Other Topics on Hiroshi Hayashi What we are surprised to first also in the United States, Australia, or Canada to visit a school is the "pleasure." An illusion as if it entered even into the toy box completely is memorized. A photograph is a public elementary school (the Arkansas Aekadelphia, Louisa, E and Perrit elementary school.) in the southern part in the United States. 370 students The breeding hut of an animal is in a classroom, or there is play implement. @In the United States, educational liberalization is progressing more than anticipation. although it is a curriculum first, according to guidance of a state government, it is original with a school -- parents can be consulted with and it can decide When it asked the O'quue principal "Guidance will not be severe", she laughed "it is very loose" . There is no textbook said of course in Japan. There is also no official approval system. For example, this elementary school teaches only a seniority child and the first grader in an elementary school. In addition, there is a class called pre-kindergaten. It is the class which teaches a 4 years-old child (whole year child). Although expense is for breakfast and lunch,etc. and takes the week of 60 dollars, parents are assisted by the part, the school ticket (voucher), etc. Having been surprised should be having a class in the computer from the 4 years-old child. Moreover, importance is attached to the education in a library in Europe and America. The special librarian was assigned in the library and it was in charge of a child's reading instruction also in this school. @A lesson is before and after one classes (16-20 children). Three of the students of the intern sent from the university have hit mother who comes to a school by the person-on- duty system besides a teacher, and it. If it is called the United States, although only the school it was ruined in many cases tends to be reported by Japan, saying so may regard it as the school of a part of big city. Although it turned also around some surrounding schools, every school was doing it very politely and intensively and polite instruction very much. @Educational liberalization may regard it as the flow in the world. For example, only for Japan, it is to still have established the official approval system of a textbook in a European and American advanced nation. Although an official approval system is also in Australia, it calls at a private sector organization. And only the violent expression with excessive authorizing and sex depiction are. "Don't authorize about the historical fact" (South Australia) is to be said. The home school taught at home, the charter school where parents employ and open a teacher, the voucher school further managed with a school ticket are situated in the United States. Although the portion which has been a problem also has the liberalization it went too far beyond, such "freedom" makes U.S. education dynamic. Parents reproducing the past Parents reproduce their past, bringing up a child. The good example is a taking-an- examination time. Till then, even if that is not right, it is attacked by the uneasy feeling in which most parents do not have a way of speaking as putting in a child's taking-an- examination time. Although the parents troubled with studying for an examination are so, a cause is not the "study" itself. The bottom has "the uneasiness to the future" which coils round taking an examination, and "fear of sorting out." When they put in a child's taking-an- examination time, it reappears in parents' heart. @By the way, there are two meanings in "freely." They are the freedom of action, and spiritual freedom. the free pigeon of action -- also writing -- the problem is spiritual freedom This I had also been afflicted by the nightmare of a taking-an-examination time in fact for a long time. It was such a dream, mostly. ... It goes to some examination hall. Its classroom is not known. When thinking that it went into the classroom at last, there is almost no time any longer. Only always what is not made even if it sees a problem. A pencil does not move. The head does not work. Only time passes every moment ... @Although it is parents' kitchen that parents become uneasy, parents will throw a child the uneasiness. It is futility even if it says toward such a parents, "It is not such a time now." The cerebral CPU (central processing unit) itself has shifted. Parents are parents and are sure "All are a child's sake." They are not only ͺ and it. Such uneasiness will destroy the parent-and-child relation itself. There are junior and senior high school students who answered "Do not respect father" also in the "youth white paper" also 55%. There are junior and senior high school students who answered "I do not want to become like father" a little less than 80% (Heisei 10). A child's heart separates from parents so that this time, and "study" and a child are hastened. @I was released from the nightmare because I come to have fought with the nightmare in a dream. the examination hall -- "-- being such -- disagreeable, even if it cannot -- it came to become strong with " Or he came to walk in the direction different from everybody. although it is not some jingle -- "τ -- it will go leisurely -- me et al. having got impatient - - the same thing -- it can sing now also " and in a dream ... moment -- a somewhat exaggerated way of speaking -- being audible -- maybe-- although -- me -- the soul was released @Most parents are brandished in the past, not noticing the fact of "reappearing" reproducing their past. A child is forced study. There ... Its past is noticed first. Then, a problem is solved. The person who carried out the disagreeable thought to the taking-an- examination time wants you to gaze at himself calmly at once. Freud's self theory Freud's self theory is famous. If it is applied to a child ... @The view of that a life attitude is offensive (the word of "wanting to do" is improved [ "it does" and ] a mouth), and a thing is realistic (that it can depend has a view of itself), and a strong child has it (it has a view toward the future.). [ creative ] A sense of purpose has clarified. The self-control with a target is strong and can act according to judgment of good and evil. @On the contrary, the weak child of self is strong in the tendency to ask for pleasure unreal [ a defense-(word of "being petty" is improved / "it is disagreeable" and / mouth) view ] (for it to be absorbed in a fancy, to yearn after [ mystical power ], or to be fastidious in fortune-telling or the lines on the palms), and temporary from things, and impulsive action which cannot protect a rule increases. For example, if there is a thing needed, brakes cannot be applied to it. @As general principles, a strong child is brawny. "this c...to know what kind of child he or she is...hild is such children" is carrying out clearly. A vitality is also flourishing (cause to follow) and is extended positively one way or other. The weak child of self is irresolute on the contrary. It becomes the touch which was slow somewhere. It becomes touch called the child who does not know what is considered. @The self is considered from the viewpoint to develop and which is pulled out from the viewpoint of not lengthening of crushing. That is, any children conclude that self is equipped equally. The self will become strong if a child raises as it is in the environment which should exist. Excessive meddling overbearing on the contrary (parents' feeling of value is pushed.) parents are going to apply a child to the plan assumed beforehand -- fault concern (environment from which a breath does not escape, in view of a child side) -- a child's self will be crushed if fear (violence and abuse) every-day-izes further And although this is important, once self is crushed, restoring is very difficult for it henceforth. For example, once he or she becomes very weak at infancy, the influence will continue throughout life. The time applied especially to full 4 to 5 years old from infants is important. @In this way, man has survived long years called several 100,000 years like other animals. Also in the course, there was no difficult theory previously, and parents have not necessarily brought up a child. Such essence has not changed in about 100 years. Child bringing up has not changed, either. It is more amusing to think that it changed. Believe the " power" which the child itself has in short, and say how it is pulled out. Here is the starting point of child bringing up. Retirement of the Rubin press secretary The Rubin press secretary resigned from the Department of State in spring of 2000. It will be the person who acted as the spokesman of the American Department of State for about three years. A reason is a wife's delivery. "Retirement is decided availing of the eldest son having been born. It lives in London together for the present, and concentrates on househusband business." (report) @On the other hand, such a talk is in Japan. Before, there was a man who insisted, "The right which brings up a child was taken by the business bachelor." It is the T (53 years old) of T internal organs who assigns the head office in Tokyo. The " change to Nagoya was ordered from Tokyo. A reason Therefore, various pain -- one of children becomes truancy - - was received." As for the business bachelor, for six years continued. @In Japan, if it says, "There is work", all will be exempted. Also by the child, if it says "he studies" and there "there is homework", all will be exempted. Although the work first principle is not necessarily bad, for the reason, there is much what has fallen victim. even now -- a wife -- going -- "-- a front is made to consume -- there is a husband who vomits abusive language, saying " and "it supporting" without limit @About the business bachelor, the professor of the Melbourne university asked me like this a long time ago. "Doesn't a mandatory control have anything to a business bachelor in Japan?" When I answered "There is nothing", even the student who was in the circumference made noise, saying, "A family is made into a rose rose and what is work?" @Now, the Supreme Court second petit bench gave the following judgment to the K's of the petition in September, 1999. Reason "the business bachelor is not over the grade to which it should submit remarkably on the socially accepted idea." That is, it is with "since a business bachelor is the range which can bear, don't say a complaint." already -- what -- a word bowl -- it comes out @The A} pole of a wife participated in the seat of a press conference the Rubin press secretary's last from the outside, and it said like this. "Can a diaper be exchanged although you become Mr. mama?" it -- answering -- the Rubin press secretary -- "-- I do all required things Pertinently, it was answered as high." @Common sense of Japan is never the standard in the world. For example, although written before, if the school teacher recommends parents a child's failure in an examination, parents are glad and will follow it in the United States. "-- it is glad and is " Parents judge that the way of it is beneficial to a child. That is not right in ͺ and Japan. Only by causing light truancy, most parents become half-madness. Such "difference" piled up on the intention, and it became the Rubin press secretary and became the business bachelor of Japan. By the time in other words Japan is followed and attached to the standard in the world, a way is still far. 4-dimensional theory of child bringing up There is four directivity in child bringing up. @The (1). It is child bringing up to teach how to bring up a child (if it to see from you grandchild) into a child. "It is to scold about a child at such way". [ "a child will be brought up into such way if you become parents", and ] It is child bringing up to show the sample of child bringing up, if it says more. "Fortunate homes are such things". [ "parents and children are such things" and ] Your child repeats child bringing up which you did, when it becomes parents. Child bringing up is carried out, imagining it. @The (2). You have repeated now child bringing up which he received. Then, your past is explored. you -- the heart -- rich -- love -- did it grow up in the deep home environment? They are means supposing it meets., otherwise, your child bringing up conclude that somewhere is distorted. Notice the "distortion." You may be doing the present child bringing up, not noticing the distortion, if it carries out by accident. And the distortion may be further told from you to your child this time. It is not difficult even if it calls it ... What is necessary is to notice only this problem. Then, it heals up. @The (3). Child bringing up is seen from a "top." Its child bringing up is compared with others '. It compares with brothers, friends, and also neighboring men's. Supposing it can do, comparing with child bringing up in the world is also good. One fearful at child bringing up decides it as self-righteousness arbitrarily. The parents who brag "I am right" tend to fail in child bringing up. [ "I know about the child best" and ] Say that ventilation is improved in short. Therefore, it has a view highly. @At the last (4) Child bringing up is not free child bringing up. There are those who say, " Child bringing up is bringing oneself up" well using the word "Bring-Myself." Although it is not wrong, child bringing up is not such a sweet thing. Bringing up a child, parents cross many mountains, cross a valley and are brought up without acceptance or declining. To be sure, the parents who take a child to a kindergarten for the first time are young, and a bottom is shallow although it is beautiful. However, a posture becomes low soon and humane depth is made while [ such parents also suffer troubles by child bringing up ]. Parents do not bring up a child. A child brings up parents. Man teaches [ a child ] parents what thing it is. @As mentioned above, I am calling it "4-dimensional theory of child bringing up" that four directivity, future, the past, outside, and inside, is in child bringing up. ![]() |