how in the life of "now", the man makes himself shine and is alive and it. The time of the child calling it "now", when talking about a child should be freshly referred to as how it is alive. A result follows later. Having carried out till then, even if a result is dissatisfied is not denied. If it considers in this case, although it may be A university and it may be C university, evaluation of a child is not decided by such thing. Even if it is C university temporarily, he does not become having made the life till then useless. The child who can do rather only study, however study which is not and who has lived only study makes life useless very much. It is, even if it has gone on to A university by it even if. Evaluation of life is decided by how it shines and its life is enriched in the inside when calling it "now." Although repeated, a result (conclusion of life said with the East-thought) is a result to the last. What follows later. Such a thing must not care. and no illustration) British poet Wordsworth (1770-1850) has sung as follows. When seeing a rainbow to empty, my heart bounces. That was right when I was a child. So is the now which became the man. 願わくば and I grow older, and when I die, I want to be so. A child is a man's father. Each days in response to a natural blessing It comes out so and I wish a certain thing. Although I attached the translation, the problem is the translation of the portion "a child is a man's father." In the text, it is "The Child is Father of the Man." I worried about the translation of "Man" in this. Although translated into "people" as well as other translators here, nuance does not suit somehow. Is it "the man's character", judging from a poetic flow? That is, although I interpreted it as "The man's character is formed at childhood", two meanings are included in this. For the man's character, one is the meaning of being careful since it is formed at childhood. The meaning that the heart returns after all at childhood however a man may become an adult in another. Although it says clearly in case there is misapprehension, to be sure, a child is inexperienced, and although it is unripe, it is by no means childish. A child's world is far large, is pure, and is rich rather than the adult considers. And it is beautiful. A man forgets it and becomes ugly as he becomes an adult. In knowledge or the noise of experience, it vulgarizes and he is missed. Such an incident is in the incident which made me the captive of early childhood education. It is a thing when making a certain day and the kindergartner draw a picture. The one child (whole year boy) drew the picture very carefully. Then, I wrote big 花丸 to the picture and added horizontally [ the ] "It is the wax very much." が and what were considered, or the child looks at it and began to cry with クックッ. Although I thought that I would be a joyful cry surely, even so, I am exaggerated. Then, when asked again as "carrying-out-what kana ? ", the child talked like this, wiping a tear. "-- me -- very much, ろうっていう-name-じゃ and there is nothing It is 、 ってん which will be pulled in." Supposing a man forgets the heart of childhood, I will regard just it as the man's life being darkness. Supposing a man forgets the smile disagreeable tear of childhood, I will regard just it as the man's life being darkness. As a child, Wordsworth looked at such a rainbow to empty, and was impressed by it. And it felt that see the same rainbow, and the impression as a child seethed with a breast again, and started it. Then, it said like this. It is with "a child is a man's father." At this word, Wordsworth and all the hearts of early childhood education regard me as being condensed. "ヒロシ -- allow and forget He O.K.?" - Allows and forgets. Whenever I was worrying about something in the friend and the trouble, the friend of Australia said to me like this. "ヒロシ -- allow and forget O.K.?." In English, it is called " Forgive and Forget." Although seemingly it is the language in the Bible, whatever it, I have considered the meaning which this language has for a long time considering by somewhere in hearts, as continued. "フォ ギブ (it allows)" can be translated into "- sake to give." "フォ double play (he forgets)" can be similarly translated into "- sake to obtain." It allows in order to give what, and does he forget in ", in order to obtain what?" A certain day. The thing is considered and worried by its son's thing and to solve. This language crossed the inside of my head suddenly. "He allows and forgets." "Isn't there any method of comrades, either? the place which fell over how -- the former child -- aren't you the former child? it is not whose responsibility, either -- it is not own responsibility of front - - " moment -- me -- the "-- it realized what" is what Many those who want you to allow are in your surroundings. They are those glad if you allow. On the other hand, you have many those who want to allow. If I have the man allow, they are those to whom your heart becomes light. That is, human relations are realized in relation with (those who allow), and (those who are allowed), if it sees generally. Then, each allows each other and is it the thing for which this world will turn into a very wonderful world if you can forget each disagreeable thing? Even if it calls it ...., an ordinary man like me cannot do to there. Although it cannot do, it can なら and do to its child. Whenever I considered some and worried unawares by the thing of the bad sons who can do, I came to pray this language in the heart. "He allows and forgets." That is, I interpreted like this but about what [ the / "what" ]. "It allows in order to give people love, and he forgets in order to obtain love from a man." It allows in order to give "child love, when talking about a child, and he forgets in order to obtain love from a child." Although this is based on my selfish interpretation, isn't loving a child such a thing? And in other words, the depth of parents' love is decided [ the generosity and ] by the ability for him to allow a child how far and forget [ how far ] .... It is not indulging a child even if it says of course, "He allows and forgets." It is not making a child do a selfish thing, either. Say though the child of でき of yours is [ here "he allowing and forgetting" / how ] bad and and your child has a problem, accept it as your own thing. While you think "my child cannot allow, either" or "it should still become somehow", it does not come to you peace slack every day. On the other hand, your child does not open the heart, either. However, if you allow and forget a child, your child will be saved, and you are also saved. As it was crowded somehow and the said talk has been carried out, when child bringing up is carried out and it goes into a dead end but, I want you to remember this language. "He allows and forgets." Only by it, you should find out the light of an exit at the point. The child bringing-up theory which will be useful in - now "if it thinks that it became easy at last ...." The proverb of "getting tired in quest of rest" is in English. It is the proverb which has become also like the pronoun of a foolish way of life. Although it is the meaning "get tired and nothing becomes impossible after all while [ which will become easy ] it thinks that it will become and its best is done, when or", this proverb is unexpressed and is teaching "Don't carry out such a way of life." For example, a child's education. Kindergarten education requires those who consider the preparation education for going into an elementary school. In order that an elementary school may go into a junior high school similarly. In order that a junior high school may go into a high school. In order that a high school may go into a university. And a university is because of becoming a good member of society. Such a child bringing-up view, i.e., the way of life of always making "present" into a sacrifice for "future", may call it the foolish way of life itself [ here ]. Children can never make their life their thing. Or since such a ways of life have been foundations after appearing in society, its life will be made useless after all. "Life was also finished when thinking that it became easy at last ...." There was a movie in which Robin Williams stars of "living now." The teacher who teaches "Live, without deceiving about the time of calling it now." On the other hand, it is the school education of an entrance-into-a-school-of-higher-grade instruction center. These two are the movie that a one high school student is driven into suicide to ざ. This way of life of " living now" is in the opposite position of the way of life of "getting tired in quest of rest." The person who has an objection according to my selfish interpretation may also be in this. However, I want you to look around your circumference now. It is actual and being reflected in your eyes does not have the thing called the past, future, etc. "now" anywhere. Only for the inside of the heart, it is to think that it is. Isn't it important to twinkle oneselves in だっ た the best of its ability and this "now", and to just live? It is the same as that of children. Children have wonderful sensitivity. And it is pure and is healthy. Isn't it important for such childhood as childhood to just live the time with the rich heart as hard as possible? Of course, I have not denied till trying hard toward future. "Living now" is not living pleasure-seekingly. However, although similarly tried hard, if it changes into the posture in which what should be made each time is done, the view of a thing will change completely. For example, I always say to students like this. "Let's do now what should be done. Then, it is good. A result follows later. Your life will become unsightly if a thing called school education, honor, a status, etc. is pursued first of all." Similarly such a way of speaking is in English. If the child is troubled by studying for an examination etc., parents will say to a child like this. "-- Taegu イッツ- easy (make it comfortable) -- " accelerating in Japan, saying, "do your best!" -- usually -- but -- opposite -- "you may not do your best so much" Although it is conversation very ordinary every day, I feel the fundamental difference of a child bringing-up view between the West and Japan into such conversation. If you do not understand to the difference, the true meaning of "getting tired in quest of rest" will not be understood, or I will be worried with .... The sight of its back of "papa and thank you" and father My parents' home is a declining way when the bicycle shop from ancient times but I become a junior high school student. Although my father was a quiet person usually, when alcohol was drunk, he changed the man. Every 2 or 3 days, alcohol was drunk in the neighboring alcohol store, and it rioted. The big voice was raised and the thing was thrown. It was every day when it is hard to me under those circumstances. Pride was made into ズタズ タ. if a house approaches when coming back from a school together with a friend -- this way and that -- と -- if the excuse was made, it parted from the friend Father often drank alcohol and was walking along the passage with the hula hula. I was not able to do showing a friend it. The I am also 52 years old. One person, two persons, and the son were seen out and the third son became the third-year student in a high school now. It is an easy child. No less than 20 persons call a friend for that taking an examination is also drawing near, and it is said that a party is held. It says, "It is the meeting which will do its best." In Saturday afternoon, I and the wife tidied up the kitchen to the sake of the third son. With clearing up, it was suddenly heard from the third son like this. "-- a front -- among these, it is not shameful, although it is alike and a friend is called -- " Then, the third son heard "It is ? why. " To the third son, he could not understand, even if it says a reason etc. I have my vexations. Even if I wanted to do such a thing at the time of a high school student, I was not able to do. Even if it went to a friend's house, the thought always ashamed was carried out. When "Shall we already gather shortly in the house of し?" is said, I should just answer it as what. What is necessary is just to hide さん of the shoji which father broke, and the door of ま to attach how. I blamed father. as for father, I become 30 years old -- although it died before for a while, the tear did not come out Even by mother, it was lively somewhere and was visible. Only the elder sister was merely crying bitterly. He had a feeling with strange it to me. が and its thought have changed with my age. When turning 40 years old and it became, he could understand the father's sadness and pain of those days. Father of trade べた. No, it was desperate also in father. the time of a large-sized supermarket being made in near -- father -- "there is also a thing cheaper than J store" and where -- it is -- the irrelevant advertisement was stuck on the glass door in front of the store The advertisement of "My am allowed to fix a blowout also by the bicycle bought somewhere else" has been stuck. And father's real younger brother, i.e., my uncle, was arranging the bicycle in the J store. Unlike father, the uncle was good at trade. although father did not take out just to a mouth -- very -- く -- probably, it carried out and cut There was also a sequela of war. Father was increasingly addicted to alcohol. Father is solitary existence though it is the same parents. It can ask only for turning to a front and running. Therefore, back is not visible. Since it is not visible, children's heart is not known. If a certain Japanese mind sticks, back, nobody is. There are also many such things. About me, the solitary way of bearing is merely known. Father taught it. Always, the day in which a visitor is not bent the body to 火鉢 with round father, and had taken 暖. Or something was silently written toward the work stand which became dirty from oil. When it feels for father at that time, there is no loneliness which I feel anything now. I and the wife made the night leave a house. For us not to be will have [ the third son ] a easier mind. When dress was prepared lightheartedly, the third son said like this suddenly from back. "Papa and thank you." Then, I am somewhere and felt that dead father laughed it as ニコッ. "A reason being already .... somehow for what" and abandonment are the fresh ground of spiritual enlightenment. When child bringing up is carried out, there is often a time of despairing, saying "it is already ダメ." Natural [ be and ]. Child bringing up is such a thing. There are parents so, and they turn into the next parents in feeling of despair, overcoming a mountain one [ at a time ] with taste that is, each time. In such meaning, there is no everyday trouble etc. anything. an entrance-into-a-school-of-higher-grade problem and truancy -- when the mountain is overcome as for staying home, there is nothing anything Even if it makes it heavy neurosis and a heavy emotional disorder, there is nothing anything too. A mountain is such a thing. In short, say how the mountain is overcome. A little, although it swerves from the talk, when a child falls and falls a mountain, one after another, a bad thing overlaps and (?) falls. There was a child (whole year girl) with a 自閉 tendency. The solved thing to which the condition was becoming good at last. The child will undergo an operation of a hernia. Since the doctor pulled apart from parents by force, it serves as a big shock. The child does not have the purpose, either and has come to wander. The grandmother who lived together dies suddenly shortly が and immediately after it. a funeral -- noisily -- coming out -- condition -- again -- aggravation The mother said like this. "A reason does not already understand what anymore somehow." When overcoming a mountain, anyone will be in the strain state of a degree very much at once. It is also the oppressive feeling of a fearful like. You may call it a confusion state. If a critical situation is exceeded rather than it will call it ...., if such a state takes a round although the feeling of despair raised to the beginning is it, parents will arrive at the fresh ground of abandonment. It is the generous and large world so that it is wonderful. The world of accepting all and allowing all. If it goes into the world, the problem till then seems, "Was [ what, ] such a thing?" I will consider it on a child's entrance-into-a-school-of-higher-grade problem which almost all men experience. All Japanese are the believers of school education faith to some extent. Therefore, every man becomes quite sensitive to a child's entrance-into-a-school-of-higher-grade problem. The social position consciousness by the occupation since the Edo period also remains. The spell cannot be escaped although neither man nor work should not have the upper and lower sides etc. Therefore, it is not what thing except fear that it may enter for parents, either. Therefore, most parents make desperate efforts a child's entrance-into-a-school-of- higher-grade problem. "cram school -- like this -- like this -- と -- an uneasy feeling which is saved from a step is memorized only by seeing the light carried out -- there was mother who called it " There was also mother who said, "Only rice porridge passes along a throat if a son's (inside 3) test week comes." Among those whom I know, after a son fails in high school taking an examination, it is also in mother aiming at suicide! が and it are also finished soon. Specifically, an entrance examination is also finished and it finishes with the place where a child's "type" was decided. In the finished place, if parents do for a while, they will greet the quiet terrible world. It is just "the fresh ground of spiritual enlightenment." That is, parents cross a mountain and mean having arrived at the still high fresh ground. And when it looks back upon the past from the fresh ground, himself till then is [ how ] small and it turns out whether to have run about in confusion in the narrow world. The rest is this repetition. If troubled, a mountain is climbed, and a mountain is climbed if troubled. Parents turn into true parents, repeating it. Kazuma in whom I died of "it having been pleasant" and the brain tumor The boy of one person called Mr. 1 磨 (ずま) died of the brain tumor in summer of 1998. it comes out after the struggle against disease for about three years A certain Japanese 見舞 う and he said the him like this. "Can a teacher use an evil spirit method?" Then, when I am improvisatorial and show some magic, it is [ "I want you to take me out with the evil spirit method from here", and ]. I repented of having carried out and shown magic. No, I did not think that he died. Although it thought that it was sick, I thought "it should not die", when [ serious ] those modernistic medical facilities were seen. Therefore, when a letter like a mountain was made [ having made children fracture one thousand paper cranes and ] to write, somewhere were deified and there was a place like feeling. Also for ワイワイ, れば, then him, mind is in まぎれる at everybody. However, while it came to repeat an operation and relapse for one year and also two years had passed, it came to have feeling of despair gradually. It was ashamed of its feeling whenever it saw the face drawn with his pain. [ original ] I was sorry in fact and his face was not able to be seen. It felt as if I had worsened his illness. Kazuma's father said like this at the time of a funeral. "-- if you ask what he wants to become when I am again born shortly in 1 磨 -- 1 磨 -- " -- even if it is born again, I am papa's child and want to be born Favorite soccer is made and many friends can also do. Supposing it was not papa's child, it was called" it of becomes impossible." Though it becomes such unhappy illness, Kazuma says, "It was pleasant." The talk was heard and not only me but everybody pressed down 目頭. The beginning of "a bell sounds who harder" of Hemingway starts with such poetry. "-- who dies -- having -- the death of ど and a man -- my breast -- it hurts self -- again -- a man's child -- it is -- せば and conceding anything to avoid trouble so asked -- " I prayed " since I also go there at the next moment" at back of the heart, seeing off Kazuma's dead body. If it becomes this age, the number of a friend or relatives which loses through death will increase more than the number which greets a new friend and a new relative. It has already passed over the turning up point of life. I am not surprised though it finishes while future life calls it あっ more than former. Therefore, the poetry is continued like this. "-- whom -- め -- a bell (that funeral) -- sounding . As soon as it sounds a 汝 harder." Now, I am alive and am writing this sentence. And now, you are alive and are reading this sentence. That is, it lets this sentence pass and I and you are connected, and it knows about Kazuma and Kazuma's parents and the heart are connected. It is past that I wrote this sentence of course. And if it carries out by accident when you read this sentence, I may not be in this world any longer. However, when the heart is connected, I can live in your heart and Kazuma can also live in your heart. It is one with important it. Kazuma is not in this present world. I regret. Neither intense love nor marriage nor work was completed. It was not able to leave even its footprint satisfactorily. It was too short at the moment, calling it a moment. We want to confirm that it is alive here now, sympathizing with such of Mr. Kazuma's heart. It becomes the mass for the dead above all to Kazuma. "If it is near sons more, ...." when - child will leave a nest When it staggered suddenly on stairs, the third son embraces and supported me from back. Between when, I became such age. For arm sumo wrestling, the ancient times of とっく are not suited any longer. It becomes the feeling with which a joy and lonesomeness mingled, seeing the arm of the son who became thicker than his arm. Sons exceed themselves when or the father always cares about it. When a son fishes a fish bigger than himself. When a son exceeds his height. When a son is asked and a necktie is given in total. There was such a thing at the time of the right [ that ] second son. It is a thing when the second son goes into a high school. The second son came to go to run every night. After carrying out for a while, it was taught like this that it asked a wife the talk. "It is accompanying for a friend. Since the friend who is going to go into the same alpine club is weak and he is likely to be failed." When the talk was heard, the second son knew having exceeded me. No, after it, it came to see the second son as equal human being rather than it calls it a child. The child bringing up which はs and sometimes does not progress as slow. It is irritated in many cases. However, an occurrence after also finishing the child bringing up, while calling it あっ. It is driven away at far ancient times so that it thinks, "Was there also any such thing? " It may be "what was necessary's having been "what was necessary was just to have been near sons more", and just to have listened to sons' talk more" regretful. Right [ that ] and the flow at the time are like a wind. There are no somewhere, and are blown and it goes away to somewhere. And between when, children go away and, finally my life also approaches. After the second son leaves for the United States, it will be in several days. The thing I and the wife were cleaning the second son's room for and to solve. One worn-out photograph of a baby came out. As for me, it did not know whose photograph it was at first. が -- when seen for a while, the eye was wet and the photograph disappeared Back to a wife is "S.... When " and voice were applied, simultaneously, the large tear was transmitted to ほお and fell. Child bringing up which is not anything. When it gets up in the morning, children are there and I am there. Each is doing the selfish thing. In コタツ, the third son was always carrying out ウンチ. If I say ふとん of コタツ "is [ it stinks and ] stinking", I dust it in the middle of the room. A wife wipes オシリ of the third son. The eldest son and the second son tease such of the third son from width. Such recollections apply the inside of mind one after another, and travel it. I do not understand then. the inside of the thing "which nothing is anything" -- this much -- until -- being worthy Child bringing up may be such a thing. If it passes by the parent-and-child companion in a town, I will think involuntarily "it is good." and the next moment considered so and " -- please do your best -- よ -- I want to come to apply " and voice Even if it saw the child who makes noise in a restaurant or the Shinkansen, it stopped being worrisome recently. "Inner sons were also such." There is no satisfactory child. Therefore, there is also no easy child bringing up. While each all carries a certain problem on the back, child bringing up is carried out. However, after also finishing it, it knows that the time will shine in life. Now, if you are suffering troubles by child bringing up, you should just place a viewpoint with future [ to which it comes soon ]. The heart should become light much. "it is good only by being alive", and the useful origin -- viewpoint the value, before losing, and those who are not so notice, after losing. Youth is carried out, it borrows, health is carried out, and it borrows, and a child's merit is also carried out again, and it is a loan. I am careless, very nearly, am not Hamana Ko and have devised two sons. It is just a miracle in a miracle that the two sons were saved. A man called the former swimmer of National Athletic Meet is doing fishing by chance in near, and one of sons was helped. Since then, whenever the bad son who can do is displayed to me, I am made to rethink "it is good only by being alive." が -- if it considers so, since all problems are solved, it is wonderful Especially the second son had severe pollinosis, and it decided that he became at the beginning of spring, and he repeated truancy every year. Or the studying for an examination itself has been abandoned at the time of junior high school three years. I and the wife were confused not a little, and, also then, it was able to overcome by thinking "it is good only by being alive." My mother always says, "It sees a top, and he sees limits nothing and the bottom, and has as [ no ]." Although it is the meaning that difficulties and an anxious kind are what is not exhausted, without a man being always satisfied if a top is seen, if it comes in child bringing up to a deadlock, a child will see from the bottom. It does not say, "See the bottom." It sees from the bottom. A child is regazed at from the starting point "the child is alive." When it gets up in the morning, a child is there and, also as for himself, there is there. A child is a child, and does a selfish thing and he is doing the selfish thing personally .... Apparently, although it may be the life which is not anything, wonderful value is hidden in the life which is not anything. That is, things are seen from the bottom. All problems are solved when it is made. It continues that he will allow at the time " and will forget child bringing up if it is got blocked." As written to somewhere in this book, フォ ギブ (it allows) can be translated into " - sake to give." Moreover, フォ get (he forgets) can be translated into "- sake to obtain." That is, "allowing and forgetting" will say, "He forgets in order to allow in order to give a child love, and to obtain love from a child." There is the word "mercy" also in Buddhism. There was an American who translated this language into "as you like" and English. "-- although it is the meaning [ be / good / you ] ", I think that it is a wonderful translation This language passes for "allowing and forgetting" somewhere. Although a man is bearing a child and becomes parents, it is difficult to trust a child and to love a child. Furthermore, it is more difficult to become true parents. A great portion of parents follow and take the post of the true parents, following the way which was long and wound. There is no easy child bringing up. Almost all parents struggle through one hardship after another, cross a mountain, and cross a valley. And whenever it crosses one mountain, himself till then notices that it was small. が and young parents do not understand it. The body is burned if it worries about trifles. There was mother who has also held such a consultation the other day. " 1 Although the son of years old and a half was put into lithograph ミック, he cannot catch up with a lesson. Although it is a reader living in Tokyo This point and the future are very anxious. What should it carry out?" Whenever it receives such consultations, I will bury my head in my hands. True joy of - family "which more than it and what desires" Even if it passes in a passage, its face of each other is turned away. A partner is my child even if he wants to get angry. The more でき is bad, the more parents memorize deep frustration. While thinking "I am ダメ parents", I come to think "I am ダメ human being." It is pleased with the man of が and the neighborhood in "It went into the good university by favor", and shows him. Now, such parents and children are increasing in number. No, such a parents are the still more fortunate ones. "if a dream and hope are crushed entirely -- parents -- it is good only by" being alive -- or "it being good if even trouble is not made to other people" -- it comes to wish having connected the hand and having passed to the piano classroom as a "child, -- a dream -- there was father who called it " There was also father who said, "It only said that it went at that time to a day ズニー land, and clings to my body." The gear goes mad by が and somewhere. By being out of order, although it is a crack small at first, it becomes large soon, and mutual between is severed. When it becomes so, a great portion of parents will shut their mouth, saying, "It is ? why." Such a talk has been in 法句経. A one man comes to a certain day Gautama Buddha's place, and it asks like this. "-- Gautama Buddha -- I already die immediately Dying is fearful. If it carries out, how can fear of this death be escaped?" Responding to it, Gautama Buddha says like this. "Don't be sad about that there is no tomorrow. be pleased with having lived till today -- appreciate -- " At once, my brain tumor is doubted and I am ready for death. I was saved in this Gautama Buddha's words then. Although it also regards applying such language to child bringing up as how it is, if the parents currently troubled by such ふう are seen, I say like this. life was enjoyed enough, carrying out child bringing up " until now -- coming out -- is there nothing? More than it and what is desired?" Child bringing up is also finished with leaving the nest of when and a child. However, the leaving the nest is not necessarily beautiful. There are hate あい and parent and child who separate while ののしりあing without limit. However, leaving the nest is still left. Parents cannot but bear it intently, though it becomes a child's step. If parents say that they can do at most, there is nothing only by always opening a door and cleaning the room for when or the child who may come back. My teacher's Mr. reason Matsushita [ Tetsuko ] * is written like this into the account of a hand. "A child comes back to when or a hometown. Then, parents may not be in this world any longer. As for a child, が and it also come back to a hometown. Never don't shut the way back." Now, the child bringing up itself is truly confused. It is also a British philosopher and Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) who is also the Nobel Prize for literature winner has forgotten to write like this. "while it is respected by children, children are respected, and although kicked, only such parents who know the thing to perform only for required training, and for which a grade is never surpassed can give true joy of a family" Are really the parent and child who have succeeded in such production of a home in this Japan however now? (* Hamamatsu green-leaves childish Sonomoto director) At the end .... ( A fish does not go up to land. A bird does not enter into water. Such a thing [ dying, if things are done ], Since all are known. It is common sense ってん about saying so. Also in everybody, it is to its heart. Lean an ear calmly. The voice of the common sense can surely be heard. It must not carry out, It must carry out, It is taught. Easy [ to other men ], and consideration だろ which comfortable sound carries out. Betraying other men たり It teases, だろ which disagreeable sound carries out. Everybody's heart already knows it. The rest should just follow the common sense. だって -- man It is the favor of the common sense. no less than what 100,000 years, it has lived -- thing It is accompanied in the common sense from now on, and is a spring. Everybody relations are good and it can live. Found kana. Its own [ such ] common sense, It polishes much more. And how to value it. It is large OFF about a reserve manuscript and the body. Do not load walking along the regular way and there is nothing. it turns one at any rate, and it suits and is life -- walk along もん and the way along which other men have not walked Others ちゃ [ carry out to it thinking what at such a thing and mind, and ] and are bad. it is born at any rate naked and dies naked -- もん Living is also nakedness. It へつらっちゃあs and is bad for authority or power. What follows [ status / honor, ] later in a thing. It is such a thing, the body was decorated and it is empty. Right [ that ] himself is deceived, or a man is imitated, and the futility of time is useful. It is the futility of life. But only the body is large OFF. I is [ the alcohol of tobacco mist or commutation ] a bicycle. 土日 is walking in the mountain mostly. However, it is serious to still protect health. A wise person notices worth of health, when healthy, and those who are not so notice the value, after losing. You are kana how. Kana which gets used to the wise person. Child bringing-up adviser Hayashi Hiroshi (ひろし) Hiroshi Hayashi, Hamamatsu-city, Japan ![]() |