Dear Hiroshi, In answer to your questions about library procedures: 1. In our school which is Kindergarten-5th grade, ages 5-10, students come to the library once a week for a 30 min. class time. Some schools in the United States have 45 min. and some an hour class time. Due to our size (560 students) and limited amount of extra time, our students come for 30 min. classes. Our students also go to physical education four times a week, choir (music) twice a week, computer lab twice a week, and have a daily recess time. All of these are for 30 min. periods of time. When students begin middle school, grades 6-8, they no longer have a single classroom teacher and go to extra scheduled classes during the week, but then go to hourly classes with different teachers who teach only one subject like English, history, math, science, etc. At these ages it is the English teacher who brings the students to the library occasionally for directed library classes, to check out assigned books to read for book reports, etc. Other teachers bring classes to the library when the teacher wishes to have the students to be doing a research project and they use the library for gathering information for their reports. 1 私たちの学校では、幼稚園から5学年までの、年齢的には5歳から10歳までは、週に1 度、30分、図書館へ来ます。合衆国では、45分のところもあれば、1時間のところもありま す。時間は、学校の大きさによってもきまりますが、私たちの学校では、560人クラスというこ ともあり、時間が制限されています。それで30分のクラスということになります。生徒たちはほ かに、週に4回の体育の授業、2回の合唱の授業、2回のコンピュータの授業、それに毎日R ECESS(休息)の時間があります。 これらはすべて30分単位の授業です。6学年から8学年のミドル学校(中学校)では、一人 の教師だけの担任指導制ではなく、週の間は、スケジュールにそったほかのクラスに行くこと になります。この場合は、一時間単位で、それぞれ違った先生(教科担任制)で、たとえば英 語、歴史、数学、科学などを生徒は学びます。これらの学年では、ときどき図書館へ生徒を連 れてくるのは、英語の先生です。そして宿題となった本をしっかりと読んでいるか、レポートを書 いているかなどをチェックします。ほかの教科の先生は、たとえば先生が望むようなリサーチを してほしいときなどに、生徒を図書館へ連れてきます。で、生徒たちは、彼らのレポートのため に、情報を集めるためい図書館を利用します。 2. When the students come to the library where I teach, all get to choose a book on their own. However, there are some guide lines. For kindergarten I select about 30 books which would be age appropriate for them and have students to select one book from the 30 I've laid out on the table. I first have a story time in which I teach certain skills like what is an author, a title, an illustrator, a publisher, a title page, a call number, etc. I also go over topics like book care, library behavior, manners, etc. Other times I introduce to special authors, books which have won special awards like the Caldecott, etc. Then I do a quick book review of all 30 books I've placed on the table and then students come in small groups to select a book and take back to their classroom to read and share with their classmates until their library time the next week. 2 私が教えている図書館へ生徒がくるときは、彼ら自身で本を選びます。しかし一定のガイド ラインはあります。幼稚園クラスでは、私は適当と思われる約30冊の本を選び、それらをテー ブルの上に並べて、子どもたちにそれらの中から選ばせるようにしています。で、最初に、私は 子どもたちに、作者とは何か、タイトルとは何か、イラストレーターとは何か、出版社とは何かな どの説明など、読書に必要な知識を教えます。私はまたどのように本を扱ったらよいか、図書 館でのマナーなども教えます。ほかの時間では、とくに選んだ作家や、たとえばカルデコット賞 のような賞をとった本を紹介します。それからテーブルに並べた30冊すべての本について、簡 単な説明をし、生徒を小さなグループに分け、1冊の本を選ばせ、教室へ戻します。子どもたち はつぎの週まで、仲間と本を共有しながら、その本を読みます。 First & second grades select books on their own, but are kept in the easy section of the library where books are on their age level. These are easy to read books with many pictures. 1学年と2学年では、自分たちで本を選ばせますが、その年齢のレベルの本があるところで選 ばせます。それらは写真(絵)の多い、簡単な本です。 Third-fifth grades can select a book from anywheres in our library; easy, fiction, biography, or nonfiction sections. The rule is they must choose a book they can read. Sometimes teachers request students read a book from a particular section or about a certain topic like insects, or biography. At our school we also require fourth graders to read a book from one of the nonfiction sections once a month. This is to get them acquainted with each of the ten sections of the Dewey Decimal System. This gives them a well-rounded approach to reading of different subject materials. One month it may be history, the next month science, next month poetry and literature, next month technology, next month fine arts, etc. The other three times they come they may choose a book of their choice from anywhere in the library. 3学年から5学年は、図書館のどこからでも本を選んでよいことになっています。「簡単な本」、 フィクション、伝記、あるいはノンフィクションなど。彼らが読みたい本を選ぶのが原則になって います。ときには先生が、ある特定のコーナーの本を生徒に読んでもらうこともあります。たと えば昆虫に関する本とか伝記などから選んだりします。 私たちの学校では、4学年の子どもには、月に一度、ノンフィクションのコーナーから本を選ば せ、読むように指導しています。これは子どもたちを、DEWEY DECIMAL SYSTEMの10 分類のそれぞれになれさせるためです。このことによって、違ったテーマの読書をしながら、バ ランスのとれた読書を子どもたちができるようになります。たとえばある月は歴史、つぎの月は 科学、つぎの月は詩や文学、つぎの月はテクノロジー、つぎの月は芸術というようにです。ほか の3回は、生徒たちが自分で好きな本をどこかでも選んでよいということにしています。 3. Each child comes to the library once a week and selects a book of their choosing as long as it is one they can read and meets either the teacher or my specifications depending on the subject we are covering. I don't require book reports, but their classroom teachers sometimes do. It depends on what the lesson for them is. 3 それぞれの子どもは、週に一度、図書館へ来て、彼らが読める本であり、先生の指導に添 ったものであれば、生徒たちは自分で本を選ぶことができます。私自身は本についてのレポー ト(感想文など)は要求しません。しかし先生によっては、そのような指導をする先生もいます。 どういう目的の授業によるかで違います。 4. Each student is assessed by his/her classroom teacher through various testing and one-on-one work together. If a child needs to be steered to a certain level of reading material, the teacher will tell me and the child. In some schools they are using a new program called accelerated reader to entice students to read more by giving rewards for their accomplishments when they pass tests on the books they've read. Sometimes this is good and sometimes not. 4 それぞれの生徒は、いろいろなテストや、個人面談で能力を評価されます。ある特定の読 書レベルに達するのが必要と思われる子どもについては、先生のほうから私(読書指導担当) や子どもに、そのような連絡があります。生徒にたくさんの本を読ませるための速読プログラ ムを実施している学校もあります。そしてspれが達成できた子どもに賞をあげたりしています。 しかしこれはときにはよいようですが、ときに悪いようです。 The more a child reads, especially if he/she is reading at home with parents assistance, the better a child's vocabulary and reading ability becomes. Reading is the most important skill of all. It is the skill used in every subject area (including math) and every aspect of life. This is the main skill we focus on in elementary school. The other two major skills are writing and mathematics. Then comes technology, science, and history/geography. 子どもたちは読書をすればするほど、たとえば家で両親の助けで読書をするようなとき、語彙 力が身につきますし、読書能力が高くなります。読書能力はすべての中で、もっとも大切な能 力のひとつです。それはあらゆる科目(たとえば数学の分野においても)に、使われる能力で す。そしてこれが小学レベルでの、重要な指導のひとつでもあります。ほかの二つの重要な指 導は、書くことと、数学です。つぎにテクノロジー、科学、歴史、それに地理ということになりま す。 5. I am the only degreed librarian in our school. Most schools have only one, but that depends on their size. If a school has over 1000 students, like in secondary schools, they may have two. I do have a library aide who assists me in running the library. She takes care of the circulation desk while I teach classes, does some clerical work, shelves books, repairs books, etc. The library media specialist (librarian) must have a teaching degree (bachelor's of education)and a master's degree in library media. The aide only has to have a high school education. I am like a half time teacher and half time administrator. 5 私だけが、資格をもった司書です。ほとんどの学校では、ひとりだけしかいませんが、それ は学校の大きさにもよります。たとえば中学校のように、1000人の生徒がいれば、たとえば2 人ということになります。図書館を運営するのに、一人の補助員をもっています。私が教えてい るあいだ、貸し出し、本を並べる、本の修理などの仕事をしてくれます。司書は教員資格(教育 学の学位)と、図書メデイアの修士号の学位をもっていなければなりません。補助員は。高卒 でもできます。私は半分教師で、半分学校の理事をしています。 I might add that in the upper grades I spend more time teaching library skills and less time with storytime with them. However, I do try to include literature of various forms in the majority of my lessons for our children love to hear stories, both fiction and nonfiction. Books are very important to our schools in the United States. 補足するなら、私は図書館指導のほうが中心で、読み聞かせのほうはあまりしていません。し かしいろいろな形の文学を子どもたちに紹介しようと考えています。そうすることで、子どもたち は物語や、フィクション、ノンフィクションを読むのが好きになります。我執国では、読書指導は とても重要な教育になっています。 I hope I have answered your questions to your satisfaction. If you have more, please feel free to contact me. I appreciate getting to share this information with you. あなたの質問にお答えできたことを望みます。何かわからないことがあれば、またご連絡くださ い。 Sincerely, D W エルムデイル小学校司書 アーカンソー州 エルムデイル小学校
I will try to better explain some of the information you requested. ご質問の件につき、お答えします。 1. What I meant by directed library classes is where the classroom teacher sets a time with the library media specialist for his/her class to come to the library to either look for books for book reports, to look for information on specific research projects or reports, or to have the librarian explain and/or demonstrate how to efficiently use library resources. This is done mainly in the upper grades 3-12 and more so in grades 6-12. Grades 6-12 do not have regularly scheduled library times, but teachers bring their classes to the library as needed. They first schedule a time with the librarian, so there won't be too many classes in the library at once. The classroom teacher remains there with his/her class with the librarian assiting the classroom teacher and students in whatever they need at that time; like locating information, finding particular books, using computers, etc. 1、「directed class」というのは、クラスの教師が、図書専門教師とともに、図書館へやって きて、読書リポートに関する本や、研究プロジェクトの本をさがしたりするクラスのことをいいま す。そのとき司書は、どうすればより効率的に本をさがしたり、情報を得ることができるかを説 明したりします。このクラスは、3年から12年生でなされ、6年から12年ではもっと多くなりま す。6年から12年は、時間割にして規則的になされているものではありません。必要に応じて 教師が子どもたちを図書館へ連れてきます。まず教師は司書と時間の打ち合わせをします が、時間数はそれほど多くはありません。クラスの教師は、司書と一緒に図書室へ入ります が、司書は必要なときに教師や生徒を助けます。たとえばどこに情報があり、どこに特別の本 があるかとか、あるいはコンピュータを調べたりするなど。 The library media specialist's job involves many aspects. He/she is responsible for selecting print and nonprint materials for the library, ordering these materials, processing and cataloging them, and staying within a fixed yearly budget. We get $10 per child a year in our budget to spend on library materials. These materials are not all books and not just for the students. Many of the materials we purchase are for the classroom teacher to use in his/her instructional needs for subjects being taught in their classroom. The librarian for grades K-5 teaches each classes both regularly scheduled ones (like once a week for a 30 min. class time) and classes which the classroom teacher requests getting assistance from the librarian when the class is doing a research project. Sometimes teachers just send small groups of students to the library at a time when he/she does not have a regularly scheduled time and has time to assist the small group which has been planned ahead of time between the librarian and the classroom teacher. 図書室の専門家の仕事は、多くの分野に及びます。たとえばプリントさらた情報や、印刷され ていない情報を選ぶ仕事、そうした情報を請求したり、整理したりする仕事、年度内の予算編 成など。私たちの学校では、生徒一人当たり、史料購入のために10ドルの予算をかけていま す。これらの資料は、本だけとか、生徒だけに使うものではありません。ク資料の多くは、クラ スの教師が授業で使うのに必要な教材のためのものです。 K−5学年では、規則正しく(たとえば週に1度30分)図書室での授業をします。ほかに何か研 究で必要なときに、図書室での授業をします。ときどき教師は、小さなグループに分けて、通常 授業のない教師が生徒を連れてくることもあります。そのばあいは、あらかじめ教師と司書の 間で、話し合って決めます。 The librarian is also responsible for keeping the school informed of many current events happening in the educational field in our area. We have some district, county, and state level groups that contact the librarian who passes the information about workshops, meetings, etc. on to the staff. 司書はまた、私たちの仕事の範囲で、起こったできごとについて、学校にそのつど報告しなけ ればなりません。あるいは地方レベル、州レベルの人たちと情報交換などのために連絡を取り 合っています。 There are many other jobs involved, but this gives you an idea of some of the main areas done by the librarian. ほかにも多くの仕事がありますが、だいたいの内容はこれでわかってもらえたと思います。 2.Call number This is the letters and numbers using the Dewey Decimal System which are given to each book to identify where in the library that book or other material should be located. There are ten main divisions in the Dewey Deciaml System depending on the subject of the material and then the major subjects are divided even more according to specific subjects. For example the 600's are applied technology. 636 is the number given to domestic pets. 636.7 is the number for dogs as pets. Then 636.734 is the number for a particular breed of dog. After the Dewey Decimal Number is determined then the first three letters of the author's last name is put below the number. Books are shelved in the nonfiction (numbered areas) by numerical value first, then by the author's last name, and then by the title name if the author has written more than one title of the same subject. 2、「コールナンバー」について。これはDEWEY 分類法による、これによって本を分類し、図 書室のどこにどのような本があるかがわかります。DEWEY 分類法によれば、10の分野に 本は分類され、さらに重要な項目については、詳しく分類されています。たとえば600台は、応 用科学。636台は家庭内ペット、636.7はペットとしての犬というようにです。さらに636.73 4は犬の飼育に関してというようにです。このようにDEWEY分類法で区分されたのちは、作者 の最初の3文字がナンバーの下におかれ、そしてその本はたとえばノンフィクションの番号の 打たれたところに、作者の名前の順に置かれます。さらに一人の作家がたくさんの本を書いて いるときには。タイトルの順に並べられます。 We also have fiction books put in two separate sections: easy and fiction. Easy are for young children. These are very easy to read books or books with lots of pictures. Fiction books are mainly chapter books for older students to read. These are placed by E for easy or Fic for fiction on the first line and then the first three letters of the authors last name on the second line. That makes up the call number. フィクションの本は、二つのセクションに置かれます。「イージイ」とフィクションに分けます。「イ ージイ」というのは、小さな子供用のことをいいます。簡単な本やイラストの多い本が「イージイ な本」ということになります。フィクションの本は、章立てになっていて、年長の子どもたちが読 みます。これらは「E」もしくは「FIC」というコーナーに置かれ、作者の名前の最初の3文字が二 行目に書かれます。これがコールナンバーと呼ばれるものです。 Another section in the libray is the biography. The call number for this is different from all other sections. Books are placed on the shelf according to whom the book has been written about. For example, a biography about George W. Bush would be placed as B for biography or number 92 (libraries can use either the number 92 or the alphabetical letter B to designate that section. At our school we use the number 92) and below that will be the first three letters of the last name of the person the book is about. In this case it would be Bus. Then if several books have been written about that person, the books are put in order next by who the author of the book was, then by titles if one person wrote more than one biography about a person. 図書室のもうひとつのセクションは、伝記コーナーです。この場合のコールナンバーは、他の 分野とは違います。その本がだれについてかかれたものであるかによって、分類されます。た とえばジョージWブッシュについての伝記は、伝記のBのところ、あるいは92番(図書館によっ て、Bを使ったり92番を使ったりあします。私たちの学校では92という数字で分類していま す。)そしてその下に、その本に書かれている人の名前の最初の3文字を書きます。この場合 は、「BUS」となります。それからその人について、たくさんの本が書かれているときには、作家 順に、さらに一人の作家がその人についてたくさんの本を書いているときには、タイトル順に並 べます。 We also have a reference section in our library which have books that can only be used while in the library, but not checked out by students. Teachers can check them out for one day only. These are books like almanacs, encyclopedias, unabridged dictionaries, etc. These books are very expensive, or come in sets, or have only statistical information which one would use for reference material. These books are ones that are not usually read cover to cover. また図書室には資料コーナーがあります。これらの資料は図書室のみで閲覧できますが、生 徒は使うことができません。教師のみが閲覧することができます。これらの本というのは、地図 や辞典、辞書などをいいます。これらの本はたいへん高価で、たいていは統計的な資料があ り、セットになっています。これらの本は、とおして読むという種類の本ではありません。 In our library we have over 12,000 books total which students can check out plus our refernce books and other materials and equipment. We add to this collection each year. We also weed outdated materials or ones that are simply worn out. Sometimes we replace discarded books if they are very important ones. 3. Caldecott award: The American Library Association has been selecting one children's book each year for over 80 years now to receive the outstanding picture book award. The illustrator receives this award. Most of these have been either easy books or fairy tale books (398.2) and are for younger children. The award is given in honor of Randolph Caldecott who in the late 1800's began putting illustrations in published children's books in England. I always let the children know which book is selected each year and share that book with them. We pay particular attention to the pictures. Another award that is given each year by the American Library Associaton is the Newberry Award which is given to the author with the best children's book printed the year before. A committee of 15 children's librarians from the American Libray Association select that winner in January of the next year. It is usually given to a fiction book, but there have been biographies and nonfiction titles chosen in the past. John Newberry was the first person to start publishing children's books in the middle 1700's in England. He owned a bookstore and a publishing company and thought books should be for children too. I usually do a book talk on this as I don't have time to read the complete book to the students. 4. Storytime: For kindergarten-second grades yes, I usually read one or two stories to them each class time. I use the books I'm going to read to also teach information like author, title, call number on the book spine, title page of books, parts of a book, book care, etc. I have one topic I cover each time and we add information about books to that week by week. Books I read are ones that are by a particular author I'm emphasizing, an award winner, a particular subject we're covering, or just a fun book that is new that I want to share with them. We are given guidelines to go by the Arkansas State Department of Education as to what library skills should be taught to each grade level. It is up to the individual librarians as to what stories he/she chooses to read and how he/she chooses to teach the objectives required for each grade level. For grades 3-5 I do more instructional topics with them. I read a story to them occasionally and sometimes even read a novel which may take five to six class times to get read. I do book talks on books which have something in common like the Newberry award, another contest we are in called the Charlie May Simon nominees, historical fiction, poetry selections, biographies, etc. We learn a lot of library skills too like how to write a book, how to locate a book using the call number and the automated card catalog, storytelling, locating information using reference books, etc. 5. Easy Section: When Melvil Dewey came up with the Dewey Decimal System, all books were given a number, but as time went by it was found some sections had far far more books than others. To make it easier, children's picture books were placed in a separate section called the Easy section. This section is for everybody, but especially younger ones. Books here are about 30 pages in length with lots of pictures. Some are very easy to read for beginning readers and others are not so easy, but have a short story with lots of pictures. Even if the child can't read it, he/she can still enjoy the book. A picture is sometimes worth a 1000 words. 6. Dewey Decimal System: Yes, it is a standard we use in public schools and public libraries for classifying books and other materials. Colleges use a much more broader system know as the Library of Congress method. 7.Accelerated Reader: This is a new program which has only been around for about 6-7 years now. This is a method of enticing students to read more by getting credit if they can pass a special test designed for a book. Only a small percentage of books presently have tests made for them and automated on discs. This is a very expensive program costing about $10,000 to set up in a school. Then each year more discs are purchased with book tests on them. There is even space for teachers or librarians to make up their own tests over a book. We don't have this program at our school as we feel students should read because they won't to read, not for a reward. Also, many schools which have started this program, are finding students won't read a book unless it is on the accelerated reading list which has a test to take after reading the book, so they can get rewards. Rewards can be anything from candy, toys, stickers, etc. Many good books go untouched unless teachers or librarians have the time to make out a test for that book and put it on the automated program. With 12,000 books in our library and only about 1000 on the accelerated reader program, I would not have time to do this. 8. One to 0ne work means a teacher working directly with a student. usually teachers give the whole class an assignment to do like math problems then he/she works one-on-one with a student while rest of the class is doing their math problems. She works with one by one as time provides. 9. Recess is play time on the playground. They need this for recreation and as a break from studying. Another class is here and I must go. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Sincerely,
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