2007年 ●「スイングジャーナル」2007年4月号 カラー広告/M&Iカンパニー、What's up now!「SJ ホット・インタビュー」、ディスクレビュー(小西啓一氏)、ライブスケジュール ●「ジャズライフ」4月号 ディスクレビュー(たちばな薫氏)、ライブスケジュール ● music pen club MPC LAND Review 2007年4月号 http://www.musicpenclub.com/review-200704.html /高木信哉氏によるアルバムレビュー ●「Jazz Page」http://www.jazzpage.net/ 【CD/DVD アクセスランキング 1位】 獲得(4/2現在) ●インターネット ラジオ ステーション「Japan Jazz Net」/ナビゲーター:hanao 3/28よりオンエア中 #426" THE STATION" CD「Black Eyes」よりFilter 4/2よりオンエア中 #428" THE PICK UP" CD「Black Eyes」より祈りのバラード/Ballade No4.(ショパン Op52) ●「Japan Jazz Net」"大切な曲"について寄稿『ジャズへのアプローチ/フィルター』 ●「Jazz Today」No.36 NEW DISC INDEX ●FM K-MIX「カフェ キャラメル・ミルク」4/18 午前11:30~12:00浜松K-MIXスタジオより生放送/DJ.小林千穂 ●FM Hallo!「ミュージック カウントダウン」3/24 午後2:00~ 浜松UP-ONスタジオにて生出演/DJ.鶴田トシミ ●SBSラジオ「インヴィテーション トゥ ジャズ」3/25 深夜1:00~2:00/DJ.今村政司 ●静岡新聞 夕刊:芸能欄 静岡新聞社本社にてインタビュー記事 4/16(夕刊) ●中日新聞 インタビュー記事 4/19(夕刊) ●東京新聞 インタビュー記事 5月
2005年 ●「スイングジャーナル」2005年6月号 見開き表紙カラーグラビア広告/M&Iカンパニー、What's up now!「SJ ホット・インタビュー」、Disc Review、「スイングジャーナル」10月号 話題のジャズ・ライブ・レポートコーナー記事掲載 ●jazz today(No.16インタビュー記事) ●月刊「エレクトーン」2005年8月号 PICK UP NEWS ●「JAZZ LIFE」 7月号 Disc Review ●静岡第一TV「まるごとワイド」特集:藤田ゆかりメジャーデビュー ●10月22日(土)生出演決定!FM豊橋84.3M Hz「Weekend Cafe 843」朝8時~8時半頃まで生出演 ●FM K-MIX「ハーミットドルフィンへようこそ」 ●FM Hallo!「サウンドレボリューション」 ●SBSラジオ「インヴィテーション トゥ ジャズ」 ●SBSラジオ「こずえの部屋」 ●SBSラジオ「チャーリーのFeel in good」 ●JJAZZ .NET ●中日新聞 ●静岡新聞 ●朝日新聞 ■Biography :Jazz pianist & Composer Yukari Fujita Yukari Fujita was born in Fuchu-city, Tokyo and started to playing the organ at the age of 3. At 7 she began to study the classical piano and at 15 she began to study playing the Electone. While she was enrolling in the YAMAHA performance workshop, she had played exclusively to YAMAHA and participated in a lot of competitions.
At her age of 20, she was elected The Miss Fuchu and took part in The Miss Tokyo Contest. She appeared regularly in concert and event, on various television and variety shows and on radio programs in Japan. Such as EXPO Okinawa ’75, TV program ‘NHK guide’ ‘Love Attack’ Radio program ‘Satellite Chiba’ etc. In 1977, she moved to Kakegawa-city, Shizuoka. She was awarded special prizes in both the competition of YAMAHA Popular Song Concert Tokai and the Electone festival of Tokai, In 1987 she began to playing in Piano & Violin Duo ‘La * Seine’ and in 1992 she has released the CD ‘Coffee Time Rag’ (Americana Record) She returned to practicing the classical piano and etudes for finger techniques and touching to learn wider expression of tone color. And then her musical interests shifted to jazz and had studied under Naoki Nishi. She started to play in piano trio and she released CD ‘FILTER’’ in 1997 and New York recorded CD ‘EMERALD EYES’’ in 2002 from her own label BLUE HOUSE. In 1995 she has built her own studio BLUE HOUSE and has been composed, produced and presided music salon. She is currently playing in many kinds of unit and turning her previous experience to advantage in shows, events and concerts. In May 2005 she made her dream of debut in the CD ‘Lovely Eyes’ (M&I Jazz label) and to be major jazz pianist. She is also currently working as governor for foundation of Kakegawa-city lifelong integrated education for promoting in musical culture area. She is a YAMAHA music foundation Examiner for The YAMAHA Grade Examination System of Performance 4th grade for Electone. ■Discography Cine Image(NIPPON COLUMBIA CO.,LTD.:COCP-30984)COMPOSED
SMILE the DOG (NIPPON COLUMBIA CO.,LTD.:COCQ-83602) COMPOSED.2002.6. La Lomance/Romancing Sa-Ga(NTT PUBLISHING CO.,LTD. AMERICANA RECORDS,INC.:N30D-011)CEMBALO . 1992.7. Sous Le Ciel De Paris( (King Records):KICP-225)COMPOSED Musette Of Lovers「Fuji TV drama OISHII KANKEI」(PONY CANYON:PCCR-00249)COMPOSED Coffee Time Rag(AMERICANA RECORDS,INC.:28C 8126J)COMPOSED、PIANO、CEMBALO、VOCAL.1992. Filter(BLUE HOUSE:BH-9711)Yukari Fujita Trio.1997.11. Emerald Eyes(BLUE HOUSE:BH-0208)Yukari Fujita Trio.2002.8. Hello,Baby!(Antenatal training & nursing time music)(BLUE HOUSE:BH-0206) COMPOSED.Computer music 2002.6. FOREVER(BLUE HOUSE:BH-0207) COMPOSED.Computer music.2002.7. Breath of Birth (A breathing method for pregnant women) COMPOSED.Produced 2003. Love Song For You:Yoshiko Matsui(Vocal). COMPOSED.Produced.Yukari Fujita Trio 2004.6. Natural Love ~AISURU HITO HE~COMPOSED.Produced.Yukari Fujita Trio 2004.6. Lovely Eyes(M&I RECORDS,PONY CANYON MYCJ-30331)Yukari Fujita Trio+1 2005.5.18. Ensyu-Matsuri- Uta:Kiyomi Matsumoto(Vocal)/ Debut CD.COMPOSED.Computer music.2005.6.1. Ka-san:Takashi Koizumi(Vocal)/Debut CD.COMPOSED.Computer music.2005.8.1. Hello,Baby! part2 (Antenatal training & nursing time music)Arrangement.Yukari Fujita Trio.2006. ■Performance(1998~main ivents) '98. 7.『MACHI-DUKURI Concert』Kakegawa-city Sponsored
'99.11.Yukari Fujita Trio Jazz Concert (SBS Radio Program) '99.12. Millennium Jazz Live at Sheraton Grande Tokyo Bay Hotel '00. 1. SBS Radio Program「Invitation To JAzz」 '00. 3. NIHON Television Program「TOKU HE IKITAI」 '00.11. & '01.6 JAZZ LIVE in MAGHREB/Hotel Nikko Tokyo '01. 8. & '02. 8. Street Jazz In Shizuoka '01.12. ECOPA future meeting/Panelist&Piano performance '02. 8. Citizens of the prefecture Of Shizuoka prefecture 「FUREAI Concert」Shizuoka prefecture Sponsored '02. 9. CD「EMERALD EYES」New Release Live/Tokyo、Kakegawa、Hamamatsu '03. 4. NHK FM Radio Program「Session 505」Yukari Fujita Trio +2 '03. 8. Street Jazz In Shizuoka '03、'04、'05 Summer 『KAKEGAWA JAZZ FESTIVAL』plan and appearance '04. 9. HAMAMATSU JAZZ DAY '04.10.11. 『Kakeagwa-city School Concert』 plan and appearance '04.11. New York Recording .YukariFujita Trio+1 '05.5. CD Major Debut M&I RECORDS '05.5. Shizuoka-city office Lobby Concert '05.5. SHIZUOKA DAI-ICHI Television Program「MARUGOTO-WIDE」Special「Yukari Fujita Major Debut」 '05. 5. SBS Radio Program「Invitation To JAzz」 '05. 5. FM K-MIX Radio Program「Welcome To Hermit Dolphin」 '05. 5. FM Hallo! Radio Program「Sound Revolution」 '05.7. CD「Lovely Eyes」 Release Japan Tour (12 places of Japan) '05.11. 「Major Debut Concert 」Kakegawa-city BIKAN Hall.plan and appearance ' BLUE HOUSE LIVE. plan and appearance '06.2. CD「Hello,Baby! part 2」Recording. Yukari Fujita Trio '06.10. CD「Lovely Eyes」Recording at Hollywood L.A. '07.3. CD「Lovely Eyes」 Release (M&I RECORDS)